Untitled Part 13

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Kevin (followed my steps with his eyes, I couldn't read what he exactly want to tell me, may be sorry, may be regret, I don't know): Abbie, we have to talk about this morning

Abbie: yeah! Sure

Kevin: I don't want to hear that you don't want to heal

Abbie: but...

Kevin: just let me finish, you're going to promiss me that you will do anything you need so you can heal, and I'll never leave you, ok? I can't leave you, you know that I love you, I can't let you die

Abbie: really?

Kevin: really

Abbie: do you love me?

Kevin: I do, but not the way you think, let's see

Abbie: I got it

Kevin: I'm gonna go see Emily

I heard everything Kevin you don't have to prove anything

Kevin: Emily?

Emmy: what?

Kevin: I hope you could understand

Emmy: I did don't worry

Kevin: just listen to me

Emmy: I don't want to, just forget about it

Kevin: she's my best friend and...

Emmy: why are you explaining this to me, I really understand, I love Abbie, and I want what's best for her

Abbie: Emily?

Emmy (to Kevin): I gotta go now, we'll meet at work

Abbie: where's Kevin

Emmy: he left, do you need anything?

Abbie: no I'm just going to sleep

Emmy: ok, goodnight

And that was one other night where I couldn't sleep; it had ended before even it could have started.

The next morning I woke up a new person, a fresh start, I decided to forget everything, to forget him, I will focus on my work, on my dream, I found Abbie already woken up, and preparing the table

Abbie: Good morning dear!

Emmy: Abbie, what are you doing?

Abbie: we'll be late, we have to breakfast really fast and go

Emmy: are you going to work?

Abbie: of course I am

Emmy: but!

Abbie: no but! I'm so happy?

Emmy: oh really? Why?

Abbie: because things are getting really good and closer with Kevin

Emmy (chocked): ha! Really? I'm happy for you

Abbie: OMG! I didn't mean to, I'm sorry

Emmy: don't worry, anyway let's go

I couldn't talk, can you imagine, she's talkingabout your crush in front of you, this is going to be really hard for me toforget about my feelings, and it's going to hurt me, but I have to be strong, I am strong, so when we got there, Kevin was surprised he wasn't expecting Abbie to show up.

Kevin: Good morning? What are you doing here?

Abbie: Good morning! You know me, I don't like staying home, I can't

Kevin: Good morning Emmy!

Emmy: Good morning! (I looked into his eyes, and I left)

Today we finished a month of working, everything is going fine, Abbie started her therapy, Kevin's always with her, she's so happy, and my heart burns every time I see them together, talking, laughing, I know he's trying really hard to make it work for her after he convinced her to start her therapy, patience Emily, everything's going to be just fine, and I was getting away from him as far as I could, every time we meet, we don't talk, we just let our eyes, our feelings, our hearts meet,

Kevin: How are you?

Emmy: I'm good how's Abbie?

Kevin: oh! She's fine, yeah, so!

Emmy: I gotta go!

Kevin: no wait, Emmy

Emmy: what?

Kevin: you know that we need to talk,

Emmy: about what?

Abbie: yes! About what?

Kevin: Abbie? Umm you know about the lunching party

Emmy (disappointed): coward!

Abbie: It's tomorrow right?

Emmy: I've done everything I had to do, there's nothing more to discuss

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