Did I mention?!

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Carlos and I just sat their and talked for a while until tiredness hit both of us "I better go back then so you can sleep" I stood up... well tried to. "Want me to take you back?" He asked with a yawn "no I'll be fine" I tried to get back up, I took a step away from the chair and struggled to catch my balance. "You can stay the night here" Carlos said "no, that's not gonna happen spots" I smiled. "No jokes paws, you're staying here" He walked over and picked me up bridal style and lashes me in his bed "this is unfair on you though" I yawned "I'll sleep on the sofa, I'll be fine" he turned off the lamp. Why is his bed comfier than mine? I had no time to think as I just fell asleep after hearing a thud from the other side of the room.

-next morning-

"HET OUTTA BED LAZY BONES!" Jay yelled "five more minutes" I mumbled as I felt the warm cover disappear leaving me cold within a second. "(Y/n)? Why are you here" Jay asked "go away!" I opened one eye and took the cover off him and got warm again "CARLOS!?" Jay yelled "yeah?" I heard his voice from the left side of the bed "what are you doing on the floor? WHAT HAPPENED?!" Jay yelled "JAY WHERE IS (Y/N)?" Mal yelled. I sat up "STOP YELLING!" I growled and rubbed my eyes "why is (y/n) in Carlos' bed? And why is Carlos on the floor?" Mal asked "I don't know, I asked that exact question" Jay said. I flopped back onto the pillow whilst hearing footsteps get closer to me "alrighty then little lion, lets get you ready for school" Evie smiled as she dragged me out of bed "NOOOOOO" I cried, everyone else laughing "I don't find this funny" I said whilst standing up.

-at the dorm-

Evie gave me clothes she had designed for me from the isle. (Image above). "E I love this but it's not me, I don't feel like a lion in this, more of a.... Giselle?" I looked in the mirror "stop complaining and get out cause we need to be at remedial goodness class in 5 minutes" Evie rushed me out the dorm and towards the class. We sat in our usual seats and the lesson began.

-time skip-

It was an hour before the big game and Mal went to find Ben. Audrey left to go get her dress fitted for the coronation. "Hey bennyboo" Mal said aloud but I didn't hear anything else all I saw was Ben eating the cookie and staring in Mal's eyes. We all walked up to them "how are you feeling... bro?" Jay asked "I feel... I feel like singing out you're name MAAL MAaaaal" Mal covered his mouth before anyone heard. I looked at the cookies with confusion.

How can one bite be this powerful?

Ben walked off to go to his game with Jay and Carlos "let's go to the bleachers" Evie smiled and that's where we headed to the tourney field.

-near the end of the game-

It was a tie so far, all we needed was one more score to beat the other team, I really wasn't paying attention to who they where. "Jay has the ball! Passes it to Prince Ben... he shoots and he... scores!" The announcer yells and we all cheered "here they come! The winning tea-" the announcer was cut off by Ben "I'd like to give an announcement" he said down the microphone "give me a 'M'" he yelled and made a 'M' shape with his arms and everyone copied "give me an 'A'" he said again and people copied "give me a 'L'" he looked over at Mal "What does that spell?" He asked and we all looked at Mal "MAL!" Everyone cheered "I love you Mal, I hope you know that" he smiled and looked at the band.

"GIVE ME A BEAT!" He yelled

"UNO DOS TRES QUARTOS!" Doug yelled...

Did I mention
That I'm in love with you.
And did I mention
There's nothing I can do.

And did I happen to say
I dream of you everyday?
But let me shout it out loud if that's okay
That's okay

I met this girl that rocked my world like it's never been rocked
And now I'm living just for her and I won't ever stop
I never thought that it can happen to a guy like me.
But now look at what you've done, you got me down on my knees.

Because my love for you is ridiculous.
I never knew
(Who knew?)
That it can be like this.
My love for you is ridiculous
My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!
It's ridiculous!
Just ridiculous!
And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss.

Well did I mention
That I'm in love with you
And did I mention
There's nothing I can do.

And did I happen to say
I dream of you everyday?
But let me shout it out loud, if that's okay
If that's okay.

I gotta know which way to go, c'mon gimme a sign
You gotta show me that you're only ever gonna be mine.
Don't want to go another minute even without you
'Cause if your heart just isn't in it, I don't know what I'd do.

Because my love for you is ridiculous.
I never knew
(Who knew?)
That it can be like this.
My love for you is ridiculous
My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!
It's ridiculous!
Just ridiculous!
And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss.
C'mon now!


Because my love for you is Ridiculous.
I never knew
(Who knew?)
That it can be like this.
My love for you is ridiculous
My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!
It's ridiculous!
Just ridiculous!
And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss.
C'mon now!


Everyone cheered and smiled "Mal will you go to Coronation with me?" Ben asked "yes" Mal replied "I'm going the coronation with Chad now! So I don't need you're pity date" Audrey said slyly and kissed Chad. I looked at Evie who seemed pretty sad

The Lioness and DalmatianWhere stories live. Discover now