Little 'Friend' Date

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After the whole chaotic mess, we all walked off, Evie ran off somewhere, Mal walked over to Jay and Ben, I saw Carlos walk over to me "what do you want Spots?" I asked "nothing Paws" he smiled and I rolled my eyes "my uselessness comes in handy, we wouldn't have won for if it wasn't for me" he seemed so happy, "yeah I'll let you think that" I walked off and heard him run behind me "what's that meant to mean?" He asked "you gave the other team a chance of getting the ball when you let it bounce off your shield" I playfully punched him "whatever" he playfully punched me back.

-Time skip-

Carlos and I where joking about how lame Auradon is "it's literally just royalty pretending not to be descendants of kings and queens... it's like is pretending not to be descendants of villains, pointless" I shrugged "but even though we are villains, you and Evie still don't act like the royalty you should be, you're the daughter of Ex King Scar, and Evie is the daughter of Evil Queen who was once a powerful ruler" Carlos shrugged "but we where raised to not be actual royalty, just to show the power we have" I shrugged and Carlos rolled his eyes "wanna hang out later on? I mean, Mal will be busy, Jay will have tourney meetings, Evie will just be Evie... only if your free" Carlos smiled "I should be, it's not like I even bother to do anything in this school to even complete" I crossed my arms "typical" Carlos joked "what's that meant to mean?" I asked "you don't bother doing anything even on the isle" he pointed out as we reached my dorm door "I'll see you later?" I said "I'll come back in about an hour or so" Carlos smiled, I hugged him and walked into my dorm.

"What took you so long?" Evie asked "I was walking back with Carlos" I sat on my bed "really now?" Evie raised a brow "also Mal is on her first date with Ben" Evie added "really?" I smiled and she nodded "she said she will be back later tonight" Evie packed up her makeup and I got clothes out of the wardrobe "where are you going?" Evie asked "I'm going out with Carlos in about an hour" I said whilst walking into the bathroom to get dressed "date?" Evie said from the other side of the door "no, just friends..." I sighed at my own words "you need to let him know you like him, before Jane comes along and takes him" Evie said and I walked out the bathroom fully dressed with shoes on "why Jane? She's a good for nothing student, she doesn't have the friends or the looks" I rolled my eyes "yeah but have you seen the way she looks at him?" Evie raised a brow "no cause I don't pay any attention to her" I scoffed, looks like I have a new enemy already "you hate her already don't you?" Evie sighed "what no!" I yelled "why would you think that?" I asked "your eyes become cat like and do that glowing thing like Mal's eyes when you are mad about something" Evie said "I'm not mad, it's just... Jane..." I growled at her name "you have to tell him, Jane may seem innocent and terrified of us but that doesn't sto-" I stopped Evie "if she is scared of us why is she looking at Carlos in a 'flirty' way then? Is she scared or not?" I asked "calm down, you're twice as powerful than Jane... just let it slide, between me and you, Jane doesn't cut the top 5 powerful people in Auradon" Evie smiled "who is then?" I asked "King Adam, Mal, Fairy godmother, you then me" she smiled "Jane doesn't even know a single spell to even compete with that" Evie said before hearing a knock on the door, we both stared at it "Carlos is here early" Evie smiled, I got up and answered it "Hey (y/n)" Blade smiled "what do you want?" I asked"I wanted to see if i could take you out today?" He leaned against the wall "no" I went to close the door but he stopped it with his foot "why not?" He asked "she is going out with Carlos" Evie smiled and I burned up "Carlos? As in Spot's son?" He scoffed "Spot's?" Evie and I repeated "Cruella?" Blade crossed his arms "yes then" I rolled my eyes and he stormed off "well that was strange" I closed the door and sat down with Evie "Some one has all the boys falling head over heels for her" Evie joked. I just stared at her "It's only Blade, nothing special... It's not like someone else is gonna knock on the door asking to go out with me this second" I laid back on my bed before hearing another knock on the door "Its unlocked" I yelled, not wanting to move "hey, sorry I'm too early but are you ready?" I looked up to see who said that and it was Carlos "uhh, yeah I'm ready" I stood up and walked out the room "I won't be long 'E'" I waved and left the room, closing the door behind us.

It was awkward for a while as I was being reminded of what Evie said, and with that thought, Jane walked past, glancing at Carlos. I growled under my breath but I guess Carlos heard it "what are you growling at?" He asked "n-nothing" I looked away and he shrugged it off as we kept walking to wherever Carlos wanted to go as I didn't really care where to hang out.

-time skip-

Carlos covered my eyes for some unnecessary reasons. "What are you doing?" I asked "you'll see, I found this place when I ran away from dude and thought it would be a nice place to come to" he said. "Ok can i see now?" I asked and he removed his hands from my eyes and I stayed silent "it's....pretty" I stopped mid sentence. I stared at the waterfall that was possibly as big as pride rock, I walked closer to it and sat on the edge of the cliff we where stood on "how far out did you run when you where being chased by Dude?" I asked swinging my feet over the edge of the cliff "not that far, just behind them trees i stopped running" we both laughed...


This was your eyes when you where told about Jane.. (but in your colour and shape of eye)

 (but in your colour and shape of eye)

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