Sparks (ch. 10)

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Cyrus is so beautiful. Being with him, being on the same planet as him just made me feel like everything would be okay. I didn't care about who was watching, or who said what. I just wanted to be with him

A slow song came on, and Cyrus reached for my hands. As if by instinct, I pulled him into me and we started to dance. As if on cue, my phone started ringing. Cyrus nodded at me as if to say 'it's okay' and I slowly walked outside to answer it. It was my mom. When I answered to say hello, she was talking a million miles a minute and her voice was cracking on every other word. All I could make out were the words 'dad' and 'okay'. My whole body froze.

"Mom, mom, slow down. What's going on with dad?" I instantly felt my lips purse as the word 'dad' left my mouth. "Everything is going to be okay, honey," my mom finally said, sighing as she did so. "The charges against him were dropped and he'll be able to come home next Friday. We're finally going to have our family back." I felt a weight lift from my shoulders as all of the words traveled through my ears and into my brain. It was time to push past all of this angst and just focus on my family. . .and Cyrus. "Mom, this is amazing news, but I'm at Cyrus' party. I have to go. I'll be home later, okay?" "Be safe, honey. And tell Cyrus happy birthday."

I clicked the phone off and made my way back inside, heading directly for Cyrus. 

"You look really happy, Teej. Did something happen?" I nodded slowly and lead him outside, finally explaining the situation with my dad and what my mom's call was about. Cyrus looked like he could burst with excitement. "This is the most amazing birthday gift ever. You got your family back, T.J!" I picked Cyrus up to twirl him around, his head thrown back as he laughed. I couldn't believe that this was my life now. A full, happy family, and Cyrus by my side to share it all with. I just knew that I could never be without Cyrus by my side. 

I led Cyrus back inside, where a slow song was just beginning to ring out. I grabbed his waist and began to sway him back and forth, keeping our bodies in time with the music as his head found its place in the crook of my neck. 

"Cyrus, I know that this is really soon to tell you. But honestly, I'm in love with you. I want to slow dance with you like this for the rest of ever."

Cyrus kissed me gently. "I'm in love with you, too, Teej."


**This story feels so unplanned and uncreative compared to my other story lol. I'm not sure whether to add some angst to this one, add fluff, or just end it now. Let me know what you guys want!!!**

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