Untitled Part 17

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Abbie: Emmy, I didn't know you're coming too

Emmy: me neither

Jade (was angry): Kevin are you following us

Kevin: excuse me?

I felt fire between us so I had to interrupt it

Emmy: Jade let' sit there

Kevin: you'll sit with us

Jade: no, we want some privacy

Kevin was looking at Jade like he was going to jump on him

Emmy: ok, Jade come on

We settled

Jade: do you love this place

Emmy: I love it thank you

Jade: I was thinking the whole night about where to go, and I wanted it to be special,

Emmy: it is, listen I'm sorry about Kevin, I didn't know how

Jade: don't worry about him, don't want to swim? (he took his shirt off, and I was lost with his muscles, he was so hot)

Emmy: no I won't

Jade: why?

Emmy: nothing

Jade: look at me

Emmy: what?

Jade: are you scared?

Emmy (I nodded my head)

Jade (held my hand): walk with me?

He held my hand and we walked near the water

Abbie: Kevin?

Kevin (was watching Emmy and Jade): hum?

Abbie: why did we come here?

Kevin: we're in Miami, we have to be here

Abbie: I mean, did you know that Emily and Jade were coming too?

Kevin: what? Are you serious?

Abbie: yes I am, do you think that I don't know that you love her

Kevin: I don't want to talk about it

Abbie: we have to

Kevin: Abbie please, don't think about these things now, just take care of yourself

Jade and Emily were walking

Jade: why didn't you tell me?

Emmy: tell you what?

Jade: that you can't swim

Emmy: I didn't expect that

Jade: so tell me happened

Emmy: I was a little girl, in one moment a big wave crushed me, my father saved me then, after that my parents died, nobody left to save me

Jade: do you want to try?

Emmy: no I can't

Jade: of course you can... trust me, I won't let your hand go

Emmy: promise?

Jade: Promise

I was scared, but I felt kind of relief with Jade, so I did it, I got in water,

Abbie: they're getting closer

Kevin: aha!

Abbie: I like them both together, I dare you they're falling for each other

Kevin: Abbie shut up!

Kevin was watching Jade and Emily swimming he couldn't support his love holding someone else's hand, so he went straight to them like a tinder, he was angry, so angry, he caught Emily

Emily: what are you doing?

Jade: Kevin, you're pushing

Kevin: really? Aren't you?

Jade: leave her alone

Kevin: I won't

Kevin took Emily on his shoulders, and swam out

Emily: Stop, Kevin! Stoop!

Kevin: I told you you're mine

Emily: you're crazy

When Kevin put Emily down, Jade came and punched him in the face, Kevin punched him back, and the third world war began, they stopped on Emily's shouts

Emily: Abbie!! Abbie! Look at me! Wake up Abbie!

Kevin: Abbie! What happened?

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