Untitled Part 10

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The first day of filming, everyone was so excited, especially me, I was so happy seeing my dream becoming real, and the first step of success has already been stepped, we wanted to celebrate tonight, so we went dinner Abbie, Kevin and me to a restaurant it was a great dinner, and we wanted to close the evening in the bar but Abbie was tired

Kevin: Abbie are you ok? You look really tired

Abbie: yes it's just because of the overwork

Emmy: let's go back then

Abbie: no, you can move on with your celebrating, I'll take a taxi home

Kevin: are you sure?

Abbie: of course, don't worry, goodnight!

Emmy: goodnight!

When Abbie got in her room, she took her box of medications, then she kept watching some picture of her with Kevin with her tearing eyes.

Kevin (drinking): so Emily, tell me about your family, were they happy when you got this job

Emmy: maybe, I wish I could know, I mean they must be

Kevin: why?

Emmy: my parents are dead

Kevin: I'm so sorry

Emmy: it's ok, it's been a long time, they died in a car accident, I was with them in the car, but they saved me, I spent my whole life in the orphanage, and I took care of cats because I didn't want them to feel the same as I felt, without any protection, and alone, when I turned out 18, I finished school, and I got in cinema university, and I had to work so I can afford it, actually I was the best student there, the reason why my teacher suggested this to me

Kevin: my parents has died too

Emmy: really?

Kevin: no, but they neglected me when I became a director, they wanted me to head the company

Emmy: since when?

Kevin: four years

Emmy: that's too much, I think you should talk to them

Kevin: they don't want to

Emmy: have you ever tried to?

Kevin: I called them once

Emmy: you called them, but you didn't go see them, listen to me Kevin, go see your family before it's too late, you don't feel the value of things until you lose them, trust me, if I had the chance to be with my parents I would never let them go

Kevin: why aren't you drinking?

Emmy: I don't drink

Kevin (drunk): you know you're a nice girl, I think we'll be doing good

Emmy: ok Kevin, stop drinking, let's go

Kevin: no

Emmy: enough for today, you're drunk

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