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"(Y/N)!" A familiar female voice said, I turned around and saw Evie running up to me "hey Evie" I went and hugged her "your father is looking for you" she said worried "why what's going on?" I sighed "I don't know, everyone knows he's looking for you because he is in his lion form" she sounded worried "where is he?" I rolled my eyes and recited the spell to transform in my head "down by the docks" she pointed in the direction "why though?" I smirked "have no clue, hurry up though, Mal wants us to meet up at where we usually hang out" with that I pounced away to go find my dad...

-time skip-

I reached the docks and saw him sat proudly on a low roof of an abandoned house "what's important dad?" I asked and he growled, I just laid back and stared at him (like pic above) "I mean, sir" I gulped "what did I tell you about running off?" He snarled "did you want me to get food or not?" I sighed and stood back up reciting another spell before becoming my human self "that's what your mother does! Your the only one responsible enough to be queen!" He smirked evilly "what's wrong with Nuka? Or Kovu? Why can't they be king! I hate this" I looked away, I saw a clock behind me "sorry dad but I have to go! I'm meeting Mal and the others somewhere" I smiled and dashed off.

-at the hide out-

I picked up a rock and threw it at the sign to open the door and dashed upstairs until I was greeted with mine and Mal's drawings "IM HERE!" I tried to catch my breath placing my hand on the wall... which had wet spray paint on it, the others just laughed as Mal buried her head in her hands "what?" I took my hand off the wall and saw the black paint on my hand "oops" I smiled "anyway what's so important?" I asked "I need you to look out around the area, from.... shrimpy" Mal growled at the nickname "why me?" I asked "your the only one who can use some sort of magic around here, and because your part lion, you can patrol from high places" Mal pointed out "I'll do it with you (y/n) Carlos smiled and I blushed heavily, I have the largest crush on him, but my dad doesn't allow it. "N-no I'll be fine" I smiled before I recited the spell "I'll be back here for noon" I leaped off...

-time skip-

I noticed Mal spray painting a picture with her mom and "long live evil" on top of it and started to sing, it was our usual thing anyway. So I leaped off to find the others.

Your still in your lion form

M: They say I'm trouble
They say I'm bad
They say I'm evil
And that makes me glad

J: A dirty no-good
Down to the bone
Your worst nightmare
Can't take me home

E: So I've got some mischief
In my blood
Can you blame me?
I never got no love

C: They think I'm callous
A low-life hood
I feel so useless

You: Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who's the baddest of them all?
Welcome to my wicked world, wicked world

All: I'm rotten to the core, core
Rotten to the core
I'm rotten to the core, core
Who could ask for more?
I'm nothing like the kid next—like the kid next door
I'm rotten to the (core), I'm rotten to the (core)
I'm rotten to the core.

M: Call me a schemer
Call me a freak
How can you say that?
I'm just... unique!

J: What, me? A traitor?
Ain't got your back?
Are we not friends?
What's up with that?

E: So I'm a misfit
So I'm a flirt
I broke your heart?
I made you hurt?

C: The past is past
Forgive, forget
The truth is...
You ain't seen nothing yet!

You: Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who's the baddest of them all?
Welcome to my wicked world, wicked world

All: I'm rotten to the core, core
Rotten to the core
I'm rotten to the core, core
Who could ask for more?
I'm nothing like the kid next—like the kid next door
I'm rotten to the (core), I'm rotten to the (core),
I'm rotten to the core


Mal took a lollipop from a child, we all stood there smirking, I became my human self before everyone started running away "umm Mal?" I pointed behind her and she put a serious face on "Hi mom" she said to the guards which her mom was stood behind "stealing candy Mal? So disappointed" she smirked "it was from a baby" Mal brought a smile to her moms face "that's my nasty little girl" she seemed proud of Mal, that was before she spat on the lollipop "give it back to the dreadful creature" she handed the lollipop to one of the guards Mal "mom!" Mal scoffed "it's about the detes Mal that makes the difference between mean" maleficent started "and truly evil" she said with a fake happy accent.

After that I zoned out "hey (y/n) are you ok?" Evie asked "yeah, just my dad with his kingdom expectations" I sighed "what's wrong now?" She asked "he wants me to stay within his sight at all times cause I'm gonna be "Queen" next, but it's impossible with the mistress of evil strolling about" I sighed "maybe your dad will try and kill her like he did with your uncle" jay cane into the conversation "we don't talk about Uncle Mufasa! He was the reason why Simba came home to Pride Rock and dethrone my dad, apparently the name "Mufasa" is as bad as cursing in front of a princess, like we are gonna get the chance to do that ever" I laughed a little.

"You five have been chose to go to a different school, in Auradon" Maleficent said as he guards walked behind me, Jay, Evie and Carlos stopping us from running away, the others where stopped... not so dramatically, however I was thrown over on of the guards shoulder "excuse me sir! PUT ME DOWN" I saw jay and Carlos laughing "I guess Maleficent told them about your lion half and don't want you biting them" Carlos said and I rolled my eyes "I'm not going to a boarding school, filled to the brim with prissy pink princesses" Mal spat "and perfect prince's" Evie added and Mal just glared at her.

I could see all this because the guard turned his back to everyone allowing me to see Maleficent and the other four. "I don't do uniforms, unless it's leather, you feel me" jay smiled "read somewhere they allow dogs in Auradon. Mom says their rabid pack animals who eat boys who don't behave" Carlos trailed off, he looked so innocent, it was cute... then jay came up behind him and made a barking noise... I wanted to just attack jay right there and then! But I couldn't due to the fact I am dangling from someone's shoulder "yeah mom where not going!" Mal argued "oh you think it's small pumpkin? It's all about world domination" she licked her lips "KNUCKLE HEADS!" Sh yelled and they all walked off, one of them forgetting I was still dangling from their shoulder. I tapped the 'knuckle head's' shoulder and he put me down "ITS ABOUT TIME!" I growled, Mal stormed off in front of me with a loud scream of frustration "better follow her" Evie added running after her.

-time skip-

I was sat at the back of what Maleficent likes to call "her castle" with my dad "you're not going! You're staying here!" Mom yelled "you have three other kids! The world doesn't resolve around me!" I hissed "(y/n)! You will do as I say!" Mom growled "WELL GET ME THE WAND!" Maleficent yelled, her eyes glowing green a few seconds after "(Y/N)! LOOK BACK HERE!" My dad yelled, I saw how scared Kovu and Vitani looked. "OUR WILL!" The Evil Queen added in and we all looked towards her before Maleficent clicked her fingers to get Amal's attention, I wasn't really listening but I wanted to look like I was paying attention so my mom would give up on trying to talk to me.

That was when I got bored... I couldn't bare the conversation the Evil Queen was having with Evie, it's 'castle this, castle that' or 'prince this, prince that' every day! "Yeah their not taking my Carlos, I'd miss him too much" Cruella added, Carlos' eyes lit up "really Mom?" He smiled for the first time around his mom, he looked like a puppy. "Yes! Who'd touch up my roots? Fluff my fur? And scrape the bunions off my feet?" Cruella placed her leg in Carlos' hands "maybe a new school won't so be bad anymore" his happy smile just faded away... my heart shattered into thousands of pieces as he is being treated as a slave by his own mother....

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