Another remus x reader (male reader)

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Trigger warning: homophobia

The sander sides are all brothers in this!!

The whole sanders household were worried about Remus and Y/n. The two of them had been arguing a lot, the fights getting more and more personal as it went on. The were insulting each others families, personalities and anything else that the two thought off. They were worried about how it was affecting both of them, individually and as a group. It even sometimes got physical, a few odd, weak punches being thrown.

Time Skip

The boys were on a small holiday in london and was just about to film a new video but this time: hide and seek. they were playing in the middle of a town centre in central London, loads of people doing their shopping. A perfect place to blend in and many shops to hide in.They were all wearing hoodies too, the boys all wearing a black hoodie expect Y/n who was wearing a baby pink one. As the boys played rock, paper, scissors to find out who would be seeking. Virgil ended up losing, which he kept moaning about making Remus and Roman laugh at him. When the boys were ready, Thomas began to film the intro for the video as the others got ready to run. "So boys you have 100 seconds to go and hide! 3... 2...1...go!" Virgil yelled, gaining a few weird looks. The boys all laughed and ran away, vlogging themselves hide. Y/n, roman and patton all ended up running in the same direction, passing different shops before making it to Starbucks. Roman pushed open the door for them as they all entered and found a table, before Patton went and ordered their drinks. "I cant believe we are doing this.." Y/n mumbled as he laughed.Roman nodded his head in agreement as he laughed with the younger boy, "He's gonna be so pissed if we win." Roman said as Patton walked back over to the table and handed the boys their drinks as he sat on the empty chair. The three sat and drank for a while, talking about anything that came to mind. Eventually Roman looked up at Y/N, "What's the deal with you and Remus? Why have you been arguing so much?" He asked.Y/n looked at Roman before looking down at his cup. "I don't know... He's just been snapping at me recently, more than usual anyways. I'm not sure if I've done anything that made him upset or offended him." Y/n explained, upset. Patton gave Y/n a sad small as roman sat in thought."I'm sure it's nothing. Just Remus being Remus." Patton tried. Y/n sighed but nodded anyways, ending that conversation.They continued talking afterwards, about anything that came to mind. As they were finishing up their drinks and throwing them away, they heard Remus and Virgil enter the shop signalling Remus has been caught. The three ducked under their table, watching as the now two seekers looked around the shop and headed towards the counter. As the two boys were collecting their drinks, the three hiders slowly made their way, one at a time, out of the cafe. The all sprinted down the street, the crowds splitting them up. Patton saw Y/n go past small shops and saw Roman get caught in a crowd of people. Patton smirked as he ran towards mcdoanlds, knowing that Logan was planning to chill there and read. Y/N hid behind one of the shops corners, leaning against the wall as he breathed heavily. He put a hand on his heart as he tried to get his breath back. After a few minutes he began walking back towards the Starbucks, keeping an eye on his surroundings, hoping to spot one of the boys. He saw a group of boys laugh and point at him, pointing at the hoodie he was wearing. Y/n blushed and looked down at the floor as he continued walking towards the cafe.He pulled out his phone and noticed that everyone but him and janus had been caught ,Patton  and Logan both ended up being in Mcdoanlds at the time. Roman had been caught as he tried to escape Starbucks, the crowd fucking him over, and ended up getting pushed over by Remus. Y/n chuckled quietly to himself before he yelped in shock, his phone being snatched out of his hands. He looked up and noticed the group of boys, who he now realised were a bit older and taller than him, had came closer and circled him. Y/n  shook with nerves as he stared up at the boy in front of him, making sure to keep an eye on his phone.
Homophobic language starts here — if you wanna skip, look for the other bit of underlining!!.

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