chapter 25 - classified information

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Buffy: Guys. TJ messaged me. And we had like...a conversation? Almost?

Cyrus: WHAT


Buffy: ...that's classified info

Buffy: Andi I need to text u

Cyrus: HEY

Cyrus: Why not me???

Cyrus: This is so unfair

Cyrus: Hello?

Cyrus: Wow,,, betrayed by own friends,,,


Cyrus: Urgh fine, I think I just heard a knock anyway

He put down his phone with a huff and quickly changed into something that wasn't a pyjama shirt before heading downstairs.

He opened the door, and TJ was standing there as usual. Although the temperature had cooled slightly since yesterday, it was still far, far too hot if you asked Cyrus.

"Hey!" TJ greeted.

"Hey! What's up?"

"Wellll...I have this for you."

He handed over a small photo album, and Cyrus spent a few moments flicking through it.

"These are from the camp trip," he breathed, a small smile on his face.

There was a combination of candids, selfies and landscape photos. Cyrus might've been slightly in love.

"Thanks, TJ!"

He really didn't mean for the words to sound so enthusiastic, but the bright smile that came to TJ's lips was definitely worth it.

"I guess I should, you know," he gestured vaguely in the direction behind him, and Cyrus bit his lip slightly.

"Um, I could come in if you wanted?"

TJ's eye widened. "Oh! That'd be cool too. If it's okay."

"It's okay," Cyrus assured him, stepping aside to let him pass. "I need someone to beat at Mario kart anyway - none of my friends will play with me."

"Gotcha." TJ responded with a fond smile. "So, will we have to untangle the cords again?"

"Nope!" Cyrus called, practically bouncing over to the cabinet. "I kept them separate this time."

TJ hovered awkwardly around the couch whilst Cyrus set up the game. Eventually, he turned to the boy with an amused smile. "You can sit down if you want."

"Oh. Right! Of course."

Cyrus returned to the Nintendo after that, and after a moment he let out a triumphant 'aha' noise. "Got it!"

He sat down on the couch beside TJ, handing him a controller.

"So...are you ready to lose?"

"I'm ready to win, yeah." TJ responded, and just like that something seemed to shift between them. Some of the tension between them dissipated, and Cyrus felt himself relaxing slightly,

Towards the end of the first race (which, as expected, TJ was losing), the athlete leant over to cover Cyrus' eyes.

"TJ!" he couldn't help but laugh. "This not good sportsmanship!"

"Hey - I never said I was trying to be a good sport!"

After a moment, TJ let out an amused huff. "You're literally still winning. How is that even possible?"

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