Always & Forever

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As Hayley and Elijah entered the kitchen, they saw Klaus sitting at the kitchen counter with a boil of cereal in front of him. Stuffing a spoon with way to much cereal in his mouth.

He turned towards Hayley and Elijah as he heard them enter.

"Ahh, I see you two sleepyheads finally decided to join me.", he murmured, clearly still having cereal in his mouth.

"Yes, you see right brother", Elijah spoke as he walked into the kitchen starting to prepare two boils of cereal. "We were actually hoping you could inform us about Hope."he said and shot a quick glance towards him .

Klaus looked down for a moment before he removed himself from the stool at the counter and took a seat at the head of the kitchen table.

"She's okay, Rebekah will keep her save. She'll make sure hope is happy.", he spoke and looked up at Hayley, hoping his words comforted her.

"She will be okay", he spoke finally squeezing in Hayley's hand for a second as he saw her troubled face clearly not convinced by his words.

"She knows, she needs a trustable witch to create a cloaking spell for them?" Elijah asked as he put down the boil of cereal in front of Hayley and took a seat in front of her.

"She knows, Elijah. I told her everything." Klaus replied.

"What are we supposed to do now?" Hayley asked, speaking up aloud for the first time she'd entered the kitchen. She looked up at Elijah and back to Klaus.

"I think it's best if we keep silent the first couple of weeks. As much as I want to torture each and everyone of them to dead, we must wait out our best chances." Klaus replied.

"I can't just sit around here doing nothing, while I could be fighting to get my kid back." Hayley spat out, raising her hands to her head.

"No, I understand. Elijah spoke raising his brow. "I was thinking about taking you to the Bayou to test your new abilities and maybe unleash some of your Uhm.. Cropped up frustration" eyeing Hayley playfully.

Hayley rolled her eyes and gave him a soft kick under the table making him laugh. "fine", she spoke up eventually. But first, I gotta take a shower, I look like a mess."

"I think you look lovely", Elijah responded, a grin forming on his face.

"Bloody hell, can't you two do that when I'm not there. Klaus complained before Hayley left the room.

"How are you Niklaus?", Elijah asked ignoring his complain.

"I'm fine Elijah, please stop asking." Klaus murmured.

Elijah shook his head as he placed Hayley's bowl in the sink.

"Elijah." Klaus said hesitantly when Elijah was about to leave the room.

He turned to face Klaus and raised his brow questioning.

"Whatever is going on between you and Hayley you must know, I'm fine with it." Klaus spoke hesitantly raising his head almost skeptically towards Elijah.

Elijah looked up at him surprised. He knew that Klaus knew everything that was going on in his house. And he placed the blanked over them, no doubt about that. But he'd expected he was going to be the one to bring up the subject, definitely not Niklaus himself. Afraid of being abandoned. Afraid that he would leave him. Maybe even afraid that Hayley would leave him.

"I've grown quite font of the little wolf, more than I ever expected I could. She's the only one I ever considered good enough for you. I see it in the way she looks at you. I could only wish someone would look at me that way." Klaus continued.

"She the only one I've ever approved of brother. Don't screw it up. Be happy." He finally said with a lump in his throat. He looked down as he felt his eyes becoming whet.

Elijah was in a mere second by his side. He opened his arms and pressed Klaus into a tight hug. "Thank you little brother, thank you.". These kind of moments were really abnormal for them. Elijah knew they only happened once or twice in a couple centuries and made sure he captured the memory in his mind forever.

"You have to make me one promise brother", Klaus said as he pulled away from Elijah's hug. "Promise me you'll stick with me. Both you and Hayley. I know I make your lives a hell at times. But I really believe I can be redeemed, Hope.., she awakened something inside of me. A feeling that I've abandoned thousand of years ago. It's something I ought impossible, but it happened. So please promise me. You'll not abandon me, not even at my worst. " klaus finished looking at Elijah with almost pleading eyes.

"I promise you Niklaus, and I also promise we'll get your little girl back. She'll be with us" he spoke the words reassuring.

A smile finally displayed on klauses face as he took in the words. 'She's also your little girl. He thought but kept the words for himself.

Elijah nodded and gripped his hand on his shoulder firmly. I'm taking a shower before Hayley and I depart for the Bayou", he spoke and he left the room.

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