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-next day-

We all walked to class since Fairygod mother wanted us urgently for some strange reason. "What's so important that she wanted us so early?" Mal asked "the worst part was I didn't even get to finish my makeup" Evie whined as she brushed on some blush on her cheeks "Evie, you don't need that makeup" Jay added "aww, I can't live without it" Evie smiled.

-time skip-

"Thank you for coming here on such a short notice" FGM smiled and we sat in our usual seats "since its Parents day on Sunday, I've arranged a special surprise" she smiled and I rolled my eyes "Come children" FGM smiled as she pressed a button on the computer "I don't see or hear anything" Maleficent's voice crackled "press enter" Jafar said after "CAN I PLEASE SEE A REMOTE?" Maleficent yelled "is this thing on?" She mumbled "I HATE ELECTRONIC EQUIP" She yelled again... then I guess their tv appeared cause EQ got closer to the TV "EVIE ITS MOMMY!" She yelled and Evie looked nervous "look how beautiful" EQ added and Evie smiled "Oh, you know what they say, the poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree" EQ sat back in the sofa "don't you mean the weeds?" My mom asked with a snarl "who's the old bat?" Cruella asked "this is fairygod mother" Mal smiled "still doing tricks with eggplants?" Maleficent joked "I turned a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage" FGM argued. "You really couldn't give Cinderella till one A.M.? I mean, really. What, the hamsters had to be back on their little wheels?" Maleficent mocked her "they where mice!" FGM yelled "it's ok, thank you" Mal whispered.

"Hi mom" Mal waved "MAL! I've m-m-missed you" Maleficent stuttered "you children are never to far from our thoughts" Jafar added "got it" Mal rolled her eyes "how long must mommy wait to see you?" Maleficent put on a fake voice "there is a big coronation coming up so sometime after that" Mal smiled "HOW COME YOU HAVEN'T BEEN CORONATED YET?!" My dad yelled at me and I tried to walk away but felt Carlos' hand on mine stopping me "Friday 10Am" Mal added, must of not heard anything else before that "you sure I can't see you before that?" Maleficent asked and Mal shook her head "I don't know what I'll do If I don't get my hands on that magic wan... you... you little nugget that I love so much." Maleficent finished "yes I understand mother" Mal looked at the floor "CARLOS! Is that a dog?" Cruella asked and I looked at dude nervously "yes, yes, baby, I do understand. It would make the perfect size for earmuffs" Cruella looked at her 'dog' "he's the perfect size for a pet" Carlos argued back "this dog loves me and I love him... and (y/n). And FYI your dog is stuffed" Carlos added "did I hear that right?" My dad asked my mom and she shrugged "I TOLD YOU (Y/N)!" My dad growled "I'm sorry" I sighed as Cruella and Jafar argued "JUST WAIT TILL YOU COME HOME MISSY!" My dad yelled and Jay ended the call "I'm so sorry" Fairygod mother sighed "thank you for the surprise" Jay smiled and we all went to walk out the class room "M? What do you think our parents are gonna do to us. If we don't pull this off?" Evie asked. 'My dad is gonna throw me off a cliff' "I think they will be quietly disappointed in us, but ultimately... Proud of us for doing our best." Mal smiled reassuringly "really?" Carlos asked "no, I think we are definitely goners." She said nervously...

-boys dorm room-

We all sat around the table in the boys dorm plotting our escape route "Ok, we all know what this looks like. So it'll be up on the dais under the beast's spell jar, and we'll be coming in from here. I will be in the very front. You all will be up in the balcony. Ok. Carlos?" Mal looked over at him "Ok, so I'll find our limo, so we can break the barrier, and, uh, get back on the island with the wand." Carlos seemed nervous about this "perfect... Evie" Mal looked over her shoulder "yeah?" Evie sounded pretty dull. "You will use this to take out the driver. Two sprays and he'll be out like a light." Mal smiled and Evie nodded "(y/n) you will stop anyone chasing after us as you are pretty strong, especially as your lion self" Mal grinned and I nodded and we all walked away from the table, I was sat on the edge of jay's bed petting Dude as Carlos was on his laptop doing who knows what. "M? You want to break Ben's Love spell?" Evie asked and we all looked at them "yeah. You know, for after. I don't..." She gulped "I've just been thinking, you know," she started to get worried "when the villains finally do invade Auradon, and begin to loot and kick everyone out of their castles and imprison their leaders and destroy all that is good and beautiful, Ben still being in love with me just seems a little extra... cruel." She laughed nervously "M" was all Evie had to say and with that  Mal got up and left the room, we all just looked at each other worried "she doesn't like the thought of losing Ben does she?" Jay asked "guess not, she has been happy whenever he was around" Evie sighed as I put Dude down on the floor, he ran over onto Carlos' bed and laid down going to sleep...

"Let's go Evie" I stood up and walked out the dorm with Evie trailing behind me "goodnight boys" Evie waved and closed the door "g'night girls" the two boys could be heard from behind the door...

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