Love spell cookies

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Carlos and Jay made their way to the kitchen whilst I went to find the "pride landers."

"Give it back Kopa!" A high pitched voice said from around the corner, I walked in the direction to see Simba's eldest son and daughter in the hallway.

2 out of 3, I'll be free from my dad wanting revenge as soon as I thought.

I purposely bumped into Kiara and she fell over "I'm so sorry" I smiled fakely and helped her up "do I know you?" She asked and I shook my head. She looked right into my eyes "COUSIN (Y/N)?!" She seemed scared "how are you here?" Kopa asked "Prince Ben invited me and my friends here" I smiled and looked back at Kiara.

I can't do this, she is too young, I'll end up living with the guilt... their family. But it has to be done, to make my father proud of me!

"Random question but where is the other one?" I asked "Kion? Oh that idiot has been studying for his exam next month" Kopa added "next month?" I repeated "I'm speaking english aren't I?" His voice turned from proud to all snotty. I rolled my eyes "we should all hang out one day, me, you, Kopa and Kion. Anywhere you like" I smiled "let's go to the tourney match!" Kopa smirked "apart from there" I waved and walked off to find Mal and the others.

-time skip-

"That's not true, Jay. They both have antibodies and enzymes, but an emotional tear has more protein-based hormones than a reflex tear" Evie said "what did I miss?" I asked, sitting next to Carlos "not much, just them two.... being them two." He whispered "listen to you" Mal said happily "yeah, I knew that" Jay rolled his eyes "did not" Carlos punches Jay's arm "yeah, I did" Jay responded "There you are, Mal! I was looking for you. You know, all the girls want you to do their hair! Midnight snack, huh? What you guys making?" This random girl asked "who's that?" I whispered "Lonnie, Mulan's daughter" Carlos added "Nothing special" Mal covered her spell book "just cookies" she finished as Lonnie dipped her finger in the mix "that was a love spell right?" I whispered and Carlos nodded "what I'm not going to double dip" Lonnie looked confused "do you feel any different? Like it is missing something?" Mal asked and jay walked over to her "hey" he tried to flirt "could use some chips" she shrugged "and those are?" Mal asked "chocolate chips.Just the most important food group."

Lonnie came back with a bowl of chocolate chips "Wait, didn't your moms ever make you guys, like, chocolate chip cookies?" Lonnie asked "Like, when you're feeling sad, and they're fresh from the oven, with a big old glass of milk, and she just makes you laugh and puts everything into perspective and..." she stopped "why are you all looking at me like that?" Lonnie asked "it's just different where we're from" Mal sighed "Yeah, I know. I just, you know, I thought... Even villains love their kids. Oh... How awful" A tear fell down Lonnie's face, Mal took the tear and threw it in the bowl "Yeah, well, big bummer, but we have to get these into the oven, so thank you so much for coming by" Mal smiled "Really, really have a good night. I'll see you tomorrow. Evil dreams" I added and as soon as she left Mal ordered us to put the cookie dough in the oven.

"What took you so long?" Carlos asked "I forgot where I put my uhhhh... dorm key" I smiled "right" Carlos smirked "great now we have to wait for the cookies" Mal said whilst tapping the table huffing and puffing "Mal I think baking cookies takes awhile" Jay said and Mal looked angry "what?" Jay asked "I know what I'm doing, you know what? Just go, you can go sleep since we have school tomorrow thanks to you Jay, if you didn't try to grab the wand that day we would be free, but no, we have another lesson of remedial goodness class" Mal growled "sorry" Jay put his hands up in defeat "see ya at the dorm M" Evie whispered and left, the rest of us followed "see you tomorrow" Evie and I said to the boys as we headed towards our dorms.

I threw my self on my bed "do you think Mal knows what she is doing?" I asked "she's the daughter of Maleficent, that girl always has a trick up her sleeve, I'm sure cookies won't be that hard" Evie smiled before walking into the bathroom. I just laid there, staring at the fabric above the bed thinking about what would happen if I don't do as my dad says, will he go psycho on me?

"You alright (f/i/n)(first initial of name)?" Evie asked "yeah E, just thinking about.... my dad" I sat up and sighed "we're gonna get the wand, he can do what ever he wants when we set the villains free" Evie placed her hand on my shoulder "that's not the reason he allowed me here Evie" I looked over at her "what then?" She asked confused "he wants me to uhhh... killSimba'sdescendantssohecanusemeandmybrotherstofigtagainstsimbaandnalawithoutanyintevience" I muttered "I don't know what you just said but I guess it's lion problems?" She tilted her head and I just nodded "you know what, I will go buy more materials and we can have our little girly night. Remember them? Before you're dad isolated you from us?" Evie said softly "yeah I remember them" I chuckled a little "you go get some sleep little lion" Evie walked over to her bed "night Evie" I turned my lamp off and got into bed.


I walked down the road which lead miraculously to the isle, if this was here how come the villains didn't use this is come to Auradon? "THERE YOU ARE! DAD'S GONE INSAIN YOU NEED TO GO BACK TO AURADON! HE KNOWS YOU'VE FAILED HIM!" Vitani yelled "what? How?" I asked "don't ask questions... Run!" Vitani yelled and disappeared into thin air leaving a pile of black dust. I heard heavy breathing behind me, I turned around to see it was my father, covered in blood getting ready to pounce on his lion form "what have I taught you?" He growled "Simba is the enemy" I gulped and walked backwards "and" he picked up the pace "I should kill his children?" I added "what happened to you? Where did that blood come from?" I asked "your stupid brother Nuka and your mother tried to stop me, they where too weak though" he giggled and I just stopped there "you've killed mom and Nuka?" A tear fell down my face, he punched at me but I dodged and transformed "dad calm down!" I backed up against the corner of two houses "if you didn't fail me, none of this would have happened" he growled "I'm sorry, I didn't want to do it because their family" I sighed but my dad hit me, sending me flying across the floor of the isle, leading me to a stone ledge, I clawed into the stone before I fell "if you treat them with respect, like Mufasa did with me, you can join him! You've disrespected your pride, name and family" he sat there "I'm sorry! I wanted to make you proud! But I didn't want to kill anyone! It's not me, that was you're story!" I growled and tried to climb back up into where my dad was sat but he dug his claws into my paws, my ears resting behind my head "I don't want you here, I don't need you! At least Kovu will make me proud! You useless child" he pushed me off the ledge allowing me to fall into the pit of nothing, his figure becoming smaller and smaller as I fell...


I jumped up and sat in bed breathing pretty heavily, Mal and Evie where sound asleep in their beds. It was only 2:33 in the morning. I put socks on and walked out the room heading towards the boys room to see if they where up, I can't blame them if they where asleep.

I reached their door and knocked on it, quietly but loud enough for them to know I knocked on the door. I waited a minute before turning my back to the door to walk away "(y/n) why are you up this early?" A familiar voice asked, I turned around to see Carlos "I can ask you the same thing" I whispered "dude" he started "also I'm usually up at this time doing chores for my mother before she wakes up. Anyway you haven't told me why you're up this early" he asked "can't sleep" I shrugged. Carlos let me in his dorm room "why can't you sleep?" He asked "my dad" I sighed and sat on one of the chairs by the table "he is pretty scary to be honest" Carlos sat in a chair opposite me "no kidding" I rolled my eyes.

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