Chapter 11

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"Now brother what is it that you so devoutly need me for.", Elijah spoke joyously as he walked into the study. He was clothed in a black blue sharp cut suit, complimenting his broad shoulder. A grey shirt, dressed off with a dark blue tie. Only a glimpse of his white handkerchief sticking out. His hair in its usual impeccable shape.

"Someone sounds happy", Klaus spoke as he put down his painting brush. "I don't like it," he murmured.

"Well Niklaus, not everyone can be as gloomy as you are," Elijah spoke taunting, a small smile playing on his lips.

Ignoring Elijah's remarks he swiftly changed the subject. "It's about the moonlight rings", the hybrid spoke as he poured a glass of bourbon for himself.

"What about them, we destroyed all 12 of them yesterday," Elijah questioned, frowning confused.

"We destroyed those that Genevieve created and linked to my blood yes," he spoke after throwing the bourbon down his throat. "I'm sure you remember the last resurrected harvest girl,"

"Her name was Cassie, yes I remember. But get to your point, brother." Elijah inquired.

"She's the matter, Elijah. She has created a witch army. They have been crafting moon light rings for 24 hours straight now. And all the fallen wolves from the Guerra gang are standing in line, happy to swear their loyalty for one of those bloody rings," Klaus spoke gritting his teeth, throwing his glass across the room. The glass shattered against the wall, pieces of it clang as they hit the floor.

"Niklaus the girl is 16, she wouldn't dare," Elijah spoke raising his hand in denial.

"Never thought I'd see the day proud werewolves were on a witches leash", klaus spoke frustrated shaking his head. "And now the stake is out there too, free to harm any of us." he continued.

"This was my fault", he spoke after a moment, his voice softened and his eyes widened. "All of it. If I had just accepted Hayley's pregnancy instead of playing king", he gritted his teeth and his forehead creased.

Elijah looked up and rubbed his hand robustly over his stubble as he saw the familiar distraught look in his brother eyes.

"I should've listened to you", Klaus spoke looking up to his brother. "Instead my grief and my envy robbed me of my daughter", his voice turned hoarse, the frustration dripping from it, "My actions let to the release of a weapon that can kill not just me but you."

"A thousand years I've survived your attempts to destroy me, brother. I imagine I can survive this." Elijah decided to intervene his little brother.

"We'll beat those wolves, with strategy and prudence. Concerning the stake I believe it will only take time for the thing to return to us. We'll survive this Niklaus." Elijah said walking over to his brother and gripping his shoulder tightly. "As we will, always and forever." A light smile grew on his face.

" tonight however," Elijah continued as he turned around again, picking up a pencil and turning it between his fingers as he walked around. "We're having dinner."

Klaus looked up surprised, a deep frown creasing his forehead. "What's this about?" he asked, not pleased by the idea.

"We have scarcely left the compound since... since Hope was taken away. Our enemies might think we're weak. That's a very disconcerting thought I would like to rid them off", Elijah spoke as the mischievousness glittered in his eyes.

"Dinner came to me as a good way to show the so called 'leaders' of this city, that we're not afraid of no one."

"Dinner that means you and me." Klaus inquired.

"And Hayley", Elijah added briskly, while raising his brow innocently.

"If this is your excuse to go on a date with Hayley I suggest you go without me" Klaus huffed as he walked outside and stretched his arms over the railing of the balcony. He watched dozens of people pass, rattling on over god knows what was important these days.

"No I was clear, you are coming. I have a surprise planned that I think you might rather enjoy", Elijah spoke, a taunting smile playing on his lips. "I only wish for you to not ruin this with your obstinate ways." He added inquiring as he came to stand next to the hybrid.

"Well that's a rather lamentable wish, I must say" Klaus replied, smirking devilishly at his brother.

"Niklaus please I'm merely asking you to abstain yourself from your ill-mannered ways, just tonight." He queried, almost seeming tired now.

"You ask me to be obsequious and show benignity." Klaus replied incredulous.

"No, I only wish for you to behave yourself in a dignified way, and to keep yourself from demeaning others for fun. We have enough enemies as it is. And this is the way we'll do it from now on." Elijah now spoke raising his voice in order to show Klaus his seriousness.

Niklaus looked down at his brother, his eyes widening.

"Do you understand me Niklaus. All of us need to make sacrifices in order to succeed in our plan to bring YOUR daughter home. Which also means you have to change your way in which you deal with certain people. It's not about just claiming the city anymore, brother. It's about making this a save and welcome home for Hope." Elijah finally said, his jaw stiffening in the process.

Niklaus nodded slowly, as his brother finished. Not daring to say another word.

"Good", Elijah spoke straightening his suit. "I shall now inform Hayley about tonight's plan." He said as he padded Klaus on his shoulder and walked away.

He stopped in his tracks however and turned around. "I almost forget", Elijah said a taunting smile raising on his lips again "wear a suit tonight", he added almost mockingly.

Klaus glared at his brother and opened his mouth to say something but Elijah was already gone.

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