chapter 7 - the basketball game

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TJ: Hey Cyrus! I totally forgot to ask while you were over, but I was wondering if you wanted to come watch my basketball game tomorrow?

Cyrus re-read the text for about the hundredth time that night, pacing in his room as he tossed up the pro's and con's of going to see TJ's game.

He wanted to go, but there was a possibility that he would bump into either Buffy or Andi there, and there was no way he could lie his way out of that one.

Buffy had no reason to see the boys' basketball team play, he rationalised. And if Buffy wasn't there, then Andi probably wouldn't be either.

He bit his lip, and sent TJ a response before he could regret it.

Cyrus: I'm there :)


Cyrus was decked out in jeans and an oversized hoodie when he sat down at the very back of the stands, his hood up to avoid easy identification.

He tried to choose a hoodie he rarely wore so that Buffy or Andi wouldn't be able to recognise him, but he still couldn't help but feel nervous as he waited for the game to start.

It was impossible to spot anyone in the crowd - either of them could be there for all he knew.

He tried to shake off the thought, and instead focused back on his phone. He glanced up occasionally to watch TJ and teammates as they warmed up, but he didn't put his phone away until he heard a voice announce that the game was starting.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to tonight's basketball final, hosted by-"

Wait. Final? That meant this was important. As the girls' basketball team captain, Buffy would want to seem like she was showing support for the boys' basketball team. Did that mean she was there?

Oh man, he needed to get a grip.

He concentrated on the announcer's voice again, watching as the basketball players all got into their respective positions.

Cyrus casually looked to TJ, and realised with a pang that the boy's eyes were scanning the crowd. He didn't seem to find what he was looking for, if the way his face fell was any indicator.

Wait. Was TJ looking for him?

He nervously glanced around at the people around him - mainly parents, which he was thankful for - before sighing heavily and tugging his hood back. He stood up and waved frantically in attempt to capture the boy's attention.

Thankfully enough - it worked. TJ's eyes found him almost instantly, and the blinding smile that came to his lips was worth the potential exposure.

A whistle sounded to indicate the start of the game, and the athlete quickly redirected his attention.

For some reason, Cyrus couldn't pry his eyes away from TJ as he moved across the court, intercepting passes and shooting for goals when the opportunity arose. He rationalised that it was because TJ seemed to be the best player on his team - naturally his eyes would follow him.

The game was a close one; the two teams were tied in the last 20 seconds, and TJ's team was relying on him to score a foul shot.

Even the announcer stopped talking as TJ shifted, taking a deep breath and poising to shoot.

The ball left his hands, and it seemed to move in slow motion as it streaked through the air.

The moment it fell through the hoop, roaring cheers erupted from the Jefferson High students and their families. Even Cyrus stood up unthinkingly to join everyone else, forgetting completely about why he had sat at the very back in the first place.

Cyrus rushed down the stands, apologising profusely to the people he bumped into as he went. His hood fell back in the process, but he couldn't find it within himself to care as he ran up to the court, sending TJ the brightest smile he could.

The athlete perked up immediately, separating himself from his friends and jogging up to the boy.

"You did amazing!"

TJ smiled bashfully at that. "Thanks, Cy."

Well that was new.

"Cy?" he questioned, his smile widening.

" that okay?"

"It's more than okay!"

They both stood there for a moment, until Cyrus was pulled back into reality by a voice he really didn't want to hear at that moment.


His face paled slightly as he slowly turned around, meeting Buffy's furious gaze. Marty was right next to her, looking at TJ accusingly.

"Buffy, I can honestly explain - we aren't even-"

"Save it," she interrupted, moving forward to take his arm. "And stay away from him." she told TJ.

"Yeah," Marty agreed. "What she said."

Buffy marched away then, pulling Cyrus along with her while Marty jogged to keep up.

He glanced back at TJ, who was looking after them sadly as his friends swarmed him once again.



"Cyrus, what were you even thinking?" Buffy demanded.

Cyrus looked up from the ground, his expression pleading. "I know you don't like him, but I swear he feels bad about getting you suspended from the team, he wants to apologise-"

"Oh please," Buffy scoffed. "I'm guessing he told you this?"

Cyrus didn't say anything. That seemed to tell her everything she needed to know.

"Cyrus - this is exactly what I was worried about. You're too nice! And when it comes to people like TJ, you always want to see the good in them. Even when there isn't any."

He desperately looked to Marty, who was sitting opposite them in the booth. Cyrus couldn't help but roll his eyes when the boy just shrugged, clearly wanting to go along with whatever Buffy was saying.

"He's been nothing but nice to me, Buffy! I don't know what to say! I swear he really does want to apologise-"

"This isn't just about me." Buffy told him. "TJ is not a good person to hang around. You've seen first-hand what his friends are like! He hangs out with people who play with their parent's guns-"

"That was in middle school," he interrupted. "And you know he wasn't there for that!"

"Exactly - imagine what they do now!"


Buffy cut him off with a look, and he knew then that there was no winning.

"Fine." he sighed. "I won't hang out with him. I'll block his number. I'll do whatever. Just please don't tell me I'm losing you."

Buffy immediately softened at that. She leant over to give the boy a tight hug. "You'll never lose me."


Cyrus: We can't be friends. I'm sorry.

[Block this number?]

Cyrus hesitated for a moment, his finger hovering over the 'yes' option.

If he just didn't respond, then that had to be as good as blocking him, right?

He hesitated for a moment longer before making up his mind.


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