Lay It All On Me (ch. 6)

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Cyrus' POV

I woke up bright and early on Saturday morning, beyond ready to practice dancing with T.J. I jumped out of bed, noticing my phone had a notification from none other than...T.J. 

Muffin Man, 11:32 p.m: Hey Underdog, I know it's late and I'm sure you're asleep. I just can't stop thinking about how great you looked in all of your suits--especially that teal one you picked. I'm super lucky that I get to dance with you, and I hope you're ready to practice all day tomorrow. I was also wondering if you wanted to grab dinner tomorrow night? I heard The Spoon has a Saturday night special and I've been wanting to try it. G'night, Cy.

I felt my insides turn to mush and my cheeks heat up as I quickly responded,

Cyrus, 10:17 a.m: I would love to get dinner with you tonight. Maybe we could share a shake? I can never seem to finish them on my own... ;) I'll see you at 1 p.m, your house.

I got ready as fast as I could, not forgetting to squeeze in a few sit-ups so I could be in top shape for my practice session with T.J today. By the time I had finished properly getting ready and eating brekkie, it was already time for me to walk over to his house.

As soon as I approached T.J's front porch, I heard what I thought was loud sobbing coming from inside the house. I hesitantly rang the doorbell, unsure of what could be going on in there.

T.J answered the door, looking as dashing as ever in a gray button-down and dark jeans. T.J wearing a button-down shirt was an amazing change of scenery. However, my eyes then flicked up to meet his. His eyes, as beautiful as they always were with their stormy grayish-blue hue, now looked red and puffy. Had he been the person crying I heard a bit ago?

"Hey! Underdog! Come on in!" T.J exclaimed, the joy in his voice clearly forced. His smile wavered for a second, and I gently reached out to brush his arm as I stepped inside. 

T.J's house was lovely. Everything was so cozy and inviting, much unlike my own home...well, homes. Both of my parents were therapists, who divorced and married OTHER therapists. My homes were so sterile-looking, with the rigid white walls and minimalist setup. 

As if to match the feel of their home, his mom came practically running towards me from down the hall, a very cozy-looking woman herself with silver hair and warm green eyes. She wrapped me in a bear hug and brushed my hair back into place.

"It's so nice to meet you, my dear!" She exclaimed, practically out of breath from that hug she had given me. "T.J has told me so much about you and how close you've been getti-"

"MOM. Not right now, please. I'm sure Cyrus doesn't want to hear about this."

I studied T.J closely, my lips curling up into a smirk. "No, please, Mrs. Kippen...I want to hear all about the things T.J has said about us!"

Mrs. Kippen threw her head back and laughed, looking at me with pure delight. She really seemed like a such a sweet--and happy--woman. She did not look like she had just been crying. What was going on with T.J?

One house tour and 4 chocolate chip cookies later, T.J and I shuffled into his room, ready to practice. I can't believe he actually wants to practice dancing with me. I could feel my body start to heat up as he looked at me quietly, almost as if there were words on the tip of his tongue and he wasn't quite sure how to get them out. 

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