Follow You (ch. 7.5)

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** Hi, readers! This story has a rather BIG event take place, and I definitely wanted to keep it as appropriate for all audiences as I saw fit. I will definitely be making a more "mature" spin-off of this story SOON! Let me know what you think! **

Cyrus' POV

T.J and I were on our way to see some scary movie that he had, of course, picked out himself. I begged him not to choose a scary movie--anything but that--yet all he did was smirk and look at me with a devilish grin and bedroom eyes. What could he possibly be up to? And was it bad if I kinda wanted him to be up to something?

We shortly arrived at the movie theater after a rather quiet drive. I just couldn't keep myself from glancing over at T.J. His face was so soft, and his lips were so...kissable. His hands looked strong as he gripped the steering wheel, and it took all of my strength not to beg him to pull over so I could kiss him and run my hands through his hair. I don't know how into that he'd be, though. I almost told him I LIKED him earlier, for crying out loud! What if I had actually let that slip?

I demanded to pay for our popcorn and drinks, as T.J had been sweet enough to buy our dinner and milkshake. He tried to resist me paying, but I was firm on this. I wanted to treat him as well as he was treating me tonight. 

"It looks like we're in Theater 5 tonight," T.J said, looking at me with a soft smile on his face.

"Yeah, it looks like it..." I was clearly in a daze. I couldn't stop thinking about how dark the theater was. Maybe I could 'accidentally' brush my hand against his or, I don't know, somehow brush our lips together and pretend I couldn't see? Yeah, that might not work...

T.J and I sat down together, just in time to watch the theater darken and the final preview fade away. T.J excitedly grabbed the popcorn and immediately started filling his cheeks with it. He was so cute! I felt my face flush as I carefully watched him eat. Focusing on T.J eat and watching the way his jaw flexes like that would be more interesting than watching some horror movie anyway...

T.J leaned over and whispered, "Hey, Underdog. I just wanted to let you know that if you get a little scared, I'm right here next to you for you to grab onto. Don't worry, I'll hold you tight."

I felt my chest tighten at his words, and I suddenly understood why he had so adamantly demanded we see a horror movie. 

T.J wanted me to hold him when I got scared.

He certainly didn't have to tell me twice. I vigorously nodded my head and smiled at him, letting my gaze linger on his lips maybe a moment too long. T.J matched my gaze and followed his eyes down, breaking into a smirk once he realized what I was looking at. 

The movie wasn't as scary as it first seemed to be...It was MUCH worse. I was periodically screaming my head off, and T.J would keep bringing his lips close to my ear to whisper a loving "shhh..." every time I did. His whisper and the feel of his breath on my ear sent shivers down my spine. Maybe I should scream my head off more often. I was clutching onto T.J for my life, constantly burying my head in between his arms and covering my eyes with his chest.  He smelled so amazing...

I don't know how I managed to relax so much doing a horror movie, but I ended up falling asleep with my head resting on T.J's lap, waking up to the feeling of circles being traced along my back and spine. When my eyes fluttered open, I noticed T.J's was looking down at me and tracing shapes along my back with his fingers. The credits were rolling, so I knew I would have to somehow get up soon. This was all I ever dreamed of--how could I leave? 

It took all of my mental strength and the theater lights coming back on for me to finally rise and face T.J. He didn't seem to mind that I had fallen asleep.

"Hey, looks like you really enjoyed the movie..." T.J said softly, his smile gentle and sweet. I let out a chuckle, because he was definitely right in a way.

"Yeah, I guess horror movies are my new thing now."

"After what happened tonight, I'd have to agree with you. I want to take you to every scary movie that comes out from now on. Is that okay, Underdog?"

"I'd be upset if you didn't, T.J."

We walked out to his truck together, hand-in-hand, until he opened the door for me to hop inside. 

The energy between us was riveting. Should we kiss? Would he kiss ME? "Should I tell him I like him?"

"You like me, Cyrus?"

I did not just say that out loud. 

"Underdog. Cy. You like me?"

I definitely said that out loud. 

T.J turned his signal on and pulled over in a rather dark neighborhood, with no street lights except for a dimly-lit one in the distance. 

I closed my eyes and willed my racing thoughts to calm down for a moment. Just as I thought my mind was slowing down, I felt something soft brush against my lips. 

"I saw you looking at me all night, Cy. I've been dreaming about doing this for longer than you know."

His lips coaxed mine to move in time with his as our kisses grew faster and faster. I slid my hands up his neck until I could tangle my fingers in his hair. It was beyond soft. Our kisses eventually slowed down and T.J began to kiss me so passionately. I loved how small I felt next to him with his powerful frame. I began to move my hands downwards, down his chest and sides and stomach...But then he slightly pulled away from me and the energy came to a speeding halt.

"T.J...what's the matter?"

"We need to get you home Cy," T.J said with softness in his voice. 

"Why, T.J? I-i really loved what we were doing..." 

"I loved it too, Cyrus. And I can't wait to do more of it. But I can't trust myself to keep you so innocent if you're going to do things like...that," T.J said, glancing downwards at his lower half. "When I want something so badly enough, I will find a way to get it. And I want you. But I also know that you're not ready for that...yet. And I only have so much self-control..." T.J looked at me with a smirk and my eyes went wide as I realized what he was referring to.

"T.J, I really, really like you. Don't be worried about me, please."

T.J looked at me with the sweetest smile I had ever seen. "I'm not worried about you, Underdog. I'll know when you're ready to take things further. In the meanwhile, let's just do a lot more of this..." 

T.J leaned closer to my face and nuzzled his nose against mine. My breath was stuck in my throat and I couldn't seem to comprehend my train of thought. He slowly kissed me, again with so much passion that my whole body heated up and I couldn't help but fall for him all over again.


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