Ships in the Night (ch. 9)

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(Cyrus' POV)

Today is Saturday, and that means I'm officially 16-years old. I know most guys don't make their 16th birthday a huge deal, but I'm not like most guys. I have planned everything around tonight, and I can't wait to see how it all turns out.

I look over at my phone, and see a text from T.J. 

[Boyfriend <3<3, 8:03 am: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, babe!!! I'm so excited to dance with you tonight and be properly introduced to everyone as your boyfriend. I promise I'll match my tie to yours. I'll see you at 4!]

[Boyfriend <3<3, 8:04 am: Oh, also, should I bring anything?]

[Myself, 9:49 am: I'm so excited to see you tonight! Just bring your cute self; that's all I want.]

I smiled, briefly closing my eyes and allowing myself to relish this moment. I, Cyrus Goodman, was actually, officially dating T.J Kippen. I shook my head out of its daze and jumped out of bed to throw some music on while I got ready.

Between taking a shower, dancing, doing my hair, dancing more, getting dressed, dancing even more, and eating a quick meal, I wasn't ready until 2:30. That meant it was time to head to the venue and make sure everything looked perfect. 

My dad, stepmom, and I finally arrived to the venue at around 3:15. I saw my mom and stepdad there already, finishing up some decorating around the outside. It looked breathtaking. 

"Cyrus, honey," my mom started. "You look so handsome and grown-up. I think a 16th birthday party was a wonderful idea for you! Help us finish these last-minute decorations, please."

"Of course, mom. You guys have all done such an incredible job."

By the time 3:45 rolled around, people had started arriving. Andi and Jonah were the first to arrive, and they both told me 'happy birthday' and gave me big hugs. When Jonah hugged me, I silently wondered to myself how I could have ever liked Jonah when T.J existed this whole time. I reminded myself that I didn't know T.J yet, and chuckled as I realized I was still holding on to Jonah's embrace. 

Suddenly, I heard somebody clear their throat and quickly jumped away from Jonah. When I looked at who it was, I saw. . .T.J. His eyes looked as brooding and stormy as they did that day I went over to practice dancing with him. He looked like rage was bubbling up inside of him, threatening to spill out. Jonah backed away instinctively, and Andi simply looked at us with confusion in her face. 

T.J walked over to where I was standing and planted himself directly behind me, arms crossed as he glared at Jonah. Thankfully, Andi cleared her throat and said, "Hey, Jonah, let's take a walk and check out the venue." Jonah looked at her and quickly nodded his head, grabbing her hand and taking her away from what was inevitably about to be a crime scene. 

I looked up at T.J, who smiled at me as though nothing had happened. 

"My Underdog! Happy birthday again!" T.J exclaimed, already swooping down to kiss me on the cheek. 

I felt my skin burn where his lips had just been, and took my hand in his. 

"T.J, did something happen with Jonah?"

T.J's eyes became a grayish hurricane again, and he looked at me as though I was crazy.

"Cyrus, is Jonah the guy that you used to like?"

Realization dawned on me as I recognized what he was thinking. 

"Oh, uh, yes. But that's ancient history! I was just thinking that it was so wild to think I ever liked him because you existed! I just didn't know you yet!" I looked around nervously, hoping he wouldn't assume anything else.

"Cyrus," T.J pleaded, his gaze softening on my face. "I want you all to myself. I know that you could have any guy you wanted. But I want you to want. . .me. Only me."

He was honestly so cute when he was jealous. I understand he gets angry easily, and I don't want him to worry about any ex-crushes. So I looked up at him with a knowing look and said, "I promise you're the only one for me, Teej. I'll only be slow dancing with you tonight and hopefully, ever. Now, come with me and we'll go get some snacks. I have blueberry macadamia muffins, your favorite!"

T.J's face flooded with relief, and he seemed to accept what I had said as true. 

"Let's go, Underdog." 


(Author's Note: The party will continue in the next chapter, but I want to write a 9.5 chapter from T.J's POV! Jealous T.J sparks so much joy for me. Let me know what you think!)

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