Untitled Part 6

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I laid on my bed , My cats laid next to me, the next morning I woke up at 7AM, the same routine as everyday but with a different destination, and a different target... taking the job.

I am in front of the hotel where my whole life is going to change, I walked with confidence, I have waited for a long hour until my turn has come, I was kind of nervous, scared to lose, scared to break my dreams, but I gathered myself up and walked in that room, there was three people, a young beautiful woman, one older man, and a young man in the middle, he might be Mr. Green, I stood up in the middle they were discussing something, the girl noticed me, and she asked me to take a sit

Emmy: Hello!

The girl: Hello, can you present your self

Emmy: I'm Emily Watson, 20 years old, I'm in my senior year in the cinema university,

The old man: umm how did you know about this competition?

Emmy: my teacher advised me

The young man was only watching me, he made me nervous.

The girl: tell us about your story

Emmy: It' s a romantic dramatical one; it's about a young hard working girl who fell in love with a doctor, unfortunately his best friend revealed her love to him before they could be together, because she was sick and on the verge of dying, so he had to choose between the two of them, love or friendship.

Kevin: that's old school

Emmy: excuse me?

Kevin: it's always the same thing, there's nothing special in your story

Emmy: that's your point of view before reading the scenario, you can't judge

Kevin: why do you think that after I read the scenario I would change my mind?

Emmy: Because this is the best story I've ever written, because it's full of drama and romance, you can cry and laugh at the same time, you can be excited, you would want to finish the story and you can't stop reading it or watching it, because while writing I couldn't stop writing, because I wrote it happily, because this is my dream, this what I do, and this is what I want to do.

Kevin: leave it here, I will call you after I read it to see wether I changed my mind or not

Emmy: that's it?

Kevin: yes!

Emmy: Okay!

I walked out that door slowly, and curious, did he like it? Didn't he? I don't know,

Kevin: I like her

Abbie: so do I

Kevin: I will read this one, that's it for today let's go

Abbie: where r you going?

Kevin: to lunch

Abbie: wait I'm coming with you

Kevin: Ok,

Abbie: so where to?

Abbie was going to fall, but Kevin caught her

Kevin: are you ok? What's wrong?

Abbie: I'm fine, don't worry

Kevin: sit down

Abbie: I'm fine, come on let's go

Kevin: you need to see a doctor, you've been like this for a while 

Abbie: I've already done, there's nothing serious, it's only because of tire

Kevin: are you sure?

Abbie: yeah sure!

At night Emily went to her job, but the director stopped her,

Alan: Miss Watson, I want you in my office now

Emmy: Ok sir... Adam?

Adam pulls his head down

I knew then something bad happened or is going to happen a few minutes later, I walked in his office

Alan: you were absent yesterday

Emmy: yes sir but...

Alan: but you didn't let us know, and without any permission

Emmy: I had to...

Alan: I don't want any excuses, mast time you ruined the party, and now you're playing at work, this is getting out of control I'm sorry you're out

Emmy: what? But why? I can't...

Alan: I'm sorry

Emmy: ok

I walked out and I couldn't stop my tears, what am I going to do now? I have nothing, I need this job, I saw Adam heading to me

Adam: Emmy?

Emily: I'm fired

Adam: what? He was mad, but I didn't expect him to fire you

Emily: well he did... how did he know? Adam tell me

Adam: it's Melissa, she told him 

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