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It's been 5 years since Cyrus and I met. It's been 5 years since we kissed, and 5 years since we slow danced all night long at his party. 

Now, it's been 8 months since I proposed to him, and 8 months since he said 'yes'. We're getting married in 1 hour.

I observed myself in the mirror, stepping back to admire my reflection and fix my hair. I heard a knock on the door and tried my best to not look like I was about to faint. I cannot believe I was actually going to marry Cyrus Goodman. I can't believe I was only an hour away from making Cyrus Goodman...Cyrus Kippen. A shiver went up my spine from the mere thought of it.

I cracked opened the door and peeked around the corner to see Buffy. Opening the door all the way, I smiled at her. "You look fantastic, T.J!" she said, hugging me and stepping inside the room. "I mean, you don't look as good as Cyrus, but...I think I'm a little biased." She laughed and I gave her a chuckle. I couldn't even begin to imagine how amazing Cyrus must look. "Are you nervous?" Buffy asked, pointing to my undoubtedly-crimson face. 

"I'm just ready, y'know? I've been ready for this since I met Cyrus back in high school. I wish we didn't have to wait so long to even get to this point, but I wanted us to be out of school and more financially stable and-"

"T.J, I can see that you're nervous. It's okay, Cyrus understands why things took a while. I think that he's really glad you both waited, too. Now, you two have a home together and everything."

I took a deep breath and nodded at her. The time seemed to be flying by, because it was already almost time to...marry Cyrus. I immediately found myself turning red and getting butterflies all over again. 

Buffy and I chatted for a while about where Cyrus and I would go for our honeymoon, and before I knew it, it was time to head downstairs. 


Standing at the end of the aisle, I sat as patiently as I could and tried not to get too excited as I waited for Cyrus to walk down the aisle. When the music began to play, I watched the double doors at the end of the aisle open, and then I saw him. 

He looked absolutely breathtaking. He was wearing a navy suit and, of course, a rainbow-colored tie. His mom linked arms with him on one side, and his dad on the other. His step-parents sat in the front row and stood to watch him walk. I couldn't keep myself from crying, and Buffy patted my shoulder to keep me from losing it all. 


"I, Cyrus , take you, T.J, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; until death do us part."

"Thank you, Cyrus," the preacher closed. "T.J Kippen, do you--"

I couldn't contain my excitement as I stood in front of Cyrus and held his hands. "Yes, I do! I absolutely do take Cyrus Goodman, forever and ever. Can we kiss, now?"

The audience and priest erupted into laughter, and Cyrus smiled at me with tears in his eyes. 

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband! Yes, T.J, you may kiss him now." Everybody cheered and clapped as I looked Cyrus deep in the eyes and leaned down to kiss him. No dictionary could describe the way this kiss made me feel.  It's as though this very kiss had been exchanged between our eyes thousands of times, before it even reached our lips.

"I love you," he whispered in my ear as I held him against me. It was as if our family and friends weren't even in the room with us.

"I love you, too. I will love you forever, Cyrus."


"Do you remember slow dancing with me for the first time?" Cyrus asked, as I pulled him out onto the dancefloor at our reception. 

"I will never forget that," I said, smiling as I took his hands in mine. 

"I won't either, T.J. I will never stop loving you. Do you know that?"

"I know...my underdog. Just as I will never, ever stop loving you." 

Cyrus looked up at me and smiled the purest form of a smile. 

"Do you remember when you said that you wanted to slow dance with me for the rest of ever?" Cyrus said, his voice now barely above a whisper. 

"I do," I said back, carefully closing the distance between us by wrapping my arms around his waist. I could feel his heart beating out of his chest, matching the pace of mine. 

I looked down at him to meet him for a long, slow kiss filled with love, and passion, and promise. "Let's do exactly that."

(Complete! Thank you to everybody who read the story, and I'm so sorry for cutting it short. I want to write a new story, and really work on mapping it out better so everything connects and flows in a way that everybody will be more satisfied with. I'm so grateful to everybody that liked, commented, and saved. Thank you again. <3)

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