Ariving at Auradon

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After a while of all the other parents yelling about not allowing their child to go, my dad stood there like a creep "so where is my daughter meant to be going?" He asked "Auradon" Maleficent smiled, my dad looked at me and growled "she's not going anywhere until she takes her place as Queen!" He roared and Maleficent rolled her eyes "What is wrong with you all?" Maleficent yelled "People used to cower at the mention of our names! For 20 years, I have searched for a way off this island." She could see everyone's souls the way she glared at them "For 20 years, they have robbed us from our revenge... revenge on Snow White and her horrible little men." She pointed at the Evil Queen "ouch" she whined as Evie pulled out brow hair from her mother "Revenge on Aladdin and his bloated genie!" She smirked evilly "I WILL.." Jafar started "pops" jay whispered "Revenge on every sneaky dalmatian that escaped your clutches." Cruella started to laugh like a psycho "Oh, but they didn't get baby. They didn't get the... They didn't get the baby!" Carlos rolled his eyes and I whispered 'sorry' to him and he just shrugged "Revenge on Simba and his pesky wife Nala from taking your kingdom!" Cruella patted my dad's head "I will tear him apart if it's the last thing I do!" He muttered under his breath "And I, Maleficent...The evilest of them all, I will finally have my revenge on sleeping beauty and her relentless little prince." She stroked her cheek "Villains!" She yelled "Yes?" They all responded "Our day has come. E.Q., give her the magic mirror" Maleficent insisted as Evil Queen handed Evie the mirror, she looked disgusted at first until she caught a glimpse of her reflection.

"Now listen here! You are to stay away from that psycho's son" my dad growled "but dad. He isn't like his mother" my dad glared at me "I mean, sir" he smiled evilly "you are there to take revenge on your cousin's let these take the wand in their hands... don't forget the stories I told you about them two" my dad growled "yes sir" I muttered before a car horn could be heard.

I walked down the stairs pretty quickly to avoid my dad, luckily I got out before he did but was knocked over by Carlos, he caught me from falling "sorry" he smiled and helped me up "Come back here, now! Carlos! Ingrate" Cruella yelled and he dashed off towards the car, Nuka comes down with my bags "look, I may hate your guts but your my little sister, so take care of yourself... Simba will put up a fight if necessary" Nuka smiles and gave the bags to me "take care Nuka" I hugged him, Vitani and Kovu came running down "have fun sis" they both said "tell me if there is any cute boys their ok?" Vitani whispered and dad glared at the two of us "I best be going now" I waved and got in the car.

It was awkward silence until Jay and Carlos started fighting over this colourful stuff that was in bowls. "BOYS!" I yelled but not so loud and they looked at me confused "yeah?" They asked "you're in a car, with girls, is that how you act?" I sat back and they both said no "now there is enough of, whatever that is so stop fighting" I told them and they went to get some of the rainbow stuff "umm guys" I pointed out the window "ITS A TRAP!" Carlos yelled. Without realising I was holding on to Carlos for dear life, I felt my face burn up but oh well. "What just happened?" Carlos asked "it must be magic!" Evie's face lit up.

"Hey did this little button just open the magic barrier?" Mal asked "No, this one opens the magic barrier." He held up a gold remote "That one opens my garage." He looked at the one in Mal's hand "And this button..." he held a button which made the screen go up separating us from the driver. "Okay. Nasty. I like that guy." She smirked before taking a bite out of the purple rock on a stick.

-time skip-
-arriving at Auradon-

I was just staring out the window the whole journey to the school, not much to see apart from trees and castles but there was a cute little cottage, sorta like the one Evie's mom kept describing as 'snow whites hide out.' Next you could hear music as we turned the corner "I'm calling dibs on whatever this is" Carlos said proudly "I WANT IT!" Jay tried to take it off him, but the door opened, Carlos and Jay both tumbling out "Oh! Ah! Ow! Stop! You got everything else! Why do you want whatever this is!" Carlos yelled as he fell out the car "'Cause you want it!" Jay argued "I swear their just two little kids in teenage bodies" I whispered to Evie and she giggled "Guys, guys, guys! We have an audience!" Mal whispered "just cleaning up" Jay smiled and helped Carlos up "Leave it like you found it! And by that, I mean just leave it." The woman in a blurry-purple dress said calmly.

Jay caught glimpse on who looks like a pink marshmallow "Hello, foxy. The name's Jay" he said disgustingly smooth and she just laughed " Welcome to Auradon prep. I'm fairy godmother, headmistress" she smiled "The fairy godmother? As in, "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo"?" Mal asked and Fairy godmother smiled once again "Bibbidi-bobbidi. You know it" she winked, I rolled my eyes until a familiar red head walked by "Simba" I muttered "what?" Carlos asked "n-nothing" I smiled and just as he looked away I darted off to go get him.

Just as I turned the corner I noticed it wasn't Simba "Kion?" I growled "(y-y/n)?" He sounded worried "why are you here?" I asked "I go to school here, how are you here?" He asked "I'm going to this school too" I growled "Hey newbie" a masculine voice said from behind me "Kopa go away" I growled and turned around and saw some tall dark haired guy "you're not Kopa" I stared blankly into the golden eyes of whoever this is "how rude... my name is....."
Lol even I don't know the name 😂

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