Untitled Part 14

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I walked away from them, when I heard someone calling me

....: excuse me! Miss?

And I was surprised, really

Emmy: yes?

...: do you remember me?

Emmy: you're...

...: I organized a party for my girlfriend or ex... never mind! I'm Jade

Emmy: I'm Emily, or Emmy

Jade: it's really nice seeing you today Emily, what are you doing here?

Emmy: I'm working here, what are you doing here?

Jade: I'm here for work too, do you have sometime, maybe we can have a talk

Emmy: actually I'm in my break now I have an hour

Jade: that's good, so let's have a coffee

Emmy: ok!

I turned around me and Kevin was watching me, I smiled at him and walked with Jade.

Kevin: who's that?

Abbie: who's who?

Kevin: that guy with Emmy

Abbie: I don't know, why are you asking?

Kevin: just asking

Emmy and Jade settled in a café

Jade: I really have never expected meeting you here

Emmy: yeah? Me too 

Jade: you said that you're working here? Did you move to a nearby restaurant?

Emmy: no, actually we're making a movie here, and I am the author

Jade: are you?

Emmy: yes, of course

Jade: that's great I didn't know

Emmy: and what are you doing here?

Jade: we have a work meeting here in Miami

Emmy: oh!

While we were talking I noticed someone that I know walking in that café, Kevin what are you doing here?

Jade: is anything wrong?

Emmy: no, I'm fine

Jade (looking where I was looking): do you know him?

Emmy: uuhh!!

Kevin: Emily!!

Emmy: Kevin??

Kevin: what a coincidence!

Emmy: yeah! Right!

Kevin: hello! Mr.??

Jade: hello! I'm Jade, Emmy's old friend, you are?

Kevin: old friend ha! I'm her boss, and her friend

Emmy: idiot!

Kevin: do you mind if we sit with you

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