chapter 21 - avoidance (pt. 2)

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A/N: Double update!!


For Cyrus' whole life, he had never been able to handle raised voices, or anger, or loud arguments - especially when it came to his friends. He knew this well. Over the next few days though, he learnt that silence was almost just as hard to handle.

When it came to angry outbursts or agreements, there was always emotion there. A few long moments where the air crackled with tension, or heavy sighs of frustration, or sudden explosions where voices were finally raised and cutting remarks were made.

Silence brought none of that. In fact - it didn't bring anything.

TJ wasn't showing him any sign of emotion. now. There were no more angry outbursts, or confrontations, or signs of regret. The athlete either ignored him or, if he was lucky, sent him a half-hearted excuse as to why he couldn't hang out that day. He didn't go outside to draw, and he most certainly didn't talk to Cyrus if they just so happened to be checking their mailboxes at the same time.

Okay - maybe it hadn't really been a coincidence, but could you blame him for trying to initiate some sort of interaction with TJ?

Cyrus was becoming increasingly desperate for a sign that the boy even cared about him. So much so that he would've gladly taken multiple angry outbursts. Just not this.

Really though - he should've seen something like this coming. Although TJ was an incredibly kind person most of the time, Cyrus knew that the boy got overwhelmed very easily. His method of dealing with issues was almost always avoidance, and right that was making Cyrus' life a whole lot harder than it needed to be.

To cope with all of this, Cyrus did what any sane human would do - he isolated himself in his room and binge watched a bunch of romantic comedies, imagining himself as the protagonist in each one.

He was totally fine. He didn't miss hanging out with TJ at all. Not one bit.


It was 4 days later that Cyrus finally saw TJ walk outside, his chalk box in hand.

It was a sunny Friday afternoon, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. The forecast that morning had said the temperature would be relatively cool despite this, but Cyrus wouldn't know because he hadn't been outside once that day.

Although he had given up trying to talk to TJ at this point, he couldn't help but feel a spark of hope - TJ was willing to draw again, which had to mean something right?

That was until he saw the girl who walked out after him. A girl that most definitely wasn't Amber.

They were close when they both sat down on the concrete, and TJ immediately fished around in his box before pulling out a blue chalk and handing it to her. Cyrus couldn't help but watch as he started playing music on his phone, laughing at the things she was saying and adding to her drawings.

So TJ was being awkward because he had a girlfriend?

The girl was most certainly pretty, and her drawings were amazing too. Cyrus could practically feel their chemistry from his bedroom window.

Jealousy is immature, he reminded himself as he forcefully shut his curtains. All you and TJ did was kiss, you don't have any right to be jealous right now.

He turned away and threw himself onto his bed with a dramatic groan.

He was an idiot for ever thinking he had a chance with TJ.


[Cyrus added Rafael and Jamie to 'idk lol']

Cyrus: Hey guys

Rafael: Hey! What's up?

Cyrus: Have either of you hung out with TJ since the camping trip?

Jamie: i played some basketball w/ him like 2 days ago

Rafael: I was there supporting from the sidelines lol

Cyrus: Is he okay?

Jamie: well...

Jamie: idk. he didn't seem as happy as he usually does

Rafael: Agreed

Rafael: Why? Did something happen?

Cyrus: Long story

Jamie: i've got time

Rafael: Same here

Cyrus: Okay, well...

Cyrus: We might've kissed


Jamie: sorry pardon my language

Rafael: That's awesome!! I could tell he liked u

Cyrus: He's been ignoring me since

Jamie: oh

Rafael: ...That's so TJ

Jamie: i know right?

Cyrus: wdym?

Jamie: i love the guy but...

Jamie: he's really not good with romantic stuff

Cyrus: ...he wasn't a bad kisser

Rafael: lmaoo no not like that, he just tends to get insecure

Cyrus: TJ? Insecure?

Jamie: crazy, right?

Jamie: no but really, give him a few more days and if he doesn't reach out we'll talk to him dude

Rafael: Yeah, I swear he really does like you

Cyrus: thanks guys!!!

Jamie: np :)

Rafael: It'll work out, I promise <3

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