Intro Screen (Chapter 8)

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Cyrus' party is coming up, and I want to make sure this is the most amazing night of Cyrus' life. Just for one day, I want to forget that my dad is gone. I want to forget that I'm flunking math and on the verge of suspension from the basketball team.

But today is not that day. . .today is Friday.

 I walked outside, ready to drive to school, stopping only to admire the hue of my deep teal Chevy. The color reminded me a lot of that suit Cyrus had picked out when we went shopping. I thought back to that day, remembering the way Cyrus looked in that suit. I had to suck in a deep breath to control my thoughts, as my head was beginning to sway from the lightness I felt thinking about him

As if on cue, my phone buzzed. 

[Underdog <3 <3 <3, 7:20 am: Hey, Teej, I know this is short notice but I was wondering if you could take me to school today? I missed the bus and nobody is home. I promise I'll make it up to you.]

I tried to quell the butterflies beginning to swirl around in my stomach, telling myself that this was just a normal things that friends did. . .except I didn't want to just be a friend. I craved nothing more than to be Cyrus' boyfriend. I needed that label.

[T.J, 7:22 am: Yeah, I'll be there shortly! All it'll cost you is a kiss and a blueberry macadamia muffin from Cindy's Bakery. . .]

.  . .and a label, T.J thought to himself.

When T.J pulled up to the frontside curb of Cyrus' house, he saw Cyrus burst out the front door and jog towards the truck. His childishness was honestly so endearing. 

When Cyrus approached the truck, T.J opened the door from the driver's side and watched carefully as Cyrus hopped in, paper plate in hand. 

"For you," Cyrus said shyly, almost staring into T.J's eyes as he said it. His shyness was also endearing.

"What is this?" T.J asked, warmed by whatever gesture this was. 

"Well, I, uh, made pancakes. I made chocolate chip pancakes. And I wanted to share with you. I didn't really need a ride to school this morning, my dad is home. I just really wanted to see you. I'm sorry, Teej..."

Did he think  I would be upset at him? Because all I wanted to do was kiss him until his lips were numb. Does that count as revenge?

"Cy, I think I can forgive you. . .this one. . .time. . ." I said, in-between mouthfuls of a delicious pancake.

Cyrus looked at me with relief, but his face quickly contorted into dismay. I tried to stop chewing so obnoxiously, afraid that I might be grossing him out.

"T.J, I'm  not trying to make us late, but there's something I desperately need to ask you about."

Is it that you're in love with me? Because, I'll be honest. I'm so in love with you. You're looking at me with those big, brown eyes and small smile. All I wanna do is kiss you, and show you off, and make sure everybody knows you're mine. Do you get that, Cyrus Goodman? I really just want you as mine.

"Yes, Cy-Guy?" I replied cooly, trying to place my cold hands on my hot cheeks to control the flame.

Cyrus straightened himself up, as if to appear more confident. "I once liked somebody that 'wasn't into labels'. It might seem fine for the one who establishes that they don't want labels, but the shame and doubt ate me alive. I need to know what we are. I know what I want us to be, and you know too."

I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding in. "Cyrus Goodman, will you do me a favor?"

Cyrus looked at me, slowly nodding his head and giving a slight frown.

"Cyrus, will you be my boyfriend? Will you stick with me despite my anger issues? Will you let me protect you in the ways I've always wanted to?" I found myself trying to hold back tears, which were beginning to form and threatened to spill over and onto my red-hot cheeks.

Cyrus softly traced his fingers from my collarbone, up my neck, and to my jaw until he finally settled himself near my lips.

"T.J, I'm yours. I'll be by your side no matter what, and I'll take care of you the way I've always wanted to. I always thought you were, you know, unattainable. I'm this timid little kid that overthinks everything. You're this confident, strong, athletic, good-looking, swe-"

"Cyrus," I said, looking up at him through my lashes as I tried my best to give him a flirty gaze. "I am so freaking whipped for you."

It wasn't but a second longer until his lips were crashing against mine, the subtle taste of his cherry chapstick fogging my mind and transporting me to another world. A world where it was only Cyrus and I. I slowly brought his hands up, pinning them against the back of his seat as I deepened our kiss. It took all of my strength to break the spell before I took it too far. . .

Cyrus looked at me, perhaps a bit of hurt showing on his now-pink face. Nevertheless, he sighed and gave me a small smile, and that was reassuring in itself.

"Let's go to school, Underdog. I wanna show my boyfriend off to all of my friends, okay?"

"Wherever you go, I'm with you all the way, Teej."


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