Virgil x Neko!reader {Maybe}

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I'm sat on the settee watching anime until i get a call from someone i check the caller ID and see it's thomas

(t=thomas y=you)

T= Hey! y/n! fancy walking to mine for a bit? we can record a vid if ya like

y= Sure tommy need me to pick anything up from the shop on the way over?

T= No thanks we've got everything we need

y= Okay i'll be over soon

T= Okay y/n see ya in a min

y= See ya tommy

I put on a black and purple hoodie along with a black skirt that had sewn up patches in places and then put my black wedge boots on. after that i did as he said and set off to his house with my earphones plugged in my ears humming and singing along as i walked. It took me about 10 mins to get to thomas' place but when i eventually did thomas was waiting outside so i pulled my hood up further and walked to him "T-Tommy! Hey!" thomas' head perked up and he smiled softly "Hey y/n come in!" thomas opened the door and what i saw was complete chaos logan and patton were sat in the living room trying to outsmart eachother and virgil and roman were in the kitchen arguing i walk straight into the kitchen and watch the two men argue i smile until roman pushes virgil i immediately get up knowing what's gonna happen i stand straight up and in front of roman with my hands out "don't" i hiss everyones eyes widen "did you just fucking hiss at me?" roman replies i think for a minute and then my eyes widen "i'm so sorry roman i-i-i didn't mean it i swear" i put my hands up in surrender roman goes to hit virgil from over my head but ends up knocking my hood off. Roman looks at me in disgust "wh-what? is there something on my face?" everyone just shakes their head and i look behind me to see virgil blushing "v-v-anxiety?" did i forget to mention im the only one who knows virgils real name "what's wrong why's everyone looking at me weird?" virgil just looks up into my eyes and whispers "ears" my eyes widen in realisation. i turn back around and go to head out but virgil catches my arm "D-Dont!come on! please c-come up to my room" i just look back at everyone and nod to virgil to say lets go

Virgils POV


calm down virgil she doesn't need you to fanboy after that

"v-virgil" i hear a soft voice mutter i look down at her "yes kitty?" she giggles an Amazing giggle and looks back up at me "i'm sorry im a freak" she mutters i freeze and she looks at me weirdly "virge? what's wrong? are you okay?" she goes to reach my hand but i grab her wrist and drag her into my chest hugging her tightly "you're not a freak A-A-And if you are a f-freak then i-i'm a freak too! t-then we can be f-freaks together" i feel tears rolling down my face and she hugs me tightly "virgy what's wrong? are you okay?" i smile and lift her chin up "im perfectly fine baby" she looks away clearly embarrassed "b-B-BA-BY?!?!" i chuckle seductively and whisper in her ear "yes?" she looks up at me confused "what? i don't ge- THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT" she screeches falling out my arms i quickly wrap my arms around her and flip us over so i take the blow "omg virge im so sorry" "its okay" i reply calmly her face relaxes then tenses again "v-virge..." i blush at the soft tone she used "yea~?" "CAN I GET OFF YOU" she screams giggling loudly, i just hold her waist tighter "no you can't" "i'm gonna give you 3 seconds to let go of me" she mutters "1...2...Fuck it!"

your pov

As i push my lips against his i feel fireworks go off in my stomach...cheesy cheesy i know but how do you describe a first kiss? it's like trying to hold water in your hands, There's an ancient chinese proverb that compares kissing to drinking salt water "you drink, And your thirst increases" it says, That's exactly how i feel right now but i then realise he isn't kissing back so i pull away "v-virge i-i'm so fucking sorry i shouldn't have done that" i say crawling backwards he gets up and starts walking towards me then bends down to my level and strokes my ears making me purr contently then stop and mutter a quick "sorry" virgil chuckles sinisterly and whispers in my ear "stop apologising and kiss me again" i look at him and mutter "i think i'll wait" whilst pulling my hood up and walking downstairs one i make it to the bottom everyone turns to look at me and i just sigh time to face the truth i take off my hoodie letting my ears and tail roam free "this is me, if you don't like it thats completely fine" i smile slightly looking at the floor "but-" "but if you don't like it remember she's always going to be over there because i know what it's like to be called a freak and that's one thing she's not she's goregous" i snap my head in the direction of the familiar voice to see virgil i just giggle "what he said except the goregous part" he glares at me " i only accept cute" i say doing a peace sign virgil cuddles and pulls my waist towards him and whispers in my ear "you're mine" i just smile and say "maybe~"

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