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Sunny woke up abruptly, feeling as if she had the worst hangover to ever surface the world. But she still preferred this to her dream, where she was being endlessly boiled alive in a cup of scorching hot black tea.

Then, she noticed something suspicious. For once in her life, there was silence. And peace. And quiet. She suddenly became incredibly alert, as if eight thousand four hundred and eighteen shots of caffeine had been injected into her circulatory system. She quickly scanned her surroundings, though it did her little use as everything in her line of sight was foggy. She tried rotating her head, but it was as if her neck was encased in a slab of cement.

Out of nowhere, a voice whispered to her:


The voice sounded ancient, and seemed to almost radiate power.

"Who in the galaxy are you? Oops, bad pun, my mouth slipped."

"It's me, little one. I won't hurt you."

"No, seriously. Who are you?"

"Haven't you guessed?"

Sunny didn't respond, falling into a pondering silence. Somehow, this voice seemed comforting and deadly at the same time, and familiar, although she never heard it before. The tone seemed familiar, too familiar.


The voice let out a small chuckle, and it seemed to swirl all around her until Sunny had no clue where it was coming from. "No, little one. I'm not nearly as cruel as she is."

"Katherine isn't cruel." Sunny argued. "A bit creepy, sure. But not-"

"Are you so sure about that?" The voice became firmer, with a hint of defensiveness. "She's here for no reason other than to wreak havoc whenever she wishes to. And I'm here to teach those who deserve to be taught."

"Well, I have no clue what you're talking about." Sunny scoffed. "Now if you don't mind, I'm leaving."

"You do realize you're dead, right?"

The realization struck her suddenly, and she could only stare blankly at nothing in pure shock. Katherine, the knife-

Everything made much more sense now.

"Your death was unfair." That convincing, sly tone has returned to the voice. "All you need to do, little one, is join me, and together we can rid the world of all injustice."

"I-I don't..."

Her death was unfair. She didn't even finish school yet, didn't get to truly grow up like everyone else. And it could have been prevented, if she didn't accept Katherine's invitation to tea. It could have been prevented if Katherine wasn't so cold-blooded and decided to stab her in that dark, abandoned storage shed.

Suddenly she was quivering with rage, and she felt almost numb from being overloaded with emotion. Sunny always had a short temper, but she never felt so betrayed and furious before. She felt ready to destroy all the pumpkins in the world to spite Lily and Jack, to tear the small neighbourhood to the ground, to kill everyone slowly and painfully, one by one, while forcing the others to watch.

At the same time, she wanted to stop thinking those thoughts.

A swirling of dust was what drew her out of her almost dreamlike trance. A humanoid figure formed from it, and slowly, the figure became more clear. The figure was a girl, who looked far too small and innocent to be the owner of the voice. Her skin was pale, her eyes were large and emerald green. Dirty blond hair fell in elegant curls around her shoulders. The girl's head barely reached to Sunny's shoulder.

As innocent as she looked, that knowing smirk on her face was certainly not innocent. It frightened the daylights out of her(apology for the pun), but Sunny was still in awe of how one could have such a contradicting appearance.

"How about you join my mission, Sunny?" she asked, smiling sweetly and wickedly at the same time. "It's simple. You can have all that you ever want, little one. You will be respected, and feared, even. All you need to do is give all of your control over to me."

"That sounds sketchy." Sunny pointed out bluntly.

"But it will be worth it, don't you see?" the girl kept her casual expression, and the sly tone. But Sunny sensed frustration, and the words seemed more like a threat than anything. "You can restore balance to our corrupted world, if you just give up all your own judgement. It's simple."

Against her normal stubborn personality, Sunny found herself drawn to this mysterious girl. She made up her mind almost blindly, giving a small nod.

Just like that, her vision cleared. Everything felt lighter, everything came into focus. Sunny felt like she was overflowing with power, and electricity practically came off in small sparks from her hands.

She decided that she didn't regret this decision at all. She would help this girl, restore whatever balance she meant, and avenge her own death. Sunny felt just as powerful as whatever force this girl was concealing, and it was almost as if she had only received a fraction of the strength that the girl possessed.

"What's your name?" she called out, realizing suddenly that she still didn't know.

The girl was turned away from her, ready to stride off. At Sunny's question, she peered over her shoulder, a strangely knowing smirk forming on her lips.

"My name," she said. "Is Mustard."

Author's Note:

Dun dun dun!!!!

By the way, the first few paragraphs of this chapter was written by another Cat Cult member. His character isn't introduced yet, though. But he's a great writer!

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