Follow You (ch. 7)

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I checked myself out in the mirror for what seemed like the millionth time tonight. I checked my teeth again, I finger-brushed my hair again, and I waited for what seemed like forever for 5:30 pm. 

After Cyrus and I finished our practice session around 3 pm, we agreed that we should part ways until our dinner at 6 o'clock. Or rather, I asked that we part ways so that I could pick him up myself and make the night as special as it could be. I might also have wanted a little bit of extra time to shower and get dressed in something more date-appropriate. I wanted tonight to be special for Cy...and us. 

At 5:24 pm, I was already rushing to the front door when my mom stopped me on my way out. 

"T.J, my sweetheart, are you going to be ready for our court session? I know it seems like a long ways away, but two months is not that long in the grand scheme of things."

I subtly rolled my eyes and hurriedly flicked my eyes towards her, not wanting to miss out on any moment I could be with Cyrus. 

"Mom, yeah, I'll be ready. As much as I would love to stay and talk about my dad being in prison and how he basically risked our family's stability for his own personal gain..." I sucked in my breath. "I need to go pick Cyrus up."

My mom's tone immediately shifted and her eyes lit up. "Honey, of course. Is this your first date with him?"

I nervously scanned the room, looking up at the sky as if to beg the heavens to open up and send a tornado to sweep me up now. "No, mom. This is just dinner. I don't even know if Cyrus knows for sure that I'm..." I stopped myself, not wanting to admit to my mom that it even really mattered what Cyrus thought of me.

"Well, no matter what you want to call your outing tonight, I hope that you have a great time. I'm proud of you for being proud of who you are and--"

"Mom. Please. Let me go. I'll be home by curfew."

"Okay, T.J. Please be careful, and send me pictures of you and your date!"

"Okay, mom..." I muttered under my breath. Finally, I could go now.

I arrived at Cyrus' house at 5:52 pm. I immediately noticed how...trim everything looked. The grass was an artificial shade of green, the house covered in pure white paint. His parents must be very clean, to say the least.

I took a deep breath and readied myself to knock on the door. Or should I ring the doorbell? Did I remember to put cologne on? Just as I raised my fist to knock on the door, the door swung open and I temporarily forgot how to breathe. Cyrus was dressed in a navy gingham shirt, dark jeans, and Sperry shoes. He looked absolutely ravishing. 

"Hey, not-so-scary basketball guy!" Cyrus said, not forgetting to wink at me and let out a small laugh. His laugh made me instantly go weak. 

"Ah...hi." I attempted to steady myself, catching myself biting my lip and blushing like mad. "You look absolutely perfect, Cy. A-are you okay with me driving us tonight?" How was it that Cyrus always seemed so confident and sure of himself with me? I was always catching words in my throat and twisting my tongue trying to speak to him.

"Considering I don't have my license, I think you driving sounds like an optimal idea." Cyrus said, looking at me with brightness in his smile and happiness in his face. "But y'know, I'd feel more comfortable with you driving us regardless."

"Oh yeah? Why's that, Underdog?"

"Because being with you makes me feel safe in a way that I can't quite explain."

My heart was banging against my ribcage, and it took every ounce of strength not to just run into his arms and kiss him like he was the water of life and I hadn't had a drink  in years. 

"You make me feel safe, too, Underdog. Are you ready to head out to The Spoon?" I offered my hand, hoping that he wouldn't reject it. He didn't. He eagerly grabbed my hand and we walked to my old truck, where I opened the door for him and he beamed at me. His smile was like actual sunshine in a person. Cyrus WAS sunshine in a person. I needed tonight to be perfect. 

The ride to The Spoon was mostly quiet, except for one moment where Cyrus heard a song he liked on the radio and decided to serenade me.

"...I knew I loved you then, but you'd never know...

'Cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go
I know I needed you
But I never showed
But I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old
Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go..."

"Underdog, do you like that song?" I glanced over at him, quickly watching as his eyes were closed while he swayed to the music. I wonder if he was thinking about me?

"T.J, I like..." Cyrus stopped himself, and my eyes went wide as I realized what he was about to say.

"You like what, Cy?"

"Ah...I like this song. A lot. It's a great song. A romantic song. If I could make this song into a person, I would snuggle it and hold it against me forever."

Could I please be this song?

10 too-short minutes later, we were at The Spoon. 

"Order whatever you want, Underdog. Dinner is on me tonight." I looked carefully at Cyrus, willing myself to muster the strength to grab his hand or nuzzle his shoulder or SOMETHING. 

"I think I'll get that special you were talking about."

We headed inside and sat down, both gazing at each other as the waiter approached.

"Ah-hem...Ah, good evening," the waiter said, looking intently at Cyrus and myself, "What can I get started for your drinks tonight?"

I immediately grinned at Cyrus, and then to the waiter. 

"I'll have a Chocolate Meltdown milkshake, please."

"Will that be two shakes?" the waiter looked over at Cyrus, waiting for his reply.

"No, actually," I quickly interjected, "Just one for us, please."

Cyrus looked at me, his wide smile somehow growing bigger. He was so freaking adorable. "Yeah, we'll share that shake. And I think we're both getting your Saturday Night special?"

I looked at the waiter and nodded in agreement. "Thank you so much."

Two Saturday Night Specials and one chocolate shake--with two straws--later, I was very full and very happy. "Are you about ready to head out, Underdog?"

"Actually, no. I'm not ready to end this amazing night we're having."

His words made my cheeks burn. "Oh, uh, when were you going to be ready to leave...?"

Cyrus smirked at me. His little half-smile was I slightly shifted in my seat. "Honestly? I could really stand to throw in a movie tonight."

I practically sprung out of my seat and grabbed Cyrus' hand. "Anything you want to see in particular, Cy?"

"No, but I wouldn't mind wandering around with you until we figure something out. I'll go anywhere you want, T.J."


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