WEREWOLF! Virgil x reader part 2

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It has been one hour until someone arrived at the loft. I stood on  the couch trying to figure out what to do. I couldn't cry anymore. I  felt numb. At first the break up and now this thing with Virgil . My heart  couldn't handle all of this. From my spot on the couch I stared at the  giant window. Patton had such a beautiful view over the city but I  couldn't focus on it because I kept replaying images of the kiss. I  started to imagine what would have happened if he didn't pull back when I  wanted more or if I shoved him away when he started to lean. Then I  thought about all those times when Virgil helped me to do something or  just simply talked to me. Once, when my back hurt really bad he even  gave me a massage. I could have sworn that he took away my pain with his  werewolf powers. I never thought that he does that because he cares  about me. I always thought that Patton made him.  I ignored the sound of  the open door. I heard two voices approaching me. They were Patton and  Logan.  "Y/N? What are doing here? Are you ok?" Patton asked and sit down next to me. I slowly shook my head as a no.  "Logan?Can you give us a second?" Patton asked.  "Yeah,  sure. I think it's enough for today. We can start again tomorrow. And  Y/N? Whatever happened, it will be ok." he said , patting my shoulder  then leaving us alone.  "You two are together?" I asked "No, he is helping us to find the alpha. But tell me what happened."   "Isaac broke up with me, then your brother rejected me." I explained.  He looked at me with eyes wide open. "Ok. Let's start with the break up. Why?" he said.  "He  told me he doesn't love me. " I simply said. No tears , no sobs. It  wasn't the break up who really made me sad. Well....at first it was but  then Virgil came.  "What? How can he not love you? Is he blind?" Patton  huffed.  "Come  on Patton. I'm not Valerie. She was pretty, intelligent, everything a  boy could ever want. I'm just me. Like Virgil said, it was just a matter  of time." I said.  "Don't you ever say that again. You are not  pretty, you are beautiful. And smart.Stop putting you down. Just because  Isaac didn't see that, it doesn't mean that the others won't see how  special you are." he stoked my cheek.  "And what part does Virgil play in this story?" he asked me.   I  wanted to answer but in that moment somebody else entered the loft. I  looked in that direction and saw the man in whose brown eyes, I got lost  just an hour ago.  "I'm sorry to interrupt your little moment but I  forgot my book. I take it and I will go home." he said gesturing to the  book on the coffee table. I took it and gave it to him. For a moment  our  fingers brushed and I looked into his eyes. There was a mix of  jealousy and regret in them. "Stay" I whispered. He didn't say anything  in return.  He just left.  I put my head in my hands. Then I felt  Patton rubbing up and down my arms. "It will be ok. Whatever he did, you  shouldn't care. You know Virgil."   "He made me feel good and then break my already broken heart." I sobbed.  "So you love him?" patton asked, raising his brows.  "I  don't know. Did this ever happen to you? Knowing someone for a few  years, and then suddenly, he does something that makes you love him?" I  asked.  "Yeah.It happened to me. " He sighed, grabbing my hand.  "We kissed." I whispered.  "Be careful with him, Y/N. He could be playing with you."   "I think I love him, Patton." I admitted.  "Then I think you should do something about that."  "Thanks for supporting me." I smiled to him.  "Anytime." He said and pulled me in a hug.  "Oh. You should ask Logan out. Virgil told me you have a crush on me but I think you have one on him, am I right?" I said.  "What ?! No ,no I don't have a crush on anyone." He said.  "Yeah sure. I just said his name and you blushed."  I laughed. "Can I ask you something?"  "Yes." he said.  "Do  you want to pretend you are my boyfriend when Virgil is around? To make  him jealous. Maybe Logan see us too. It's a win-win" I said.  "Deal." He said and smirked

In  the next few weeks me and Patton were inseparable. We always shown up  together. I've spent more time in the loft than I've ever done. I was  sure to be there the same time as Virgil. I observed him. He didn't seem  to care but sometimes, I saw him sending death glares at Patton.  One  night I decided to poke the bear more and called him asking if I could  visit him. To my surprise he accepted.  I knocked on the door. At first I  thought that he won't answer but then I was welcomed by the most  beautiful brown eyes I have ever seen.  "Come in." he said. He  gestured for me to sit on the couch while he went to the kitchen and  returned with two cups of coffee. "Thank you" I said and took a sip.  "So...to what do I owe the pleasure?" he said sitting down next to me.  "I  need your help. I want to make Patton a surprise. I want to organise a  date tomorrow night and since you know him for a very long time I  thought that you could tell me more about him." I said  "So you two are officially a couple?" he asked.  "I think we are." I nodded. "I want to cook something, then watch some movies. Do you think he would like that?" I asked  "Yeah. Deep down Patton is a romantic. You could also bring candles. And I can help you cook, if you want." He said.  "That would be nice. Thank you."   I looked at him for any signs of jealousy. I wish I were a werewolf so I  could hear his heart beats. There was an awkward silence between us until  I finally spoke.   "And for a movie ... What do you suggest?" I asked.   "Something romantic. Or maybe a comedy. Even horror would work. You can  act scared and snuggle with him." He said   "I don't like to pretend being someone else. I don't get scared. "   "You are brave. Patton likes strong girls. You are his type. " he smiled  at me. "And what do you want to do after the movie." He asked. Finally, my occasion.   "I don't know, I didn't think that far" I laughed.  "But if the things work, I think I know what I am going to do." I winked. He  raised a brow. I scooted closer until our bodies touched. "So...we stand  like this and in the middle of the movie I will move my hand like this."  I slowly stoked his leg from the knee to his thight while I was looking  into his eyes.   "Y/N" he whispered. I smirked.  "And then I will move my hand to his waist and I will drag my nails up  his shirt until I reach his shoulders and then I will straddle him.Like  this." I tried to move but the he caught my forearms and pulled me away.   "What?" I snapped.   "I know what are you doing. No Y/N. We will never be together."   "Why not? I want you, virgil.And I think you want me too." I said.   "Why not? Do you really not know the answer? Because you deserve better.  " he yelled.   "What if I don't want better? What if the only one I want is you?" I  screamed back.   "I can't give what you want. I can give you a night or two. Patton can give  you a family. He can give you love. I will break your heart." He said   " Virgil..." I whined.   "What  kind of father do you want for your daughter? A manipulative,  power-hungry man or a caring and gentle guy like Patton ?" He yelled.  I  stood for a moment looking at him. I tried to figure out what words  should I say. Should I go away or should I fight for him. For us. I took  a step closer to him and said: "I want to tell her that our love was so  strong and real that you were ready to let me go. I want to tell her  that, it doesn't matter how many times you pushed me away, you ended up  being the love of my life."  "I have hurt people before. But I  really don't want to hurt you. I don't want to be the reason you will  cry yourself to sleep in the next 2 months. I don't want to break your  heart. So please. Stop doing these things to me, Understand that you  won't convince me to be with you.I'm too dangerous for you" he said  "I  can wait for you, Virgil . But not forever. I will stay home tonight. You  can pay a visit. We can talk about this. But if you don't, don't bother  to call me tomorrow or ever again," I grabbed my jacket from the couch and left his  appartment.   Virgil didn't come that night. Or the next.He  didn't call or text me. It seemed that he forgot about me. In the first  days I blamed myself for being so harsh on him but then I realised that I  bared my heart to him and the only think he told me was that he will  hurt me. Of course he told me that I'm one of the few persons that  really matters to him but then why doesn't he do something about that?  After three days I decided that if he can let me go that easily I can  too. That night I went into a bar and drank and danced all night long. I  did the same for another five days. I had fun meeting new guys each  night but then, when I would wake up the next morning I would feel the  same as when I went to bed. Lonely. I couldn't find a boy that would  make me want to give more than a kiss and a dance. I didn't call anyone.  From time to time I would receive calls from Scott or Stiles asking me  if I'm alright but I never answered back.  Friday night I decided I  want to have fun. Real fun. I will just let myself carried away.  Probably I will drink so I decided to text Virgil in order to warn him. "Tonight I will get drunk and sleep with some boy I'll find. Please don't answer if I call.'  I turned off my phone and headed to the closest club. I stood on one of  the chairs at a bar and ordered soda. Who was I kidding? I couldn't  just get drunk. I'm not that type of person. Also, I'm not a fan of   'get drunk and do stupid things'. I hated that all the enthusiasm I had  when I left my home, had disappeared when I entered the bar. I was so  sure that this would be my night. I would get drunk and party like all  the other people do. Now, I found myself staring at the glass of juice,  lost in my thoughts.   "You look lonely. Such a beautiful girl  shouldn't stay alone."
