§Chapter 1§

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The air outside was cold. Almost winter. Aliza woke up, got ready for school, and went to the kitchen. Her parents had already left for work, as usual. "Great," she thought "another day to be alone." She walked to the bus stop just as she always had. Aliza heard the bus coming but when it stopped to pick her up she noticed something was different. But it wasn't something it was someone. Someone she had never seen before. As Aliza got on the bus she realized the boy was in the seat she had always sat in. "Can I sit with you?" she asked the boy shyly. He didn't respond he just nodded his head. Just as she sat down in the seat she heard someone behind her say "Hey look she does have friends! " Then everyone broke into loud laughter. She felt her eyes burning from the tears she was fighting against. She just knew her face was bright red. The boy looked at her not laughing. "Why did they say that?" he asked shyly but curious. "I don't have any friends. " she replied her voice almost a whisper. The boy didn't say anything for a few minutes. He just stared at her. "Well, my name is Nate Brice." he said "Can I be your friend? " he asked smiling just enough she could tell. Suddenly she couldn't breathe. No one has ever said that to her or actually talked to her. "Y-Yea." she said stuttering "I'm Aliza Bekka." "That's a beautiful name, Aliza. " Nate replied looking embarrassed. She felt herself blush. "Thanks. " she said smiling slightly.

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