~you have me ~Roman x reader

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You woke up earlier today. Eyes still red from crying, why? Because your mother died. She was all you had left, your father left you with your mother the day you were born.Even just the thought of it made you want to cry harder. Not the thought of your father, but the thought of your poor mother.You tried to go back to sleep,but the memory just keeps coming back,keeps replaying inside your head. But for some reason, this time, you let it play.....
"(Y/n), sweetheart,its time to go home"your mother informed you as she gave you her signature sweet smile."Kk"you replied sweetly as you got inside the car.The sun had already set a few minutes ago, making the road slightly harder to see,but of course the wasn't the problem in your situation. It was your brakes. "Ummm (y-(y/n)?" You mother stuttered, "yes?" You asked as you tilted your head in confusion, your mother rarely stuttered, you thought."we......w-we lost the b-brakes..."she replied wanting to stay calm."w-wait,WHAT?!" You nearly screamed, trying hard not to panic. Just then a truck was in your car's way, tears started to form in your eyes as you positioned yourself, waiting for the impact. "(Y/n)........ No matter what happens... I love yo-"
You cried, remembering that your mother didn't even get to fiinish her sentence before you crashed. I have to be strong.... For mom..you thought to yourself as you wiped away a tear. You stood, slightly blacking out for a few seconds, then you continued prepare for school
.~time skip, in school(sorry im lazy and its late :p)~
You sighed, wishing that the day would already end, even though it was like any other normal day. You see, no one else but (b/f/n), you and somehow ,Roman knew that your mother died. And you planned on keeping it that way.Your thoughts started to get cloudier by the second, but then a booming voice startles you.
"(Y/N)(L/N)!!"your teacher practically screeched, causing you to jump a little,great, you thought, you were in a bad mood and this.wasnt.helping.You directed you eyes toward your teacher, whom was fuming with anger and slight annoyance."yes?" You asked. Now, all eyes were on you."Pay attention! or else ill have your parents called for a parent teacher meeting!" She tried to threaten you."Go ahead" you snickered, causing your teacher to walk up to you, she opened her mouth to speak, but she did something no one expected.She slapped you across the face.You held your cheek as you felt the pain. But you didn't dare to cry."GET OUT OF MY CLASS" she screamed at your face, and you obliged, 'happily' picking up your bag and leaving the room, but as you did, a stubborn tear made its way down your face, bringing more tears with it, and before you realized it, you were crying heavily, filled with different emotions, but mostly, anger and sadness, your walked up to a random locker and bawled your eyes out,now you were mostly filled with anger, they didn't know, they're to dumb to care, were the thoughts that raced in your mind.You let out a scream of both pain, anger and sorrow, and punched the locker, not caring about your now bleeding fist, you just want to let it all out.
Roman's POV
I was getting bored in class, so i decided to take 'a trip to the restroom', but then as i was walking down the halls, i heard crying, that seemed to come from a familiar girl, as i got a close enough view, i noticed that she had (h/c) colored hair and was wearing mostly (f/c) and
(s/f/c), then it hit me, (y/n) was the one crying.I wanted to walk up to her, to ask her what was wrong, but something made me stand still, she was crying against a locker, covering any view of her face, she then let out an angered scream, then...punched the locker??Her hand was already covered with blood, but it seemed like she just didn't care,then she dropped to the ground ,still crying, as i ran over to her."(Y/n)! what the hell happened??"

(Y/n)'s POV

"(Y/n)! what the hell happened??" I heard a voice similar to Roman call out to me"........." I turned around to see that it was indeed Roman ."I think i punched a locker?" I replied, even thought it sounded more like a question"fucking hell,(y/n)!" He scolded as i just giggled at his reaction"Let me bring you to the infirmary" he said"No" i replied sternly and as calm as possible
I raised my voice,i could tell he was shocked at my outburst."Come on, at least let me heal you" he offered I snickered, "why would you want to heal a lonely , ugly, good for nothing, worthless little piece of shit like me?" I questioned, but even thought he was hugging me,he seemed a bit angry,
"(y/n), you are not a piece of shit! Nonetheless worthless! To me your everything, your sweet,kind, caring, beautiful, and absolutely not worthless! Without you i'd probably go crazy!" He lectured, laughing a bit at the end of the sentence as he slightly pulled apart from the hug.While i, just stood there, dumbfounded and confused."W-what?""(Y/n)..." He started as he took my bloody hands in his "I love you"And with those three words he closed the distance between us, i blushed, a bit surprised, but i started to kiss back, we could have stayed like that, but we needed air like normal humans do.He looked at me with his Russet brown orbs as they stared directly at mine. I smiled as i replied "i love you too"i exclaimed smiling " And just so you know....... Your not alone..... You have me"

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