chapter 17 - the car trip (day 1)

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A/N: Aaand it begins!


Cyrus hadn't even thought about the car seating arrangements when he first agreed to the camping trip, but now that he was pressed up against TJ and Amber in the back seat, he was wondering if he would even make it to the campsite.

Naturally, he gravitated towards TJ (purely because he knew him better), which resulted in a small gap between him and Amber. Meanwhile, the space between him and TJ was pretty much non-existent.

He could already feel his traitorous heart racing.

"Do we have to listen to TJ's old CD's?" Amber groaned, sending the boy a playful smirk when he huffed.

"You can have the aux cord in half an hour, Ambs." Mr.Kippen responded.

She fell back against her seat with a sigh. TJ gave her a smug look, while Cyrus stayed safely out of the sibling drama by returning to his phone.

"Whatcha doin'?" TJ asked him, and dammit - there was that low tone again. Just like last time, it was right by his ear too.


What was this app called again?

"Oh, right - I'm playing Cookie Jam."

TJ laughed slightly. "That sounds like a Candy Crush rip-off."

"It is." Cyrus admitted, shooting him a smile. "I was going to play candy crush, but that's too mainstream."


Silence settled again, and TJ reverted to watching him play over his shoulder. Cyrus didn't think he had ever screwed up so much in his life.

"I'm - uh - usually better than this. I swear."

"I'm sure you are." TJ teased

Amber scoffed at that, and the athlete directed a glare at her. An evil smirk slowly made made its way onto his lips. "Hey - who are you texting, Ambs? That smile seemed pretty big just now."

That piqued Cyrus' interest. He looked between the pair while they exchanged death glares, his eyes wide. Amber was blushing crimson by now.

"No one, TJ."

She closed the messages she had open on her phone, pointedly opening twitter instead.

Well that was interesting. Amber's crush seemed to be a girl that she messaged frequently. Although - that really didn't narrow down the options.

He made a mental note to ask Andi how often she texts with Amber.

Cyrus was able to entertain himself with the games on his phone for the next few hours, and he had honestly grown used to the idea that TJ was glancing over to watch him play from time to time.

About half-way through the trip, he felt TJ's head fall gently onto his shoulder.

For a moment he was completely frozen, thinking that the boy had done it consciously, but when he looked over he found that TJ had fallen asleep.


He shifted slightly to get comfortable, trying his very hardest to ignore the butterflies that were currently in his stomach.

He couldn't help but sneak glances at the boy every once in a while. His eyelids were closed gently, and all of the tension he normally held seemed to have vanished. His hair was gel-free (this had become the norm for him recently, much to Cyrus' dismay), and it was flattened against his forehead in a way that was far too endearing to be allowed.

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