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I walked in the opposite direction to Ben and Cameron sitting on a log by a waterfall "sharp senses, goodbye, sharp teeth, goodbye, lion no longer , turn me into a human now" I muttered and watched my reflection change "their you are, why did you run off?" Ben asked "I uhh" I sat up "is the isle really that bad?" He asked "yeah, especially if you where called useless the majority of your life" I rolled my eyes "forget about it ok? Come on back, you can't be out here too long" Ben helped me up "thanks" I smiled and followed him back to the campus.

-time skip-
-lunch hour-

It felt like the day dragged as we all arrived for lunch "where is jay?" Evie asked "with coach" Carlos added. I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw a familiar red glove in the corner of my eye "Come with me for a second" Carlos whispered and I followed.

"Yeah what's up?" I asked "where did you go before? You just got up and walked away" Carlos looked worried "just, memories of my father" I smiled fakely as tears formed in my eyes "why are you crying? I've never seen you cry" Carlos' smile faded "it's just, I've been sent here on behalf of my dad wanting revenge" I started "that's what we're all here for" Carlos added "by revenge I mean death, I may not like Simba's side of the family but I'm not gonna be known for killing someone, to be honest I only agreed so my dad doesn't think I'm weak" I stared at the ground "if you're a weak one then why is he always going on about you being a queen?" Carlos placed his hand on my shoulder "because for all he knows, I hunt down people for food when in reality, it's just normal meat" I sighed, I felt his arms wrap around me "you're not weak, you're the bravest lioness I know" he smiled "I'm the only Lioness you know that won't tear you apart" I smiled "there's that smile you always had on your face" he smiled too "just wash away your thoughts of your parents, I'm in the same boat with my mother too, just forget them and just follow the others, they seem to know what they're doing" he smiled as I hugged him back "thanks Spots" I whispered "no problem Paws" he giggled and we got back to the others "where did you go to?" Mal asked "did you go soomchin' somewhere?" Evie winked and my face burned red "no" I pouted "I'll pretend to believe that (f/i/o/n)" Evie replied "whatever E" I rolled my eyes and ate whatever this was on my plate...

-time skip-

We all walked back to our dorm and sat there for a while, Evie started sewing a dress, Mal went over her spells to get the wand, Carlos and I where looking at coding... and stuff like that. Jay threw the door open and pointed at his shirt. Carlos and I wolf whistled and started to giggle "did you're plan work with Jane? You going to go see the wand?" He asked "would I  be going through every single spell if my plan pulled through?" Mal spat back and we all just looked at her I got the laptop off Carlos and looked up dress ideas for Evie, ignoring everything else around me, seeing Mal flick Carlos' head mid conversation "oh yeah, by the way I found out that FGM blesses Ben with the wand at coronation and we all get to go, and I have nothing to wear of course" we all stoped and glared at her before hearing a knock at the door "hold that thought" Mal muttered as I jumped up to open the door with Ben standing there pretty worried "hey I uhh, wanted to know if you have any questions since I didn't see you today?" He asked "nope, bye" I went to close the door "WAIT! Is it true that we are invited to you're coronation?" Mal asked "yeah the whole school is invited" he smiled "cool, is it possible that the five of us can stand at the front to soak up all that goodness?" Mal asked "I wish you could, but up front is me, my girlfriend and my people" he sighed, I just stared at him "ok thanks bye" I closed the door "looks like benny boo needs a new girlfriend" Mal smirked as Carlos threw her book at her "(y/n) you need to give him the spell and make sure your the first he sees" Mal said with a smirk "WHAT NO! I-I can't, I uhh like! I like cars" I stopped my self and Evie just looked at me with a disappointed face "what's a car gonna do if you're with Ben? It's only until coronation" Mal sighed "why not use Evie?" I asked "Because I'm with Chad" she smiled "fine I'll do it then" I sighed and looked at Carlos who looked upset about something "Mal! Why don't you do it? You're the one who is needed to get the wand, not us four" jay added "ew no" she scoffed "yeah (y/n) is just gonna mess it up, she won't get the wand in time, you're better off pulling this plan together" Carlos added "I COULD DO THIS PERFECTLY FINE THANK YOU VERY MUCH!" I yelled and they all rolled their eyes "Fine! I'll be the one who gives Ben the love spell" Mal stormed out the room and headed for the school kitchen. "Well when she gets the chance we'll be dragon food" I sighed "I'd rather be a lions meal than a dragons" Jay laughed "I would agree there but I can't eat my kind" I smiled "not what I meant but ok" Jay shrugged and walked off "hiya there miss Lioness" a familiar and annoying voice echoed from behind me "what do you want Blade?" I turned to see him "wanting to know how Scar jr is" he winked "please don't" I growled "unless you want to be the queens meal" Jay came back with a smirk "also Mal said hurry up" Jay added "I'll be there in a sec, I forgot something" I ran back into the dorm.

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