Chapter 4 - why i am doing this

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"Do you really wonder why she sent you this?"

No. Of course I didn't.
But...Did she mean with that it's really over ?
And it'll never be the same ?

"Do you think that means -"
I stopped.
I couldn't say it out loud.

"She was so down. You broke her heart, you have to understand her.
I think she is trying to say to herself it's over.
She - She wants to get over you."

I looked down.
That's what i never wanted to hear.
Or say. Or feel.
I started to shiver.

"I know you love her. If you want her, then fight for her. But don't wait. Or she'll be gone."

I chuckled sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"How. Tell me. I mean, I didn't even apologize, I didn't even try to say something, and I don't even know why. I understand  if she doesn't want to talk to me. I'm so dumb"

"Okay, so then do nothing. Let her get over you if you want that. But don't say I didn't tell you. You made the mistake so get you ass over to her and apologize. I don't know how. But at least go to her ! "
I knew he got angry. His voice got louder.

"I don't want to be a part of your decisions.
Just one thing.
You love her. You won't get over her.You were so angry because you didn't apologize, right ? You are doing the same by not fighting for her"

He turned around and left.
He was right. He was fucking right.
But don't you think I feel the same Hayden ?
Don't you think I feel just like her ?

All I could think about was her.
And about what Hayden said.
I had to fight for her.
Or at least apologize to her.

the door bell.
I didn't expected anybody, maybe it was Hayden.

As I opened the the door I gasped.
i got hot and cold at the same time.

I cleared my throat awkwardly.

"What are you doin-"
She walked past me trough the door and sat down at the kitchen counter.

"Hey, I just wanted to look after you. It's terrible after a breakup am I right ?"
She winked at me while scanning my body.

It felt so awkward being with her, so wrong.

I responded, not looking at her.

"I thought I could maybe...distract you from her if you know what I mean"

She stood up and walked closer to me, leaving only a little space between us.

I looked down, not wanting to face her.

"Uhm - Halsey, see, I don't want that at the moment, we just broke up.
You know - I'm in love with her"

She closed her eyes and sighted as she looked at me.

"Okay John. I have an idea. I could help you getting over her. It's for the best am I right ? She clearly doesn't miss you, or else she would have called. Believe me I am right.
I am always right."
She chuckled.

"And how do you want to do this "

Not that I was thinking about saying yes.
Or maybe I was.

She looked at my eyes, and bit her lip.

"We could get together. You are my boyfriend, I bring you to party's and to my friends, you would get to know new people"

I didn't think it was a good idea.
I would hurt her even more, if she gets rid of this.

But on the other side, I would get over her, right ?
She just could never find out.
Her text said "bye John"
So maybe I should say bye too.

After what felt like an eternity, I slowly nodded my head, hoping she saw it and hoping she didn't at the same time.

"Okay !! Perfect"
She laughed that high pitched laugh I hated.
That is going to be interesting.

"So give me your phone"

She raised an eyebrow.
"I am your girlfriend now, auf course you give it to me."
She laughed , like I had made a joke.

I groaned and handed it to her.
"So my name is @babygirl,
I am at your favorites. You will delete her number and any pictures. Then we take some, kissing and stuff, so we have some for Instagram. We should both post so it's obvious.
Understood everything ?"

I nodded slowly. That hasn't been a good idea.
Clearly not.
But I pushed all my thoughts away.
I decided to do this, so I'll do it.
It couldn't be that bad right ?

"Okay, so I'll see you tomorrow babyyy, you will take me out for dinner. Friday there is a party we are going to, so be ready !!"

She pressed her lips dramatically on mine, I pulled away as fast as possibles without making her suspicious.

"See ya"
With that I slammed the door and
slowly slided down.

What have I gotten myself into.
Annie, you are the one why i am doing this.
It's you. It has always been you.


Next chapter for you !!
Hope y'all like it. I'm not very happy about it, but it's okay.

And please follow me, hehe <33

I updated the cover, let me know if you like this one better, because I LOVE it <3

I have no school for some days because of the snow here so I hope I can update more !!

Side note:
If you love #johannie, go follow @johannie.mp4 on Instagram, she is making the BEST edits ever !! xo

See you soon babes!!
Kisses, Kathi

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