§Chapter 7§

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We finally got to the restaurant. I was so hungry to. "What do u want?" Nate asked. "Uh, I'll take soup I guess I've never been here to eat before. Actually I've never been to a restaurant since I was like two years old." I said. "Oh, okay well the cheeseburgers are really good." said Nate. "Okay I'll have a cheeseburger then." I said smiling and laughing. After dinner we went back to his house. When we walked up to his driveway there was a car there and it wasn't there when we left. "My mom is back." Nate said. "Its already been a month?" I asked confused. "Yea." he said as he kissed my forehead. "My mom wants to meet you by the way." "Really!? How does she know about me?" I asked. "Well I talk about you a lot." he said blushing. "Oh." I said smiling uncontrollably. I kissed his chin because that's as far as I can reach. "Well let's go in." I said smiling. We walked into his house and I saw that his mother was sitting quietly on the couch. She was pretty,but not quite as tall as Nate. He must have gotten his height from his father. "Nate!" she screamed. "You're okay. Thank God you're okay." "I'm fine mom. " Nate said trying to calm her down. Apparently she saw the mess that my mom had made when she broke in earlier and we didn't clean it up. "Mom I want you to meet my girlfriend, Aliza. " said Nate. "Hi." I said shyly. "Hi it's nice to meet you, Aliza. " said his mom. "I am Izzy Brice. You can call me Izzy if you want to." said Mrs. Brice. "Okay." I said. "So how did you two meet?" Izzy asked as we all sat down on the furniture. Nate told her the story about how we met, and then he explained why the house was a complete mess. "So that's it." Nate said finishing it off. "Oh my..." Izzy trailed off deep in thought. "I'm so sorry about asking I didn't know..." "It's okay." I say cutting her off but in a nice shy way. She just starred at me for a few minutes and I started to think she didn't like me. "Nate." she said. "Yes?" Nate asked. "You had better take care of Aliza and don't let anyone hurt her." said Izzy. "Yes ma'am." said Nate smiling. "And Aliza, you can stay here as long as you want to, and if your mother comes back I will tell the police." she said. "Okay. Thank you so much!" I said thanking her. Next thing I know I'm in one of Nate's warm hugs. My favorite kind. "Are you tired?" Nate asked. It was about 10:30p.m. when he asked. "Yea a little." I said. "Okay then let's go to sleep." said Nate smiling. We were in his room and I was wrapped in his arms. "I love you, beautiful." he whispered in my ear. "I love you to." I whispered back. "Goodnight, sweetheart." Nate whispered. "Night." I replied. After he kissed me we fell asleep.

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