chapter 3 - secret smiles

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"Well, well, well. If it isn't captain of the boys' basketball team! Tell me - how did last week's game go?"

Cyrus really wished he could've chosen that moment to disappear. Unfortunately, though - he couldn't, so he was forced to stand timidly next to Buffy as she addressed TJ.

She usually wouldn't have initiated something like this, but the boys' basketball team had lost their first game in an undefeated season and Cyrus supposed that she probably couldn't help herself. She had also been insisting recently that TJ was ignoring her on purpose to wind her up, so it provided her with a perfect opportunity to re-spark the feud between them.

"I'm not interested, Driscoll."

Well that was a shock. So much so that even Buffy lost the smug look on her face for a few moments.

The boy began to walk away then, but Isaac roughly tugged him back. "Bro - what are you doing?" he hissed.

TJ just pulled his arm out of Isaac's grip, ignoring him completely in favour of  turning his gaze towards Cyrus. The ghost of a smile flickered across his lips, and the shorter boy gave him a very tiny nod. So tiny in fact, that he wondered if TJ had even caught it.

He tried not to think about the fact that less than 24 hours ago he had been drawing with this guy.

"I'm not in the mood to argue," he said flatly, shifting his gaze towards Buffy. "The only thing I will say though is that your team hasn't exactly had an undefeated season, have they?"

Cyrus' eyes widened at that.

"Neither have yours!" she countered. "Now that you've lost, you can't exactly call your season undefeated. Besides - two losses isn't even that significant!"

An amused smile came to TJ's lips, and he raised his arms in surrender. "You make a fair point, Driscoll."

Cyrus couldn't help but think that he was trying to make his jabs almost playful.

Was he just seeing what he wanted to see right now, or was TJ attempting to make banter rather than argue?

"Look - this has been fun and all, but I should head off. I'll see you around, yeah?"

With that, he turned on his heel and walked away in the opposite direction, leaving his friends in shocked silence.

"Yeah - well - get some better shirts while you're at it!" Buffy called after him, her voice slightly uncertain.

Cyrus couldn't help but laugh as they headed to class, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "I love you, but that wasn't your wittiest remark."

"Shut up." she responded playfully.


There were a lot of things that Cyrus found unfair in the world, and TJ Kippen's ability to give heart-melting smiles was rapidly becoming one of them.
Although he tried to keep his glances to a minimum at school over the next few days, he somehow managed to constantly catch the boy's eye in corridors, or outside of classes, or from across the cafeteria.

It had been so much easier before; TJ barely spared him a glance, and he most certainly didn't smile at Cyrus whenever they caught each other's eye. Now the opposite was true, and without seeming dramatic, it was kind of ruining his life.

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