chapter 6 - saturday

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It was a ridiculously hot Saturday morning, and Cyrus was in his room putting some photos up on the wall. Although he had a small fan going on his desk, the stifling heat was beginning to make him feel hazy.

When he almost put a photo up backwards, he decided it was time to stop.

He threw a casual glance out of the window as he walked over to his desk, immediately double-taking when he noticed TJ out on his driveway.

After a few more moments, the boy looked up and caught Cyrus' eye. A bright smile lit up his face, and he quickly put down the chalk he was holding so he could reach over to grab his phone. Cyrus watched in amusement as TJ held it up, pointing to it with his free hand.

Sure enough - when he checked his phone there was a new message.

TJ: Hey!! Wanna come over? I have the house to myself today :)

Cyrus hesitated for a moment, before smiling and flashing the boy a thumbs-up.

"Over to next door again?" his dad asked him as he rushed past the kitchen.

He stopped in his tracks, smiling guiltily and nodding.

"Well, before you go - who is this boy again?"

"His name's TJ."

His dad paused for a moment, before smiling wide. "Okay. Have fun!"

"Thanks!" Cyrus called, continuing his rush to the front door.

TJ had packed up his chalk by the time Cyrus approached, a bright smile on his lips.


TJ returned the smile. "Hey. What's up?"

"The temperature." he responded, wincing slightly.

The athlete laughed as they began to make their way to his house.

"Also - why are you wearing your hat backwards?" Cyrus accused. "You need protection from the sun!"

"But it looks cool." TJ whined.

The shorter boy just shook his head and reached over to correct his hat. TJ reluctantly let him, but the pout didn't leave his lips as Cyrus pulled away.

"Now I don't look cool."

"But you sure do look protected!"

TJ gave the boy an amused smile as he held open the door, stepping aside to let him in. "I won't even need it inside."

"Well then, you'll know for next time."

"And what exactly will you do if I wear it backwards again?"

He gently closed the door behind him, turning to the shorter boy with a teasing grin. Cyrus lifted an eyebrow at him.

"I guess I'd just have to glue the hat to your head."

TJ gasped dramatically, which the other boy couldn't help but giggle at.

The athlete led him to the kitchen after that, where Cyrus gave him a confused look.

"...Is there a reason we're in here?" he asked.

TJ smiled. "Well," he began. "I was thinking maybe we could make something? Because it's hot and making stuff is fun."

Cyrus' face paled slightly. "Make something?"

"Yeah," TJ replied, his voice soft. "Is something wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong! It's just...I'm not sure if that's the best idea."

"Why not?"

Cyrus sighed heavily, looking down at the ground in embarrassment. "I can't bake to save my life."

"Oh. Well...that's fine, I promise it's super easy to make."

"I'm sure it is! But I really don't trust myself. I've made myself look like an idiot one too many times while trying to bake."

TJ hesitantly walked over to the boy, leaning against the counter next to him.

"What about those chalk drawings? You didn't think you were good at that, but they turned out well."

Cyrus grimaced slightly. "I don't even know why I agreed to that, honestly. I guess I just..." he trailed off as he looked over at TJ, a shy smile on his lips. "Trusted you."

TJ pushed himself off the counter, returning the smile as he walked over to the fridge. "Well...if you trusted me then, you can trust me now, right?"

Cyrus opened his mouth to object, but he quickly shut it again. After a few more moments, he nodded reluctantly.

"I guess that's true," he relented.

"Great! So...wanna help me melt the chocolate?"

The boy walked over to where TJ was stood, smiling wide. "Sure."


That afternoon found them lounging on TJ's couch in front of a few fans, eating the frozen banana pops they had made earlier.

Cyrus had spent a few minutes ranting about how overrated T-rexes were, while TJ had just listened with a small smile on his lip.

Eventually Cyrus had to pause, which gave him the opportunity to speak.

"Weren't you wearing a shirt with a T-rex pun on it a few days ago?"

"I still like T-rex's! I just think they're overrated. There are plenty of cooler dinosaurs who don't get a fraction of the attention that they do."

TJ didn't speak for a moment, but when he did there was a fond smile on his lips.

"You're one of a kind, Cyrus Goodman."

Cyrus' felt his heart leap at that.

He averted his gaze with a shy smile, thinking up desperate ways to change the topic from there.

"Hey - uh - do you know if Amber likes anyone?"

It had been the first thing to jump to his head. Thinking about it though - it probably was a smart question to ask. Andi would pretty much die of happiness if she found out that Amber liked her, and Cyrus had the sneaking suspicion that she might.

TJ's smile slipped slightly. "Why? Do you like her?"

Cyrus couldn't help but laugh. Him? Liking a girl?

"No," he assured. "Not at all. I mean - she's nice and all but...I was kinda asking for a friend."

The smile slowly returned to TJ's lips at that. "Okay...well as much as I'd love to tell you who Amber likes, I'm pretty sure she'd actually kill me if I did. Sibling confidentiality, y'know?"

"Dammit," Cyrus huffed. "Why do you have to be such a good older brother?"

TJ laughed at that, patting the boy's shoulder sympathetically. "If it helps, I don't think you have to worry."

Cyrus narrowed his eyes. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Absolutely nothing! Hey - wanna watch Brooklyn 99?"

The shorter boy still looked suspicious, but an undeniable smile was tugging at his lips now.

"Fine. You win this round."

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