WEREWOLF! Virgil x reader part 3

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We were packing for our little getaway. I hardly convinced the kids not to take all of their toys with them. Finally they agreed on taking two for each of them.All the bags were ready but I was still checking if I didn't miss something. I felt two arms wrapping around me and virgil kissing my neck. "You should relax. This holiday is for us to take a break." He mumbled against my neck. "I know." I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck. " I just want everything to be perfect." "It will be. I will put those in the car and you prepare for thousand of 'Are we there?' "He laughed and pick up the bags. —————————————————- "Aren't we there yet?" Zack asked for the tenth time. "Do we look like we are there?" I asked. "I don't know." He said. "Then neither do I." I said. I have to admit Zack resists the road better than Emma. She asked that annoying question over fifteen times. Finally, they fell asleep. I think the enthusiasm of the holiday kept them away from sleeping last night. "Seriously, virgil. It's like they made a deal to see who can annoy us the most." "Huh?" He said "I put my headphones in the first time they asked" I laughed. "I said 'it's like they made a deal to see who can annoy us most'" I repeated "Stop complaining. When we went once with the pack at camping, you were constantly asking us when when we'll arrive. Remember?" He smirked. "That's not true." I whispered so I won't wake up the kids. "You annoyed everyone so much that Thomas wanted to return and leave you home." he chuckled. "I don't remember." I said and looked outside the window at the beautiful scenery. "Daddy? Are we there?" Emma said with sleepy voice. I burst out laughing and Virgil pulled over. "Is it too late to call Patton to take them home? Please, they won't even notice that we are missing." Virgil looked at me with a desperate face. "Stop complaining, Virgil and start the car. The sooner we get there the better." I laughed. The kids didn't ask in the last thirty minutes. Now I started to understand them. After two hours on the road, I was really bored. "Viiiirrrrgggiiilll." I whined. "Don't ....you....dare." He warned me. I smirked. "Are we there yet?" "Sweetheart...I love you....But that won't stop me from leaving you right here." He said. I laughed. "No, but seriously. When are we going to reach our destination?" My voice became serious. "In a few minutes....I think." He mumble the last two words. "What do you mean 'I think'. Virgil? Did we get lost?" I asked my lips pursued in a thin line. "No. We didn't get lost. I may have take the wrong path but now we are on the right one." he said. I shook my head in disbelief. After 2 hours....... "I hate you so much" I said, my elbow resting on the base of the window. "I love you too, honey." Virgil said. "Mommy, are we there?" Zack said. "I don't know, sweety. Daddy, are we there yet?" I sent death glares at Peter. "In a few minutes." He said. "You said the same thing two hours ago." Zack said. "And I will say the same in the next four hours if you three don't let me figure out the right road." He said "Ok. Enough. Emma give me the map." I said and stretched my hand to grab the paper. "I don't need a map." Virgil said. "Yeah sure." I huffed. Finally I found the right route. After one more hour we arrived at the cabin that Virgil rented for a week. It was so beautiful. The place was in the woods. It was quiet and isolated. "Do you like it?" Virgil said. "Yeah. It's amazing." I said and pecked his lips. "Let's unpack, and then maybe we can walk around." he said and went to the car to bring inside the luggage. "Can we go inside?" Emma asked. "Sure." I grabbed her and Zack's hands and guided them inside, Virgil following us. The cabin wasn't big but it was enough. It had two bedrooms: one for us and one for kids. One kitchen, two bathrooms and a living-room with a nice fireplace. "Come on, Emma. Let's choose our room." Zack said and started to explore the place. I prepared the lunch and after eating we dressed the kids and went outside for a little walk. "I hope you know the way." I joked. "Don't worry. Woods are like my home." Virgil winked. He had one arm wrapped around my shoulder. We were slowly walking and watched our kids playing and running in front of us. Virgil kissed my forehead and said 'thank you'. "For what?" I asked. "Giving me a family." he answered. I smiled. "Oh well... I hope you are ready for surprises this week." "What do you mean?" he furrowed his brows in confusion. "Oh...well. You made me a surprise with this holiday. Now it's my turn." I said. "What surprise?" he asked. "Patience, my dear friend. You will find out later." I said. "Can't