chapter 22 - an unexpected visit

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It was when his friends barged into his room on a rainy Sunday evening that he realised maybe he should've responded to a text or two.

"Cyrus Goodman, you have no idea how mad I am right now." Buffy said, tossing a bottle of water onto his bed. "We thought you died or something!"

Marty was by her side a moment later, putting a placating arm on her shoulder. Cyrus sat upright, while Andi and Jonah sat down at the foot of his bed.

"Uh. Hi." he managed, giving them all a small wave.

"Hi? That's all you have?" Buffy demanded.

Cyrus sighed heavily. "I'm sorry I didn't respond to you guys. There's just been...stuff."

Marty laughed slightly. "Bro. You do know that we've been friends for years now, right? Friends help their friends with 'stuff.'"

Cyrus wasn't sure if he was just feeling particularly emotional that night, but for some reason he found himself tearing up. Andi noticed this immediately and moved forward, wrapping her arms around him.

"I made a mistake." he said quietly, his voice wavering.

Buffy immediately softened at that. "What kind of mistake?" she asked gently.

Jonah had moved to his other side by now, and Cyrus found himself gently resting his head on the boy's shoulder.

"A mistake that probably ruined my friendship with TJ."

Jonah gave him a confused look. "...What are you saying?"

"I kissed him. Well, honestly - he kissed me if you really think about it, but-"

"You two kissed!?" Marty exclaimed, before promptly being smacked on the shoulder by Buffy.

"Why is that a bad thing?" Jonah asked.

"Because he's ignoring me now...and he said that it shouldn't have happened. Everyone I've talked to keeps saying that he'll come around but he hasn't and now I've officially lost him as a friend which is what I worried about but I let him kiss me anyway - guys! I'm so dumb! I can't believe I-"

"Cyrus." Buffy interrupted gently, climbing onto the bed. "You aren't dumb. If anything, TJ's the one being dumb. It's not your fault that he's ignoring you - you had no way of knowing he'd do that."

Marty nodded in agreement, sitting down on the bed beside her. "The fact that he's right next door is making me so tempted to go over there and yell at him for 10 years."

Cyrus smiled weakly at that. "I think he's getting that from Amber, anyway."

"He is? Wow, have I ever mentioned that I love Amber Kippen?"

Buffy shot Andi an exasperated look. "Not the time, Andi."

"Right. Sorry. So...are we going to go over there and yell at TJ or what?"

Marty seemed to notice the look on Cyrus' face, because he shook his head. "Actually...let's not focus on TJ right now. Cyrus is sad so I think we're legally obligated to make him feel better."

"He's right," Buffy sighed. "As much as I would love to give TJ a piece of my mind, we came over for Cyrus, not him."

Andi stood up with a smile. "So what I'm hearing is - makeovers, Netflix, ice cream and trash talking boys?"

Cyrus couldn't help but smile at that. "All of those things sound great."

"Good! Marty, Jonah, your time has come to leave."

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