Chapter 13 - she is not into me anymore

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"Wow!" "You look gorgeous. The boys won't stop looking at you, Anns !" I gave them a thankful smile. Maybe that's really what I need. After not talking to him some days , I don't want to go back to feeling like after the breakup.

We drove to the party. I was excited but so nervous.

"Let's Go !"

The Girls took me inside. We greeted some of our friends and Brandon, who got us some drinks.

"Have fun tonight !"

Jayden winked as we bumped our cups together and took a sip.
Soon after that, Armani grabbed Jayden and Carson took Brynn to dance.

They hesitated . I smiled at them.

"Why are you waiting ? Let's go, dance with your men"

I laughed, even tho I stood there lonely now. I walked to the kitchen to grab some snacks.
I bumped into a guy. 
Perfect, just what i needed tonight. I looked up, opening my mouth to yell at him. I was angry, couldn't he look where he was going ?

My mouth stood open as I see a pair of emerald green eyes .

"Oh Annie-I'm so sorry "
he grabbed my hand to help me up.
I laughed.
"Seems like we always meet when we actually don't want to"

He chuckled.
But he seemed to try not to look at me.

"Everything fine ? I mean because of-"
"Yeah of course, I didn't even know why I ran away."
He nodded, looking down.

"Have fun, I'll see you"
He smiled and pushed himself past me. Slightly awkward everything. I shook my head and grabbed some water.

Back in the living room I sat down on the couch and Carson came over.


"Hey, where did You leave Brynn ?"

"She met some old friends, I'm third wheeling"
He chuckled.

"And you ? What are you doing here alone ?"

"Y'all left me"
Now I chuckled.

"I don't like to see you alone, not having fun at a party"

He took me to the dance floor. We danced to some cool songs.

It was the first time in a while that I had so much fun. Real fun, not just fake smiling.
But of course something had to ruin it.

That's when  I spotted Johnny, kissing some other girl.
I froze, and Carson seemed to realize why.
Yeah, I told him that between us it's not working. I shouldn't be jealous.

I felt my vision getting blurry. I ran past the two making out, not even realizing they stopped and Johnny looking after me.
I just wanted to leave, outside, I needed some air. I leaned against the wall, trying to control my feelings and the tears that wanted to run down my face so badly.

"You like him,right ?"
It was Hayden, I knew it. I turned to him, still trying to cover my upcoming tears.
" The question is if I ever stopped. And the answer is no, of course not! I want to be with him so badly. But I'm so so scared that he will disappoint me again. "
I whispered.
"So I said to him that I'm over him. Obviously I'm not"
i chuckled sarcastically.

But at that point I couldn't do anything against my tears. Hayden pulled my in a hug. "Maybe it's better if we just forget each other I mean-" Hayden looked at me, a little bit angry but also sympathetic

"I know I wasn't there for you in the last time, and I'm so so sorry. I guessed it's best for you if I just let you two figure out all of this without me disturbing. I'm sorry for kissing you, that was not the best idea I ever had."

He laughed and I smiled at him.

"But even tho I don't really understand what's going on, we both know you two will never be happy with leaving each other. And if you'd really don't want to be with him anymore, why are you still here ? Why are you still running away when he is trying to move on ? You are scared of losing him, but that's exactly what happens if you don't just say you like him. Because it's obvious, you know ?"

He was right. He was fucking right.

"I want to go home"
i sighted.

"Okay, i don't think i can drive you, beer already did me good, but I'll go, bringing someone other. Go sit down inside already okay ?"
He handed me the key.

"Thanks Hayden"
He smiled and went inside, while I sat down in the passenger seat of what i think is his car.
As I waited for I-don't-know-who, my head sank down on the window and I nearly drifted to sleep. But I shrugged as I heard Hayden arguing with someone.

H: Please just drive her home, she is nearly sleeping anyway.
?: why me ? She won't even talk to me, remember when she said she is over me ? No, sorry Hayden, I think it's the best when I stay away from her.
H: just go in the fucking car, you hurted her enough today.
?: sorry if I don't think about her feelings when she told me she is not into me anymore. Don't you think I'm hurt ?
I'll drive her home, but only cause you are too drunk.
H: Fine, thanks John, see you later

He got in next to me and started the car.
"Oh I didn't know you're awake. Just sleep okay ?"
I nodded and drifted away.


This book is already coming to an end, I think two chapters left ?
Sorry, I thought this would be longer but I don't know that's the story line haha :))

Ily'all anyways <333

Hope you like it, it's wayyy longer than the last one !!!


See you soon babes !!
Kisses, Kathi

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