Ships In the Night (ch. 9.5)

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(T.J's POV)

I groggily opened my eyes as the bright sunlight shone through my window, yawning and trying my best to preserve the comfort I still had under my covers. I widened my eyes and smiled wide when I realized what day it was: Cyrus' 16th birthday!!!

I shot up out of bed and fired off a text to Cyrus, not even bothering to try and contain my smile:

[Myself, 8:03 am: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, babe!!! I'm so excited to dance with you tonight and be properly introduced to everyone as your boyfriend. I promise I'll match my tie to yours. I'll see you at 4!]

[Myself, 8:04 am: Oh, also, should I bring anything?]

I decided to start getting ready while i waited for Cyrus to wake up and respond. I wanted to look perfect for tonight. I would be meeting his family, after all! Not to mention, I would finally be introduced as. . .Cyrus' boyfriend. 

I'm Cyrus' boyfriend. 

I felt my chest swell with pride, an electric shock running its course through my insides as I let it all sink in. Cyrus was actually mine. 

I remembered Cyrus' deep teal suit and navy tie, and eagerly began getting ready. After my shower, I heard my phone buzz and burst out the door to grab it. I smiled as I saw who the notification was from. 

[Muffin babe<3, 9:49 am: I'm so excited to see you tonight! Just bring your cute self; that's all I want.]

I can't believe he wants me. I would honestly do anything just to make Cyrus smile. 

I continued getting ready, putting on a black suit and a navy tie. I scrubbed my face and fixed my hair, not wanting to look back at my reflection too heavily. I didn't exactly like what I saw in the mirror. I would never look like Cyrus with his big brown eyes, or Reed with his floppy blonde hair, or Jonah with his contagious smile. I would always just be. . .T.J Kippen.

At 3 o'clock, I grabbed Cyrus' present and headed for my truck, stopping only to skim through the mail on our kitchen counter. Bills for mom, bills for mom, spam from the University of Utah, and a letter. A letter from. . .my dad. I tried my best to blink away any oncoming tears, rushing out the door and trying to leave my anxieties on the doorstep. 

I arrived at the venue around 3:45, hopping out of the truck and cradling Cyrus' gift as I made my way to the entrance. I thought I heard a chuckle from just around the corner, so I made a sharp turn and saw. . .Cyrus. Hugging Jonah Beck. Why was Cyrus hugging Jonah? Jonah was Cyrus' crush, wasn't he? It sure seemed like it from where I was standing.

I immediately felt my insides tense up as I cleared my throat, balling up my fists in an attempt to contain my anger. I watched Cyrus leap out of Jonah's arms as Jonah backed away in response. 'Good, you better keep your distance', I thought to myself. I walked over to where Cyrus was standing, placing myself directly behind them and crossing my arms as I tried my best to direct a threatening, flaming glare towards Jonah. I almost softened my stance when I realized how much taller I was than Cyrus, which really just made me want to hold him close to me and never let him go. I remained put, however, and Andi finally pulled Jonah away to go look around the venue. 

I smiled calmly at Cyrus, trying my best to return to a state of peace like I was in before I saw my boyfriend hugging his ex-crush. Cyrus looked at me with concern in his face, and I knew he was going to question me. I tried to diverge the situation. . . 

"My Underdog! Happy birthday again!" I bent down to give him a soft kiss on the cheek, feeling my lips tingle when they hit his skin. 

Cyrus carefully took my hands in his, and said "T.J, did something happen with Jonah?"

I tried my best to look at him like I was shocked he would even suggest that. I don't think I succeeded. 

Trying to pick my words with caution, I asked, "Cyrus, is Jonah the guy that you used to like?"

Cyrus looked around nervously as he replied, "Oh, uh, yes. But that's ancient history! I was just thinking that it was so wild to think I ever liked him because you existed! I just didn't know you yet!"

I wanted to believe him so badly, I really did. The situation just looked really bad from my end. I internally told myself I couldn't always be around to keep other guys from being too close to Cyrus. I would just have to keep Cyrus as close to me as possible and hope that he eventually saw things from my point of view. Was that fair to hope for? I think so. 

"Cyrus," I pleaded, trying to soften my gaze. "I want you all to myself. I know that you could have any guy you wanted. But I want you to want. . .me. Only me." I shut my eyes as I braced myself for backlash.

Cyrus looked up at me and smiled, his face making me feel like I could do anything in this world. "I promise you're the only one for me, Teej. I'll only be slow dancing with you tonight and hopefully, ever. Now, come with me and we'll go get some snacks. I have blueberry macadamia muffins, your favorite!"

I thought over what he had said, and noticed he had said '. . .hopefully, ever' when mentioning slow dancing with me. Does he want this--us--to last forever as much as I do? My heart swelled at the thought. I also couldn't help but notice how incredible he looked in his suit. All I wanted to do was find a quiet, private area in the venue and have him all to myself. I wanted to kiss his neck, and jaw, and lips. . .leaving a trail of warmth wherever my lips went. 

Wanting to be anywhere else but where I had just watched another guy hug MY man, I gently tugged on his hand to signal that we should leave. I quietly sighed, saying "Let's go, Underdog." He nodded and we took off towards the dance hall where everybody would be waiting.


(The party will continue in Chapter 10! Also I stan a jealous T.J)

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