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Crush song
Ayy look what's back
Max fell asleep during the movie so David turned off the lights and walked to the couch where max was and had started to pick max up until Gwen put her hand on his shoulder,
"Hey David i can bring him to bed you look tired" Gwen stepped beside him
"Oh umm, it's ok thank you though" David then resumed picking Max up and started for his bedroom as Gwen walked with him helping David tuck max in afterward. David and Gwen made their way to David's room David sat on his bed while Gwen took her seat at David's desk "Do you think I am doing a good job at this" David looked down at his watch as Gwen looked at David Sympathetically "you're doing the best you can and that's all that matters max needs someone who loves him and you're that someone"Gwen looked David straight in the eyes. "thanks Gwen" David looked at her and smiled David laid back staring at the ceiling before Gwen spoke "you know, it's hard raising a kid especially one like max who wants to be tough all the time" David nodded "I know Gwen, but I don't know if I am ready for that challenge"David put his hands on his stomach "ok well this is max we're talking about he's going to push you further than you have ever been, he's going to push buttons you never even knew you had but you have to stay strong for him just be ready and know that I am here for you if you need help" David sat up and looked at Gwen "Thanks" Gwen looked at her phone it was almost 12 "I better get going ill talk to you later bye" Gwen got up and walked out to her car then left
After Gwen left David laid back in bed not able to sleep he couldn't stop thinking about Gwen so he just laid in bed for a while that's when it came to him why he couldn't stop thinking about her he liked Gwen, not as a friend but more than one "hooey" David muttered under his breath.
David didn't know what to do on one side of things he didn't want to ruin their friendship on the other side of things he liked her and wanted to take that chance of asking her out.
while David was in deep thought he heard a light knocking at his door "David are you up?" It was max David got out of bed and opened the door for him "yeah what can i do for you?" David smiled at max and waited for a response "ummm...i had a nightmare and i was wondering if i could sleep in here with you for tonight..." Max looked ashamed his nightmare must have been bad if it scared him "of course come in" David opened the door more and once max was in David closed it back max got onto the bed and got under the covers "if you tell anyone about this you're dead Campman" max pointed to David "ok max" David looked at the time it was 3:26 David looked at max who was already asleep David walked out of the room and went to the kitchen to start making breakfast for them David made bacon, eggs, sausage and toast with apple butter after he got done cooking it was 5:57 he went to his room and got his phone off the charger after he got his phone he saw he got a text from Gwen it just said *hey* David replayed *hey what's up* David went to the living room and sat on the couch waiting for max to wake up after a bit David heard something like a door open from one of the rooms David got up and checked he saw max in the hallway walking to his room to get dressed so he went and set the table and poured two glasses of orange juce David pulled out his phone and texted Gwen *wanna come back over and eat with us?* David put his phone on the counter and got out one more plate and one more cup David looked at the time it was already 6:07 David heard his phone ding *yeah ok why not* david smiled even more then he was he filled Gwen's glass with orange juce David heard Max's bedroom door open and a moment later the small boy came into the kitchen and sat down at the table "morning max" David said in his usual chipper way "morning" max rubbed his eyes "we can't eat yet we're waiting on gwen"david said sitting down "oh ok" max was too tired to care David made him stop drinking coffee so he was more tired then he would be David heard a knock at the door then sprung out of his seat and answered it "morning gwen" David held the door for her and she walked in "morning" gwen was still in her pjs she didn't have work today"oh uh morning gwen" David sat back down "morning or whatever" max muttered gwen took a seat on the other side of david, david got up and got the food and sat it on the table "so lets dig in" David took some eggs then got a piece of toast and sausage and spread some apple butter on it max got some eggs and bacon and toast gwen got the same stuff David did they all started to eat "so what do you want to do on this fine Saturday"david said to gwen max already planned on going online and playing video games with neil and Nikki today "me?"Gwen looked up in shock " yeah, of course, if you don't have work or something today" David said finishing off his food "oh umm no we can hang out if you want" Gwen looked down at her food now embarrassed "so....any plans then" David got up and saw that max was done and picked up his dish along with max's and put it in the sink "lets go bowling" Gwen lifted her head to look at David "ok that sounds like fun"

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