Logan x reader

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- Au: you have your soulmates First words spoken to you  tattooed on your wrist-

Thank you Eleanor-Sanders
For this AMAZING idea

Y/n's PoV
It's frightening having that one sentence written on your wrist
"I hate you" it's horrid. Petrifying.
He..she...they h-hate me?
I shake my head, i will not have these preposterous thoughts whirling through my brain again! No! No way! I'm getting ready for work by placing my awesome- note the sarcasm- outfit on my body

they h-hate me? I shake my head, i will not have these preposterous thoughts whirling through my brain again! No! No way! I'm getting ready for work by placing my awesome- note the sarcasm- outfit on my body

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I sigh at the ridiculous looking outfit it shows too much...ya know...skin. I plop my shoes on not looking at the outfit anymore because I don't want those wretched shivers down my spine. Walking out the door i look down at my wrist again
"I hate you...". "i hate you". "I hate you". I don't even realise it but tears are streaming down my cheeks as i notice i've reached the bar. It only dawned on me when i look down at the floor into a murky puddle outside the bar, seeing my face pale as anything and cheeks covered with streaming tears and smudged mascara my eyes are rheumy and my pink lips are sucked into a thin line. I shake my head, you wouldn't think something as stupid as this would ruin my life.

Mentally scoffing i walk into the bar making a beeline for the bathroom and cleaning myself up whilst re applying my make up then exiting the bathroom and making my way to the back stage.

As i arrive my manager,caitlyn, walked up to me "oi! L/n! You best Yeet yourself onto that stage soon! You're next" i laugh slightly. Caitlyn is a small bean but always acts tough and if i (or she if you do like girls like me) was into girls i would definitely go for her.

Walking onto the stage i look at the crowd scanning it to see the audience for tonight. I smile slightly as i see my best friends: Scott McCall, he's a year older than me and he's very possessive of his friends. He'd do anything for them, and Stiles Stillinski, he's the same age as me but a couple months older and he is a HUGE dork but he's hilarious. I give a slight smile at them before looking down and talking into the microphone "he-hello! Everyone...umm i-i'm gonna be singing a song i wrote called: "would you be so kind" s-soo..umm h-here i go"

(Play the song)

"I have a question
It might seem strange
How are your lungs?
Are they in pain?"

My voice starts out meek and quiet, being very nervous to do this but luckily the microphone picks it up and amplifies it

" 'Cause mine are aching
Think I know why
I kinda like it though
You wanna try?"

As i hear no laughter my voice picks up slightly more and i take a step back from the microphone as i start projecting my voice

"Oh would you be
So kind
As to fall in love with me, you see
I'm trying
I know you know that I like you
But that's not enough
So if you will
Please fall in love"
I grab the microphone off the stand and jump off the stage

"I think it's only fair
There's gotta be some butterflies somewhere
Wanna share?
'Cause I like you
But that's not enough
So if you will
Please fall in love with me"
I walk around the tables sometimes trailing my hands across someones shoulders or an empty table but to my own dismay I unknowingly avoid 1 table
"Let's write a story
Be in my book
You've got to join me on my page
At least take a look"
As i sing this i reach scott and stiles' table planting a quick soft kiss on each of their cheeks
"Oh, where are your manners?
You need some time?
Let's swap chests today
That might help you decide"
I walk upto the bar and jump on the counter sitting on it and swingin my legs around
"Oh would you be
So kind
As to fall in love with me, you see
I'm trying
I know you know that I like you
But that's not enough
So if you will
Please fall in love"
I quickly stand back up runningg and jumping back onto the stage placing the mic back into the holder and singing normally for the rest of the song
" i think it's only fair
There's gotta be some butterflies somewhere
Wanna share?
'Cause I like you
But that's not enough
So if you will
Please fall in love with me
Oh, do me a favor
Can your heart rate rise a little?
Do me a favor
Can your heart rate rise a little?
Oh do me a favor
Can your heart rate rise a little?
Do me a favor
Oh, would you be
So kind
As to fall in love with me, you see
I'm trying
I know you know that I like you
But that's not enough
So if you will
Please fall in love
I think it's only fair
There's gotta be some butterflies somewhere (wanna share)
'Cause I like you
But that's not enough
So if you will
Please fall in love
Oh I like you
But that's not enough
So if you will
Please fall in love with me"
I smile at everyone but just then a certain person catches my eye he has soft brown hair with a hazelly eye colour. He's wearing a blue tie and looks very smart and well-dressed but instead of going toward him i walk away ( mentally cursing myself for not noticing sooner). Reaching the bar i order myself a (drink of your choice) and am about to pay when someone pays for me i turn around to see the smartly-dressed man staring down at me with his lips pursed as he looks to be like he's studying me. I scoff quietly trying to hold up a string front but for some reason I can't help but squirm under his eyesight. But...then it happens and my heart sores out of my chest and my eyes fill with tears as i hear those three words. Them 3 words that have haunted me for my whole life! "I hate you" the man says straight to my face as i stand there stunned " y-you hate me...y-you hate me! O-oh my god! You hate me!?" I jump up and wrap my arms around his neck hugging him tightly but then quickly retract as i hear him chuckle. "That's probably the first time i've ever seen someone be excited for someone hating them...but I don't hate you i hate that you ignored the table i was sitting at" my face immediately flushed at that and i pout "i-i'm sorry...I didn't mean to...i-i'm y/n and you are...?" I mumble "I'm your soulmate! But if that was your way of asking my name it's logan" he says quite confidently and emotionlessly as i smile at the fact he's my soulmate.

"well...soulmate! I better get going i have a job to do" loga-my soulmate...nah! Logan says as he begins to walk off and i look down but then he suddenly stops and turns around rushing back towards me picking my chin up only to let me see straight into those oh-so-sweet dark honey eyes as i could smell his fragrance of old books,chocolate and firewood. I close my eyes and take in a deep breath through my noise trying to sketch the smell into my brain when i open my eyes i see him leaning closer painfully slowly as if he's trying to make me become old before we actually kiss but then there it is! The soft brush of his lips against mine. Surprisingly his lips were soft but still slightly rough but not in a bad way...oh definitely not in a bad way.
He kissed me like boy ever had, not trying to win a battle...but...more like we were both equal. Like he needs me but not in the sexual way...like he needs me to live!
Just then he pulls away pushing his lips next to my ear "i want to kiss you, but only in the most connotative way possible, so that no dictionary definition would stand a chance to describe how your lungs could be filled with the sweetest air possible, and yet you would still be so breathless" he softly whispered into my ear and at the end he let out a breathy chuckle which sent shivers down my spine but he stood up tall, he had to be at least 6 foot, and strides away only turning his head slightly to the side when he calls back "you comin' or what?" And i rush out the bar for once happy that I don't have to worry about my soulmate hating me...because he obviously doesnt

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