More then a stripper

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Trixies pov:
I felt a hand softly caress my face, I heard a deep Russian voice whisper in my ear.

"So so gorgeous...I want you to be mine and only mine...but I doubt that'll happen.." he sighed holding me closer to him. I smiled lightly before kissing him as I opened my eyes.

"Why do you doubt that baby...I never said no did I.." I put my hand over his kissing him again.

"Well good morning to you too" he laughed lightly kissing me back. I smiled at him more and softly rubbed my nose against his.

"Good tell me who I would say no to your handsome ass.." looking down, he sighed lightly and nervously played with a strand of my hair.

"I don't think you would fall for a guy like probably want a more muscular and toned guy who's better then me.." I sadly looked at him tilting his face up to look at me.

" don't are that perfect guy...I'll be honest..ever since you asked me for a lap dance that one day..I can't keep my mind off you..your different from everyone else...your soft and caring..but when asked you get down to business and get rough...I love it so much..and I love you..." his green eyes lit up when I said those words, his sad frown turned into a big smile that showed his beautiful white teeth.

"You mean that? Y-you really mean all of that??" I nodded giggling, I know that he's the one, I just need to get I know him more ya know.

"Of course, I mean every word of it...but I kinda feel like we're rushing can we move to dating at least?" I asked looking at him nervously. He kissed my soft pink lips smiling before pulling away.

"Does that answer your question?" He giggled and sat up pulling me into his lap.

"Now then...are you hungry?" I put my head on his chest and nodded hugging his waist tightly.

"After all that rough sex last night, I'm fucking starving" he laughed and tried to get up but I held onto him more.

"Baby you have to let go so I can make breakfast" he raised a brow at me giggling. I shook my head and hugged him tighter.

"No, you make breakfast with me" I whined putting chin on his chest and looking up at him. He sighed in defeat and got up while holding me close to him.

"Your lucky your cute" I kissed his cheek smiling as he headed down the stairs.

"Yeah but, you love me and it was either this or doing it alone" he walked into the kitchen and smacked my ass before setting me on the counter.

"Well I can definitely tell someone's not wearing regular panties" I giggled blushing softly. Before we went to sleep I put on my fancy lace panties I had on before and my bra, one of his shirts and his hoodie. But I'm super comfortable so I'm not taking it off soon.

"So? Doubt your complaining" i lightly swung me legs a bit watching him start to cook.

"I never said I was, but I will say one thing, your gorgeous" he gave me a kiss on the cheek as I squealed softly and hid my face in my hands.

"Stopppp! I don't even look that good anywayssss" I giggled and peeked through my hands a bit.

"You look beautiful no matter what, coffee?" I put my hands down and smiled nodding. He poured me a cup before handing it to me.

"Thank've done so much for me I don't know how to pay you back..." I played with a strand of my hair taking a sip of my coffee.

"You pleasing me is you repaying me babygirl..." i blushed softly at him and watched him more smiling. I didn't think that was having fun with him was repaying him.

After we had breakfast I got dressed me headed downstairs about to head back home. I called out to Brian saying I was leaving but before I could do anything, strong arms wrapped around my waist and lift me up. I squealed holding onto his hands tightly.

"Brian! What are you doing?? I have to go homeeee!" I laughed and looked over at him.

"Nope your staying with me, mine forever" he brought me over to the couch and sat down hugging me tighter.

"But I need to go, I gotta get my bag for you tonightttt" I kissed his cheek and tried to get up again.

"Are you gonna wear what I sent you? Cause I would love to see that on you" He smirked and put his head on my shoulder.

"I promise I will, now can I goooo?" He pouted and kisses my soft pink lips and let me go. I kissed him back and got up going up to the door and turned to him before leaving.

"I'll see you tonight baby, love youuuu!" I blew him a kiss and left getting into the Uber I ordered. I payed and got out going into my apartment with a big smile on my face. I got in and put my stuff down dancing lightly and I didn't notice pearl was there staring at me.

"Um...Trixie what the actual fuck.." I stopped and slowly turned to her as my face turned bright red.

"Sorry..I didn't know you were here..." I scratched the back of my neck nervously.

"That explains it...also where did the go last nightttt? I missed you" she pouted at me taking a sip of the coffee she had.

"Sorry, that really wasn't my I went out a bit for the night and yeah..did you guys at least have fun?" I smiled a bit looking at her.

"Oh my god hell yeah I did! God that vivacious von teese is something else I've gotta tell you, she was so good and for once I paid more to have her longer! I need to go back there man" she giggled.

"Well that's goodddd, as long as you had a good time that's all I care about...I wish I could stay longer but I gotta go to work pearly" I went into my room and packed my bag for the night. I can't wait to show Brian how really naughty I can get...

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