Untitled Part 15

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Jade: sure, why not

Emmy: no, we were leaving,

Kevin: it's quite early for work; we still have half an hour, take a sit Abbie

Kevin sat right In front of me, while Abbie was in front of Jade, we were looking at each other for while, flames were turning between me and Kevin, and everyone noticed it.

Abbie: so how did you guys know each other?

Jade: she used to work in a restaurant where I've organized a party on day

Abbie: really? Umm interesting,

Kevin was drinking his cup of coffee fast

Emmy: Kevin easy on you, you'll burn your throat up

Kevin: I guess it's time to get back to work, goodbye Mr. Jade, Emmy come

Jade: wait Emmy!

Emmy: yes?

Jade: give me your number, we'll keep in touch

Emmy: sure

I felt Kevin's looks eating me, I knew that he was jealous and I knew that he would want to kill Jade, and actually, I was really happy, I won't lie, I was happy seeing jealousy in his eyes. We went back to work, Kevin was silent the whole way.

Abbie: Kevin, are you ok?

Kevin: I'm fine

Tomorrow was a big day, at night we had a bigparty, so I had to look nice, Jade called me, he wanted to meet me, so Iinvited him to the party, he was happy, actually I'm kind of surprised of hisbehaviors, didn't have a girlfriend, may be they broke up, maybe he just wantmy friendship, I'm confused, I bought a dress, a black one, I love black , Ifinished my make up, and when I went down and I was surprised by Jade who was waiting for me to take me, I didn't see Kevin and Abbie, may be they left, I got in the car.

When they left, Kevin and Abbie were just going down the stairs,

Kevin: did you talk to Emily?

Abbie (upset): no, why?

Kevin: she's going with us

Abbie: I thought we were going together

Kevin didn't know what to say: I will call here then we'll go

Emily missed Kevin's call

Kevin: she doesn't answer

Abbie: maybe she left, let's go

As soon as they got there, he was looking for her, his eyes were rolling around his heard, his heart couldn't stop beating , a car stopped in front of the entry, it was Jade, Kevin thought about something, he hopes he was wrong, he was watching everything, Jade, turned to the other side of the car, opened the front door, Kevin was waiting for the girl going down of that car, and here she comes, Emily, the beautiful Emily, she was looking gorgeous, attractive in her black dress showing her fit body, she held his hand, and walked in together.

Jade: you look really beautiful

Emily: thanks, so do you!

I knew that he was going to say something, but he couldn't

Emily: why didn't your girlfriend come with you?

Jade: umm we broke up

Emily: OMG! Did you? Why is that?

Jade: just forget about her now, I'm so glad for seeing you again,

Emily: really, thanks, me too

Jade: do you want to dance

I looked at Kevin, who was staring at me angrily, I held Jade's hand he held me closer and we were dancing on my favorite song," Perfect",

Jade: Emily!

Emmy: yes?

Jade: what's going on between you and Kevin?

Emmy: nothing!

Jade: are you sure?

Emmy: of course!

Kevin (to Abbie): let's dance

Abbie: ok

Kevin and Abbie were dancing near me and Jade, I knew he was trying to keep us close but I've never expected him doing what he's done

Jade: you know that I'm still waiting for you to go out with me

Emmy: me? Going out with you? You mean like a date?

Jade: yes, maybe, so, when should I pick you up?

Before I could answer him, Kevin pushed Abbie to Jade and held me , I could feel his breaths really hot on my face, his heart beats were getting faster and faster, he was holding me so tight he could break my waist, like he was telling me your mine, don't go, you're all mine.

Emmy: Kevin what's wrong with you? You're hurting me

Kevin: shut up Emily! So you're going out with him, ha!

Emmy: this is none of your business

Kevin: sure it is

Emmy: no it's not, let me go!

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