Falling In (ch. 5)

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I waited by Cyrus' locker after Gym class. Did I look disheveled? Did I smell okay?

I slowly raised my arm, as if to somehow coyly check and ensure that I didn't smell odoriferous. 

Then, I saw him walking down the hall. My breath temporarily caught in my throat. How did he always look so good? 

Cyrus looked at me and smiled, waving in a boyish but absolutely adorable way.

"Hey, are you ready to go shopping?"

"Y-yeah, I'm ready. Lead the way, Underdog" I said, trying to look as relaxed and cool as possible.

Cyrus linked his arm in mine, quickly walking us towards the school exit and into the parking lot. 

Wasn't he worried that somebody might think something about...us? Obviously not, because we were still walking arm-in-arm. I wasn't complaining. 

After what seemed like only a few short moments--but was more realistically a 20-minute walk--we arrived at Henry's Black Tie, the tuxedo shop in Shadyside. 

Cyrus hesitantly unlinked his arm from mine, and I felt my skin instantly heat up where his arm had been. 

"Okay, let's get ready to say 'yes' to the...tux!" Cyrus said with bubbling excitement in his voice.

I playfully rolled my eyes and followed him inside. I think my jaw might have been on the floor a second too long, because Cyrus grabbed my hand and lead me away from the entrance. I had never seen a suit shop before. There was a LOT to go through with Cyrus. Not that I minded. I was ready to stay here all day with him.

About an hour later, Cyrus sat me down on a fluffy red bench, weighed down with countless suit, shirt, and tie options. I was absolutely exhausted, and he hadn't even tried anything on yet.

Cyrus looked at me with a half-smile on his face. "I can see that you're a bit tired. Stay here, and I'll come out and model for you!"

I didn't really hear what he had said, but he had already gone inside the dressing room before I could ask him to repeat what he had said.

A jolt of electricity coursed through my entire body as I carefully watched Cyrus step out of the fitting room with his first suit option, a deep red color with a black shirt underneath. I definitely wasn't tired anymore.

"W-whoa..." I accidentally let slip out, worried he might have heard.

"What do you think?" He glanced at me, hope gleaming in his eyes as he checked himself out in the mirror.

"You look amazing, Cy. I almost don't want to even think that there are other options."

"Thank you--I totally agree with you. But if there were no other options to try on, you wouldn't get to check me out in any more suits."

Did he just wink at me? He definitely winked at me. I sat up even taller on the bench, worried he might notice me fidgeting too much because I was trying not to look so obviously attracted to him. 

Cyrus tried on a few more tuxedos, looking progressively more amazing, until there was one left. It was a dark, intense teal color that would probably look amazing against his skin. Come to think of it, what wouldn't look incredible against his skin? He was him.

Sure enough, when he stepped out of the fitting room, my eyes felt like they were popping out because they were so wide. I bit my lip to avoid saying--or doing--something I would later regret. I flicked my eyes away from him, wanting nothing more than for him to come closer to me and show me how he looked real up-close.

"T.J, is everything okay?" Cyrus said, worry in his tone.

"Yeah, I'm just hungry...thinking about food, I guess!"

"Hmm...Okay. For a second there, I almost thought you were losing your sense of self-control because I look so good."

I took a deep breath in. He had no idea how right he was.

"Well, you do look amazing in that! It's even better than the red one. I think this is it." I tried to sound encouraging, but embarrassment flooded my tone.

"I'll take it!" Cyrus said, bobbing up and down with excitement.

We paid and left, Cyrus clearly overjoyed with his purchase as we walked towards his house.

"Thank you so much for coming with me and sitting so patiently while I tried on my suits" Cyrus said, stopping to look up at me through his lashes.

"Honestly, today was a lot more fun for me than you think. Watching you with all your potential suits on made me that much more excited to dance with you at your birthday party."

Cyrus raised an eyebrow at me, a look that kind of made my insides melt together. 

"Didn't I say something about practicing?"

"Huh, yeah, I think you did..." I grinned playfully back. "Does tomorrow afternoon work? It's a Saturday, after all."

"It's definitely a date" Cyrus said, looking up at me with his huge brown eyes. Is it bad that I so badly wanted to run my fingers through his hair right now?

Before I could think or say anything else, Cyrus had already ran off towards his front door and was waving goodbye to me.


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