Parents Day Gone Wrong

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-The next day-

-your POV-

Evie woke me up in excitement of the new day "ITS PARENTS DAY! I GET TO DRESS YOU UP MY STYLE THIS TIME!" Evie yelled "Evester, its Sunday! Lemme sleep" I threw a pillow at her and she dropped whatever was in her hands. I jumped up and looked at her in sorrow, realising it was her powdered makeup... "at least the floor had its make-over?" I shrugged and we both stared at the floor, Evie just stared at me "now I HAVE to get you ready for the day!" Evie smirked "WHERE'S MAL?! WHY CANT YOU FIX HER UP?!" I yelled "Shes already done that (y/n)" Mal said from the bathroom "Here, put this on" Evie threw clothes at me "You didn't make these so why you fussing about?" I raised a brow "Curiosity killed the cat!" Evie added "I'm not a cat Evie" I rolled my eyes "You're a feline, so's a cat... NOW GET DRESSED! i need to do your hair and make-up!" Evie smiled and walked over to her closet and got her outfit out. I kicked Mal out of the bathroom... well tried to... but Evie saw Mal and Mal ran back into the bathroom "Geez whats your problem" Im not leaving here until Evie knows im not having that girly stuff on my face! I had it done once for mine and Ben's date and I didn't like it!" Mal locked the door "Ill go find somewhere else to get dressed" I muttered and as soon as I reached the door, someone knocked on it, I opened it and saw Jay "You girls ready?" He asked and I shook my head, Mal is refusing to leave the bathroom and both Evie and I need to get dressed but can't" I shrugged "the two of you can use our bathroom, I'll get Maleficent Junior out the bathroom"Jay smiled and Evie and I ran to the boys dorm, praying Evie doesn't use it first cause she will be there forever.

-Time skip-

We are all ready and we are walking down to the Court yard where the goody-tooshoses are having their parent gathering, probably talking about sickly royalty stuff... I shiver at the thought...

We reached the top of the stairs, over looking all the parents gathering around Ben's little number. Snow white, Aurora, Aladdin, Rodger...Simba, there all here, I walked down the stairs to where the kings and queens are "where are you going?" Carlos asked "Simba, I need to have a little chat" I forced a smile "why are you getting upset? what happened?" Carlos asked again "nothing why?" I answered "your eyes have done that weird thing where it goes diamond-liked" he looked at me worried. "I'm just gonna talk to him, that's all" I smiled and walked over to him...

 "I'm just gonna talk to him, that's all" I smiled and walked over to him

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I didn't know exactly how to talk to him so I just stood there... Nala saw me though "Hello, do I know you?" She said with a large smile "I uhhh, No? I'm new" I shrugged "well I guess you know Kiara, Kion and" I stopped her "Kopa" I smirked "how long have you been at this school for and how come I recognise you?" She asked "I've been here for a week, maybe you know me through Kiara?" I smiled awkwardly "That was amazing Kiara" Simba said and hugged her, i just stared at how the two have a close bond, he isn't forcing her to take responsibility to be queen. "Nice to see you Nala" I sighed and walked off "Wait!" Simba yelled "Who are your parents?" He asked "Umm why?" I asked "you look familiar but I don't want to make silly assumptions because there is no way that Prince Ben or King Adam will allow Villains over here" Simba laughed "Yeah, that's funny" I forced a smile. But Simba knew it was fake "so who are your parents?" He asked once again "ScarandZira" I mumbled, Nala looked shocked but Simba pulled Nala back "what?" She asked "IM NOT LIKE THEM THOUGH!" I yelled "you where raised by them, you are them! HE IS APART OF YOU!" Simba yelled and everyone looked at us even those who where singing songs stopped "BUT YOU'RE NOTHING LIKE MUFASA!" I cried "and what are you hinting at?" Simba growled and became a lion version of himself... I guess its a thing with those who have animal parents... "MUFASA WOULDN'T START ON SOMEONE FOR BEING THE CHILD OF SOMEONE HE DOESNT LIKE!" I walked back as he walked towards me, I felt the wall on mt back, my hand tracing the stone hoping its some sort of door "SIMBA!" Nala yelled "she's right" she added "you've known her for what? 10 minutes?" Nala added and Simba became his human self and walked off "I'm not allowing you to be anywhere near my children, not even if my father insisted me to accept you, its not happening" Simba walked away with the four following him "you alright?" Carlos and Jay asked and I just ran away.

I gave up on running and just sat in the corridor. Tears washing away the make-up on my face... Mumbling the song I always sing to keep me calm

A million thoughts in my head
Should I let my heart keep listening?I know it's time to say goodbye
So hard to let go

Unable to finish the song, Jane and Audrey sat next to me "must be hard having your own family hate you" Jane said "Yeah, must be harsh, I mean, you can make your own family" Audrey added and i just looked at her funny "I mean, you don't need to have the same blood to be family, Jane and I are family, and you know we have different parents" Audrey shrugged "so your telling me to class my friends as family instead of my mother and father?" I asked "Here have this" Jane put a necklace around my neck "whats this?" I asked "its a necklace duh?" Jane added "But its a special one, its a paw, see I can pay attention too ya know. Anyway its a special one cause Jane and I have one too" Audrey smiled "a paw?" I asked "No, Jane has a Pumpkin one and mine is a Tiara, only us three have these, you'll be a little sister to us from now on ok?" Audrey smiled and walked off "What about Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay" I asked "they don't want anything to do with you for some reason, they never said why, but Carlos wanted me to give you this" Jane handed me a piece of paper "Also Mal and Evie want you out their dorm room" Audrey sighed "theirs? its ours" I sat up "not now apparently, come move in with us little sister" The two walked away and I read the note:


            I'm sorry but after getting to know you, I'm regretting it... Your gonna be royalty and I'm just a nobody. your father has high expectations, go find someone worthy enough for you. 

Its over,


My heart shattered, its only been a few days and he's given up? I stood up and headed down to Audrey's Dorm "(Y/N) there you are I've been looking allover for you" Carlos said "for what?" I asked "To ask what happ-" I stopped him and threw the paper at him and walked off...

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