On the left chair was standing a tall, handsome,  boy. He had brown eyes, but not the ones I wanted, and brown hair. It was  clearly that he was flirting with me but I really wasn't in the mood to  respond so I shrugged.  "Do you want to dance?" he continued.  "No" I replied.  "Come on. I know you want." he grabbed my forearm.  "Stop.I said no." I yelled but then someone pulled that boy away from me.  "I  think the lady said no."  I saw Virgil pushing him to the ground and  then he turned to me and grabbed my hand. He pulled me out of the club  and into his car. Neither of us talked until he parked near his  apartment.  "Let's talk inside." he said and get out of the car.  "As you wish." I mumbled knowing that he would hear me.  We  got in and I sat down on the couch. The same one where not long time  ago, I tried to make him kiss me again. He sat next to me.  "Do you  know how many times I have called you?" he said. I expected him to yell  or to scream but his voice was surprisingly calm.  "Many." I answered.  "You  know how much I love sarcastic comments but now it's not the right  time. Thirty times. I have called you thirty times. And I have sent you  texts too." he said.  I shrugged off. "I didn't ask you to. I think I said don't call me."   "Why did you do this? What would have happened if I weren't there to stop that guy?"  " Why do you care?" I said.  "Look. I'm not good at expressing my feelings. But I think I love you."  "I thought you are too dangerous  for me.You said you will break my heart. What made you change your mind?"  "When you came here the last time and started talking about how your  daughter will know that our love was real, it made me think. In my mind I  had this imagine of a little girl who looks exactly like you but with  my eyes.I know I made a lot of  mistakes but I don't want to make the  one that I will regret the rest of my life. I don't want to lose you.  Until you, I've never met a woman who made me wanting more than just an  one-night stand. But you, YN. You made me wanting dates, long walks. I  want to hold your hand in public. I want you to call me at 1 a.m. when you are lonely. I want to be there for you."  I looked at him and for the first time I saw him looking honest. Maybe  he was just a good actor but right now my dream came true. The man I  loved told me he wants me.   "I want the same." I said. He smiled. Then I felt two hands cupping my face and his soft lips on  mine. This time he was the one who deepened the kiss. Neither of us stopped. Neither of us wanted to. Our lips  moved in such a perfect sync that it would be a crime to break the kiss.  When we finally needed air, he rested his forehead against mine while  trying to catch our breathes.  "You don't know how much I have waited to do this. It was a torture to see you with Isaac." he said.   He stroked my cheek and then kissed me again. This was more  heated, more passionate. I put my hands on his shoulder and straddled  him. He rest his hands on my hips. I felt his lips kissing along my jaw and down on my neck. Then he bit  the base of my neck. I hissed in pain.  It didn't start to bleed but it  surely will leave a mark.  He kissed the bruise one more time and said:    "I've dreamt of this The moment when I will claim you as mine. Come on.  If you want, you can do the same." he said and bared his neck.  "You know I can't. You are a werewolf. It will heal."  I slowly punched his arm.  "I know. I just tried to be romantic." he smirked.  "Virgil sanders is trying to be romantic. Who would have thought?"
I chuckled.  He  let a small laugh then kissed me again.I slipped my hands under his  shirt, feeling his muscles tense under my touch.I slowly lifted it and  then grabbed the hem of my own. Virgil caught my hand and whispered  against my lips.   "Are you sure?"  I nodded. In a few seconds  my shirt was tossed somewhere in the room.virgil picked me up  carrying me to his bedroom.  ———————————————————————–
  I woke  up with a smile on my face, memories of the last night flooding my  mind.He had one arm around my waist , keeping me close to his chest. I  rolled so I was facing him.   "Morning!" I spoke quietly.   "Morning, sweetheart. How did you sleep?" Virgil said.   "I was afraid to fall asleep thinking that everything is a dream and  when I will wake up you will disappear." I said. He kissed my forehead   "Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere."  "Mhm, romantic" I said.   "As always." He laughed. Suddenly he stopped and his expression became  serious. 'Oh no. Please don't tell me it was a mistake. Please don't' I thought.  "Can I be honest with you?" He asked.   "Of course. You can tell me anything." I said   "The real reason why I didn't want to be with you it's that you changed  me. After I have met you, I started thinking more about you than myself.  I tried to help everyone in the pack hoping that maybe one day you  would notice me. I stopped my plans of becoming an Alpha because I knew  that you would never forgive me if I would have killed Issac. I tried to  be a man that deserves you, not a killer. I think I'm just afraid to  change." He said.   "You are a good person, Virgil. You just made a few mistakes. You were  hurt before. Show me one person who doesn't want to revenge his family."  I said   "And what about Thomas? I killed him for his alpha powers " He asked.   "You were sick. You couldn't think right. I don't blame you. I'm sure  you regret that. " I placed my hand on his cheek.    "What did I do to have such an amazing woman by my side?"he asked, stroking my back.   "You were an amazing man." I answered. We stood and looked into each other eyes for a few minutes. It was so  good to finally feel loved. To know that I have found my soul mate. Then a  questien popped into my mind.   "Was it true?" I asked.   "What?"   "Did you really imagine our daughter, when I came to you?" I said.   "Yes. That's another thing that you changed in me. I have never thought  about having a family. Now I think it's not so bad to have one or two  kids running around here." I smiled when I heard his words. For a moment  everything seemed perfect but then I started to worry.   "I'm scared. What if I am not going to be a good mother?" I asked.   "Of course you will be. Those kids will be so lucky to have us as their  parents. " I laughed. That's my Peter. Always so sure about himself.   
