Chapter 5 - why i thought i am over you

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"I don't wanna go there. Not. Today.
Please, I love my bed, and my TV and my food over here"

I turned around under my covers and snuggled into my pillows while smiling happily.

I groaned angry as Brynn walked to my TV to turn it off and grabbing my blankets from my bed.

"I promised Jayden to bring you. So get your ass up, it has been way to long since you have been outside !!"

I groaned by the thought of getting ready and leaving my comfy pillows. In the last week, i just wanted to sleep and sleep.
Nothing more, nothing less.
And getting over him.
Which was by the way pretty successful.
Or at least I thought so.

"Okay, you take a shower, I pick out your outfit and organize your room a little bit, I can't stand this mess, girl"

She chuckled at me as I slowly got up and walked to the bathroom.

I felt fresh again in an outfit I didn't have on for 4 days straight, with light makeup , and my room was suddenly not full of tissues, empty food boxes and dirty plates.
I actually felt pretty good. If you look at what I'm going trough.

I grabbed my phone as I walked after Brynn who was kind of annoyed of the fact i didn't get my butt up. I could totally understand her.

"Finally, you made it. I actually thought already about talking to the barista while waiting. And he's actually cute"

I chuckled at Jayden, waiting at our small café next to the mall.

"Come on, sit down I already brought you a mocha caramel latte and for you Brynn I got
a coffee"

I smiled at her. They really tried to cheer me up, and I should give it a chance.

„So, anything new ? I didn't hear anything about any of you or our friends so what's up ?"

They looked at each other. I could see they didn't want me to ask this question.
It seemed like they know something they didn't want me to know.
It couldn't be that bad, right ?
I chuckled.

„Guys, you know something, please tell me !
I wanna know it, I wanna talk and gossip with you. We can have a sleepover and order pizza, we talk the whole night, that would be cool I mean-"

They looked at each other again.
And this time I am sure.
It's something I shouldn't know.
Jayden came closer to me.

"Annie, I don't think it's the best for you to know"

"But you have to tell me!"

And then I realized why she thought it's not the best for me to know.
I got angry.
How could she keep that from me ?

"It's about me, am I right ?"
Tears form in my eyes, but I quickly blink them away.
It's not the time for being emotional.

"Tell me. Fuck, tell me now, it's about me !!"

I started to yell, some people turned around looking confused at me.

"Annie, please don't get mad okay ? We tried to protect you, it's not even that important, really"

Brynn rubbed my arms while I played with the rings on my fingers.

I cut her off, not wanting to hear the excuses.
While controlling my breath, I started to talk, my voice trembled a little bit.

"One day I will know it. Please, just say it.
It's okay."

Jayden eyed Brynn, her look said something like "we-promised-not-to-say-it".
But Brynn nodded to show her it's okay.

"Uhm, Johnny he- him and Halsey, they"

She looked afraid at me, but then finished the sentence quickly.

"They are dating now"

My mouth fell open.
I could feel my heart beating out of my chest, I couldn't control my breath anymore, my view got blurry.
Brynn pulled me in a hug, while Jayden stroke my hair.

I could her them whisper at each other, while they tried to make me feel better.

"He told us not to say anything !!
And now I realize why, how could we do that to her"
"He wanted to protect her, but it's better we told her than anyone else, right "

I sat up while trying to while my tears away.

"Who said that ?"
"Hayden. He-he had a fight with Johnny some days ago, later he called him to tell him they are dating, but he never wanted you to find out. Hayden told us yesterday."

I gulped.

"I don't even now what I would do without you three, guys. Thanks for everything"

I sniffed and pulled them into a group hug.


I thought I am over him. I really thought.
I was angry, I was disappointed.
But I thought I didn't care anymore.
Sometimes I thought about our times together.
But that's it.
I got my mind off things.

And that's why I thought I am over you, Johnny.
After today I knew, that's not the truth.
You still make me cry, you still make me feel like I can't control myself anymore. You still make me breathe heavily and think about collapsing in someone's arms.

I will get over you.
But maybe not as soon as i thought.


Next chapter, hope you like it.

We are at over 200 reads that's insane, thanks to every single one of you, you make me so happy !!


Will hopefully update on some days, but I have some tests next week, I will try to write as much as possible.

Side note:
I know you won't read this, but thanks to one of my best friends who I showed this and who told me how much she loves my writing and is hyping me up.
I love you sooo much !!! <33

See you soon babes !
Kisses, Kathi

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