wait. You know how much I love your surprises." He said. There was getting dark so we returned to the cabin. The children were playing in their room while Virgil and I were carrying some woods fro the camp fire. After everything was done I have called the kids so we could roast marshmallows. I brought some blankets in case they will get cold but it didn't happened. I made some hot chocolate for the kids and helped them to 'cook' the marshmallows. I stood near Virgil who offered me a cup of coffee which I gladly took. My heart started to beat faster. I was more nervous than I thought I would be. I prepared myself for a few weeks for this moment. I thought that after two times it would be easier to tell him. "What happened? You reek of anxiety." Virgil said. "It's not anxiety. I think it's a mixture between enthusiasm and nervousness." I said. Virgil looked into my eyes and encouraged me to go on. The kids left their toys and came to us. "So..."I cleared my throat. "I have something to tell all of you. Do you remember that I promised you a surprise?" I looked at Virgil "Well here it is." I grabbed his hand and placed it on my belly. "I'm pregnant" I said smiling. "What?" he whispered, his lips parted. "We are going to have a baby." I said, the corners of his mouth rising. "And you two are going to have a little sister or brother." I said to my two kids. They were slightly shocked but then happiness appeared on their faces and hugged me. "It's late. We should get in." Virgil said. I told Emma and Zack the good night story, tucked them in and then I went in my room. Virgil was waiting for me, reading a book. "You really know how to make surprises." he said as I slipped under the covers. I giggled and rested my head on his chest "I love you.." I said. "I love you, too." The week spent there was amazing. We laughed, realxed and had a great time together, as a family. The way back home was shorter because this time I drove so I didn't take the wrong road.
We arrived home and slightly fell back into our daily patterns. Everyday we would drop the kids at kindergarden and then we would go to our jobs. Come back home, picking the kids and eat dinner. Virgil still had to see Patton and Thomas from time to time in order to help them with pack buisness. I didn't mind it until one night. It was past midnight and he didn't come home. He was never so late so I started to panick. I tried to call him or Patton but neither of them answered. I paced the living-room floor, my hand on the little baby bump. I felt my heart beating faster than usual when I thought about what could have happen to Virgil . Suddenly, I've heard the front door opened. I ran there and I was met by Virgil. I almost screamed when I saw in what condition he was. His shirt was ripped, he had scratches all over his body and he was covered in blood. He was bearly walking. "What happened?" I fumed. "Ok...before you get angry, I am fine. " he said trying to calm me down. "Fine? Fine? This is what you call fine?" I snapped. "We have met some agressive werewolves and they attacked us. You should see how they look after they fight with us." He tried to make a joke but right now I was beyond furious. "What I want to see is you in the bathroom, right now." I said. He did as I said and sat on the edge of the tub. I took off the remains of his shirt and started to clean the wounds on his chest and then the ones on his face. I grabbed a washcloth and cleaned all the blood on him. All of that time he was silently looking at me, afraid to say something. "Why aren't you healing?" I asked. "They are pretty deep. It will take some time." I looked away from him and wipped one tear from my eyes, "Hey." he grabbed my hand and kissed it. "Don't cry. Everything will be fine." "NO! It won't be!" I yelled. "Do you know how scared I was this night?" "I have to help them. They are our pack." he said. "Yes but we are your family! What if you died tonight. What I would have told the kids, huh?" I screamed. "But I didn't die!" he yelled back. "I'm right here listening your lecture. I don't know why I even came right now. I could have gone to Patton, healed and come back in the morning." he said. "And let me wonder the whole night where you are?!" I yelled. "I really don't understand what's your problem. I'm here, woman." He huffed. "My problem? So this isn't a problem for you? So I think it's perfectly normal for you to come home in the middle of the night covered in scratches and blood!" "I am a werewolf! You can't change that. My life is dangerous. You knew that. I remember telling you that you won't be safe with me." he screamed. "Ok, you know what? Go and get yourself killed by some angry supernatural creatures. I don't care anymore. I will raise these