§Chapter 8§

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"Goodmorning" Nate said. "Morning." I said smiling. It was now Saturday so we didn't have school. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday flew by so fast. "Do you just want to lay here?" he asked. "Yea." I said feeling myself blush. Nate smiled. Man I love his smile. I thought to myself. He kissed my lips softly. Then we were staring into each others eyes. "I love you. You know that?" "Yes I know that." I told Nate. "I want to take you out tonight. " Nate said after a long silence. "Okay, where?" I asked. "Um, you pick." Nate said. "How about where we went last time?" I asked Nate. "Yea that will work, Aliza. " Nate smiled. The bedroom door opened suddenly and a man came in making his way towards me. I screamed and Nate jumped up to get him out. The man, which happens to be my father, hit Nate once and he was on the floor. I screamed even louder. He picked me up bridal style so I couldn't kick him. It was obvious that Nate was knocked out because he wasn't moving. I couldn't see where he was taking me because of the blinding terror and tears that were streaming my face. "Where are you taking me!!??" I choked out. He didn't respond he just kept walking towards the door. The front door to be exact. Just as soon as we were outside I started screaming louder than ever. Then it went black.

          *Couple of hours later*

I woke up in the dark. I didn't know where I was or what I was doing here. Where was Nate!? Then it all hit me. My "father" kidnapped me! Now what do I do!? "Someone help!!" I screamed even though it was useless. Will I ever see Nate again or be in his arms? When will this nightmare end?

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