I'll keep you close till the sun rises

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"Hayley, You're back. Did you enjoy your trip to the Bayou?" Klaus asked friendly when he entered the living room and saw Hayley laying on the couch watching tv.

"Hmm.. yeah I did.", hayley spoke as she sat up and pressed her knees to her chest. "It was really.. Fun.", a small smile formed on her face, she knew she could better not tell him what they really did there.

Klaus lips curled up in a small smile and he sat next to her. "That already sounds better as my day", he sighed and leaned his head back against the couch. I tried to do some helpful stuff today but every time I tried to concentrate...," he searched for the right words.

"I know," Hayley interrupted him and looked at him, understanding. "I know," she said again, softly and sighed before she looked back to the floor.

"I don't think I can take it any longer, staying here." Klaus continued, "it takes every fibre in my body to not go out and to rip off all their rotten heads. Tear their sick bodies apart, piece for piece. They've taken my child, our child away from us. I know Elijah knows what he's doing, that we should stay here but I don't think I can take it any longer." Once Klaus was done with his rant he looked over to Hayley.

She'd buried her face in her hands and she was shaking heavily.

"Hayley..!", shock was plastered on his face as he gripped her shoulders and shook her softly. "I'm sorry Hayley, I didn't realise...", he lifted her head up and pushed the wet strands of hair away. Big tears were rolling down her face and she was heavily gasping for air.

Klaus looked helpless at her, he had no idea what to do. "What can I do Hayley", Klaus spoke before he decided to wrap his arms around her, trying to comfort her in a hug.

"Elijah," she sobbed out in fits and starts. Klaus pulled away from the hug and looked at her for a moment before he called for his brother.

Elijah was down in the lounge room within a second. His eyes widened and a worried look spread over his face as he saw Hayley. He looked questioning over to Klaus before he scooped her into his arms and picked her up from the couch. He wrapped his arms tightly around her.

Hayley gripped his white dress shirt tightly with her hand and clung her other hand around his shoulder. He was only wearing his white dress shirt and a black tie, his suit jacket long discarded in his study. He was going through dozens of spell books to find a spell that would break the link his brother had to the moonstones, sadly enough without any luck, before his brother called his name. The distress in Klauses' voice was clear enough for him.

"Elijah.. I can't.. I can't breathe," Hayley gasped out as she gripped his shoulder harshly.

"Shh, hayley look at me," Elijah whispered softly to her. "Hayley look at me, take long deep breathes, listen to the sound of my voice. Okay? Calm down okay? Everything is going to be alright, you're going to be okay, you'll be okay." His eyes were filled with the biggest concern in the world.

Hayley's breathes slowly started to calm down but she was still heavily sobbing in his neck, big tears trickled down her cheek.

Elijah sat down on the couch with Hayley giving his brother a short nod, to tell him he could go.

He pulled his arms from her legs and softly stroked his thumb over the tears that clung to her cheek and chin. "Shhh, it's okay", he softly whispered in her hair before he placed a kiss there. Then he placed a soft kiss on the tracks of her tears, slowly pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. Finally he pressed a kiss to her wet eyelids.

Hayley started to calm down in his arms. Finally getting control over her tears. He placed his chin in her hair, and they sat like that for minutes.

Elijah pulled his chin away and looked at her. "Are you ready to tell me what this is all about ?," he asked sweetly and received a weak nod from Hayley.

She sat up more strait in his lap. Her back resting against the side of the couch, his arm strongly wrapped around her waist.

"When Klaus said that they'd taken her from us I... I wondered what kind of mother would've had let that happen. Not a good mother, Elijah. I'm not a good mother and I'll never be one," she said, all the braveness that normally rested in her voice was poured out.

"Please Hayley.., I don't want you to say that ever again because it's not true," Elijah interrupted her, his soft dark eyes pierced through every wall Hayley had ever build. "It's not true because you're the most strong, brave and beautiful woman I have ever met. A good mothers first instinct is the safety and the happiness of her child. You were strong enough to give her both of that. And that's not because you're a bad mother, that's because you're the best and bravest mother a child could have," Elijah continued.

"I still don't understand how you see all of that in me, I'm like an emotional train wrack. Far from brave, and strong," Hayley laughed sadly, whipping away some tears that still clung to her eyelids and looked away from him.

Elijah cupped her cheek and turned her head to his, urging her to look at him. "I believe all those things, because you are every single one of them. And if need to, I'll tell you that every single day, because I love you Hayley Marshall.", he said it with all the pureness in the world, and for the first time the words broke through her. He made her actually believe him. The man in front of her wasn't lying.

"I don't know why I deserve you," she smiled weakly as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

"I wonder the same thing about you every day," he said smiling softly before he pulled her in her hug. "We'll be okay, hayley," he spoke finally.

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