three kids all by myself." I said and rushed to our bedroom. I closed the door with a thud and locked it. Virgil came after me and tried to enter. He started to knock on the door. "You must be kidding. Let me in." "Stop knocking. You are going to wake up the kids. I sat on the edge of the beds, my hands on my belly, tears streaming down my face. "I think your yelling already woke them up." he said. "Seriously now. Please let me in. I want to talk to you." "I will let you in when you will sort out your priorities." Priorities. Then something horrible came into my mind. I slowly opened the door. And looked at him. "They were a pack, weren't they? You used Patton and Logan as an excuse. You wanted to kill the Alpha so you will steal the power. Things didn't get as planned and you had to surrender. They didn't attacked you. You attacked them." I said. He closed his eyes and bowed his head. "Get out!" I whispered. "What?" He shut his eyes open. "Come back to us when you will decide what's more important to you." I said with tears in my eyes and closed the bedroom's door behind me. Virgil turned around and saw Emma and Zack standing in their room's door frame. He sighed and went to them. "Come on, kids. Go back to your beds." He made sure they were covered and comfortable and kissed their foreheads. "Daddy.What happened?" Emma asked, his voice trembling. "Sometimes, grown ups fight. But that doesn't mean anything. Your mother and I are fine." he said. "But you have never fought like this before" Zack said. "It will pass. In the next year, we will remember about this and we will laugh." Virgil said, trying to smile. The kids looked at him with teary eyes. "Was it true what you said?Are you a werewolf?"_ _ Virgil sighed." We wanted to tell you when you will be older. But I see I have to do it now. Yes I am. Mommy is human." "Do werewolves feel things that other people don't?" Zack asked. "Yeah. We can know what other people feel. We can hear better, move faster." "Emma and I, we can feel what other people feel. On the night with the fire camp we could feel your joy and happiness. But today when you left for work, we saw you looking at mommy and we could feel guilt." Zack said. "I'm sorry kids. I think I really messed up everything." Virgil said. "I can hear Mommy crying. Go to her." Emma said. "She doesn't want to see me." He said. "I heard her unlocking the door." Emma said. "I think she wants to talk to you." Zack said. "I will go. But first I want to see you two sleeping." They quickly pulled the blankets and closed their eyes. Virgil laughed and shook his head in amusement. He went to our bedroom but it was empty. I was in the living room looking through photo albums. I didn't wipped my tears because it was pointless. They will be replaced by others in a few seconds. "I remember that day. It was our first date." I heard Virgil behind me. "Me too. Those were the days when I still believed you that you don't want to kill Roman and become an Alpha." I said. "I don't want to harm Roman. I think I proved you that" He said. I rolled my eyes. He sat down next to me and took my hands in his. My mind told me to pull back but I didn't. "You don't realise how sorry I am. I just saw this opportunity to take the power and I couldn't resist. But now I see how wrong I was.You and the kids are my pack. We both are Alphas of our own pack and that's more important to me than anything in this world. I love you, sweetheart. I love Zack. I love Emma. I love our little unborn baby." He said and put his hand on my belly. "I love what we have." He cupped my face and pressed his lips against mine. My tears were still streaming down but he stopped them. I broke the kiss and whispered against his lips. "They are watching us, aren't they?" I smiled a bit. "I can't believe they though we won't notice them."he said. "We saw you." I yelled to the two kids hiding behind the door. They came to us and asked. "Is everything ok." Virgil looked at me. I wipped the last tear and nodded. "Why aren't you in bed, by the way?" Virgil asked. They looked at each other trying to find a good answer. "We wanted to see the photos" Emma said. "It's Friday. we don't have to wake up early. I say we could stay and look" Virgil said. "Ok." I said. "Is that your weeding photo?" Zack asked. I looked at the photo and smiled remembering the moment I said I do. "Wow, Mommy looked like a princess in that white dress." Emma said. "She still does." Virgil said and kissed my forehead. We looked at old albums until the kids fell asleep in our arms and we had to carry them to their room. Then we went to our own room hand in hand. We fall asleep in each others arms, happy that we are together.

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