"Thank you." I said.
"For what?" He furrowed his brow in confusion 
"Mending my heart"   —————————————— 
After a few years    I was washing some dishes while Zack and Emma were eating their  chocolate cereals. Suddenly I felt two arms wrapping around my waist and  someone kissing my cheek.    "You left early today." I said to my  husband.   "Patton needed me. If it wasn't an emergency I wouldn't have gone. You know how much I hate not being with you and the  kids on Saturday morning. "  Virgil said.   "You know how much I hate waking up alone." I pouted.   "You are so sweet when you do this." He said and kissed me. We stopped  when we heart giggles coming from the table.   "So.. what are you, little wolves, eating here?" He said turning to the 2  kids and standing on a chair.   "Cereals with milk. Mommy cooked it for us." Emma said.   "Daddy? Can I come with you to help uncle Patton next time?" Zack asked.   "When you will be older." Peter said and messed his hair.   "But I'm 5 years old. I am a grown up" the little child answered.   "Then you should start pay for staying here." Virgil replied.   "Ha! I'm sure you want to be 4 like me!" Emma said.   "You are a baby, Emma!" Zack told her.   "Babies don't have to pay." Virgil  added. I watched amused the whole  scene. I saw Emma sticking her tongue out at her brother. He did the  same thing to her.   "Kids! That's not nice!" I said.   "Come on, sweetheart. Let the kids have fun." Virgil said. I sighed.   "I'm not going to pay, am I, daddy?" Zack asked using his puppy eyes. He  got up and stood on his father left knee. Emma copied her older brother  and stood on the right one. Virgil put his hands on their backs to secure  them from falling.   "No. Of corse not. At first, you and Emma can pay together. But only for  a limited time. Then we will expect two rents, right Y/N?" He said and  looked at me.   "Daddy." They both whined at the same time. I shook my head and laughed.   "Mommy? How did you meet daddy?"Emma asked.   "That is a long story, sweety." I answered.   "Dad told us that you were a princess and that he saved you from a giant  dragon" Zack said.   "What did you tell them!?" I said.   "Nothing. They are kids. I am sure they invented it" he shrugged off.   "But you told us last night. The goodnight story." Zack said.   "Ok, you know what? I am going to tell you the real story. I was the one  who saved your father. If I weren't there I am sure that the chimera would have turned him into it's meal."   "Told you he was lying." Emma whispered to her brother.   "What's a chimera?" Zack asked. My eyes widen. We decide we won't tell  them about the supernatural until they will be ready to face that world.  I looked at Virgil for help.   "It's a species of dragon" Virgil said.   "I think dragons are cute." Emma said.   "Until they eat you" Zack said.   "Zack!" Both me and  Virgil  said.   "What? You told me I have to be honest" he said.   "Ok. Let's change the subject. What would you say if I told you that I  organized a holiday for us." Virgil said   "Really?" I asked.   "Yeah. We both work a lot and I thought that we can have a week off. I  talk to Patton and he suggested a nice cottage in the woods far from  here. There is a large courtyard for kids to play and we can take  strolls in the mountains in evening." He said.   "That's amazing" I said.   "Come on Emma. Let's prepare our toys." Zack said.   "Not now, wolfy. In a week. " his father said.   "Of, fine.Until then, can we play outside?" Zack asked.   "Yeah let's play." Virgil got up and took their tiny hands in his.   "Will you come too, mom?" Emma asked.   "In a minute sweety. I have one more plate to wash and I will come." I said.   I  looked lovingly outside the window at my children and husband playing  football. Zack looked so much like Virgil. The only differences were the  eyes, which were mine. Virgil was right when he imagined Emma. She looks  like me but she has big blue eyes just like her dad.  Emma was so  sweet trying to keep the pace with her brother. I love the  relationship between my two little kids.Zack would never admit but he  loves his little sister. He teases her constantly but one night when I  went to their room I saw her snuggle with him. The next morning, I heard  Emma had a nightmare but Zack was there to calm her down.   When I was a teenager I have never thought that this could happen. I never  thought that I will see Virgil sanders playing with two kids. With our kids. Absently, I moved my hand to my still flat belly. I smiled. A holiday  seems the perfect time to tell him the news.

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