chapter 26 - chalk

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Cyrus was standing in front of his bedroom mirror the following day, tossing up between different hairstyles.

Although it was another cloudless day, it didn't come with same ridiculous heat. After changing his hair about a billion times, he eventually collapsed back onto his bed with a defeated groan.

That was the point at which his door was thrown open by a very enthusiastic Buffy.

"Hey! Need some help?"

He bolted upright when he saw all of his friends standing there.

"Wha - who on earth let you in?" he demanded, quickly getting to his feet.

"Your door was unlocked." She smiled, moving over to the window and closing the curtains. "Anyway - do you need help?"

"Pfft, no." he said, glancing nervously around the room. "Why would I need help?"

"Because you kinda just ruined your hair." Marty supplied.

Cyrus just rolled his eyes. "Why are you guys here?"

"To hang out with you!" Jonah said, walking over to sit on the bed.

"Okay...then why are you closing my curtains?" he asked.

The girl just shrugged. "To block out the sun. It's a hot day today."

"It's not even hot though!" Cyrus exclaimed. "And you know I'm the biggest wimp when it comes to heat."

They all chose to ignore the comment, and soon Andi was linking her arm with Cyrus' and gently directing him out of the room. "Let's go hang out downstairs."

Cyrus honestly didn't have the energy to press any further, so he just sighed in defeat and allowed himself to be dragged along.

"What are we doing downstairs?"

"Well," Marty began, appearing at his other side. "We a movie, or make bracelets, or gossip. Endless options!"

"That could all be done in my room." Cyrus said.

Andi paused for a moment then, clearly unsure how to respond. "Yeah, but...there's way more room downstairs to do them!"

Cyrus just rolled his eyes.

His friends were some of the worst liars he knew, but somehow it was kind of endearing.

"Sure," he relented, smiling wide. "We'll just stick to that."

By the time they had helped Cyrus with his hair, finished Mulan (one of the only DVD's in his cabinet) and raided the pantry for food, an hour or two had crept by. Although it was all fun, Cyrus still had TJ in the back of his mind when Marty suggested they do something else.

A sharp ding filled the room then, and Buffy quickly grabbed her phone. After a few moments of looking down at it, she immediately sprang up.

"Hey Cyrus! Why don't we go to your bedroom now?"

"Wow. Your subtlety astounds me, Buffy." came the amused response.

The girl rolled her eyes and took Cyrus' hand, leading him back up the stairs. He could feel a whole swarm of butterflies in his stomach by the time they reached his room.

"So...what is it?" he questioned nervously.

Buffy walked over to the window and peeked through the curtains. A bright smile immediately appeared on her face.

"You should probably take a look," she said, stepping aside.

Andi, Jonah and Marty were all hovering by the doorway now. Cyrus slowly approached the window, glancing back at them in question. Buffy nodded encouragingly.

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