chapter 24 - the visits

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A/N: Spontaneous update because why not!! Also this chapter is dedicated to Emily ( EmmaJames22 ) because she's the sweetest!!


The following evening was when Cyrus saw TJ again.

He was face timing his friends while completing some holiday homework and the doorbell had suddenly chimed.

"Hang on guys, I think my dad forgot his key again. I'll be right back!"

With that, he paused the call and dashed downstairs, sporting sweatpants and an oversized shirt.

He threw open the door with a slight laugh. "Let me guess, you- oh. Uh - Hi."

TJ was stood there, wearing jeans and a red hoodie. Cyrus couldn't help but feel slightly self-conscious.

"I um...made you these." the boy said, giving Cyrus what looked liked like a hand-woven basket with a red ribbon tied around the handle.

Cyrus peered inside for a moment, before looking back up and shaking his head. "Are you telling me you made chocolate-chocolate chip muffins?"


"TJ, are you trying to bribe me?"

The athlete gave him a teasing smile, placing a hand against the door frame. "I don't know. Is it working?"

Cyrus avoided the question, which seemed to tell the boy what he needed to know.

"I can't believe you remembered that one throw-away comment."

"Of course I did. Why wouldn't I?"

Cyrus shook his head again, but there was a visible smile tugging at his lips now. "Goodnight, TJ."

TJ returned the smile. "Goodnight, Cyrus."

He closed the door with a grin, before rushing back up to his room so he could tell his friends.

He was so screwed.


Cyrus honestly didn't expect to see TJ again the following day, which is why he jolted so violently when he heard a knock at the door. He had been reading his school book, and really - practically anything was better than reading a school book, so he was quick to jump up and rush downstairs.

"Is this going to be a daily thing now?" He asked as he opened the door, an amused smile on his lips.

This time TJ stopped by during the afternoon, and the unforgiving summer sun was already making Cyrus feel like he was overheating.

"Maybe." TJ responded with a smile. "For 5 days at least."

"5 days, huh?"

Privately, Cyrus couldn't help but think the athlete would very much be able to win him over within 5 days, but TJ didn't need to know that.

"5 days." TJ confirmed, handing over the canvas he was holding.

Cyrus' heart leapt when he realised what it was.

"You painted a green iguana? In a tree?"

"Yup! It took a reference picture or two, but...I got there."

Cyrus couldn't help but grin. This boy was officially trying to kill him.

"It's pretty. Thanks, TJ."

The boy waved him off. "It was nothing."

Neither of them said anything for a moment or two. Cyrus could practically feel himself beginning to melt, so he decided to speak up first. "I should probably go."

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